
Religion Chapter 8

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Chapter seven begins by identifying mercy as what distinguishes Catholic morality. The text also states that many Catholics believe that what is right for Catholics is right for everyone, and what is wrong for Catholics is wrong for everyone (Pg. 117). Since I am not a Catholic, I do not agree with this idea. Although I agree with many Catholic morals, America was founded on religious freedom and we have been given the privilege to have our own individual beliefs. I do not feel it is right to make laws specific to one religion or the other, since we are a country of many religions and belief systems. I do, however, agree with the Catholic tradition of helping someone in need. I wish this were a universal principle for all people, although it seems many Americans are often too …show more content…

When I lived in the South Pacific for two years, I learned what it was like to be a part of communal living where everyone helps one another on a daily basis, very different from the individualistic United States. This chapter also discusses justice and how we often see the need for structural change by acting from mercy (Pg. 133). I found this to be a very good point I had not previously thought of. When we seek to help others, we are able to better understand their situation. Chapter eight reflects the work and teaching of Thomas Aquinas. Thomas believed that every human action is a moral action (Pg. 142). This goes beyond the major moral conflicts we often name such as war, racism, or abortion (as listed in the text). Aquinas definition of moral action includes the conflicts we face on a daily basis, as “ordinary life is the matter for moral

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