It is important to remember the events of September 11, 2001. Many lives were lost for no reason and it was one of the most significant days in American history. On September 11,2001 terrorists flew two planes with passengers into the World Trade Centers in Manhattan. On this day Americans were attacked because radical islams wanted to hurt us. We should remember the events of this day because many innocent lives were lost for absolutely no valid reason. Over 300 first responders died while putting others lives first. More than three thousand civilians lost their lives. They had families that were expecting them to walk back through the front door at the end of the day. Those killed were husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters,
September 11th, 2001 was a very traumatic time for the United States. On that day planes were hijacked and flown into the World Trade Center and caused the Twin Towers to collapse (“11 Facts”). Along with the Twin Towers collapsing, the Pentagon building in Washington, DC was hit with a plane and another plane crashed down near Shanksville, Pennsylvania (“11 Facts”). On United Flight 93, the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania, passengers became aware of the hijacking and tried to fight the hijackers to regain control of the plane (“11 Facts”). So many people were killed and within all those people, several of them were either police officers or fire fighters (“11
9.11.01 was a horrifying day for the people of America, as well as many others from across the globe. It has been 14 years since that day and people will still be remembering this day forever. People will never forget 9.11, where two planes that were hijacked by Islamic people sent by Osama Bin Laden and flown into the twin towers, and another plane that had hit the pentagon. I think of this day as the saddest day that America had ever had.
September 11, 2001 was not just any ordinary day for the citizens of the United States and the city of New York, but a devastating attack that has put us all in shock and fear. As all of you know, the Tuesday that this country was ambushed and attacked destructively by terrorists, was one of the saddest days America has ever seen. Not only did it affect the people that were in the World Trade Center Towers and the loved ones who unfortunately passed away, but it affected our country as a whole. Scared, devastated, astonished, and surprised are just a few words that begin to describe September 11th. As separate states and people, I can confidently say that America has never been closer together as one than on that
At 8:45 am in the morning, the month of September, day 11 and year 2001 is a day that we wish would have never happened. The death of over thousands of souls was caused by two hijacked planes headed straight into the world trade center. This date caused the whole country to become one. The country came together to love, care, and respect one another, but that did not last long. To this day, even years after the unforgettable incident of 9/11, the attack caused racial tension against those of different races and division towards other countries.
September 11, 2001 was a horrible day. But there are lessons to be learned. We never know what the future holds or when we may leave this earth. We need to live each day showing compassion and care for others. I ask that we remember all the people whose lives were taken, and their families. We also need to thank the people who protect us everyday to keep this tragedy from repeating itself. Please thank your families, friends, and the people who serve this country and protect us from evil.
September 11, 2001 is the saddest day that America has ever experienced. The terrorist attack that took place killed over 2,000 innocent American citizens and left their families and loved ones in sorrow. The terrorist attacks that took place on September 11, 2001 was such a terrifying day every single American and for every other country in the world. The United of America will never forget 9/11, the day Osama Bin Laden planned a terrorist attack on the United States by hijacking two passenger planes and steering them into the World Trade Center, and hijacking a third plane and steering it into the Pentagon. The field trip that we took to the 9/11 Memorial this past Monday was a great and humbling experience. Being that I was only four
On September 11’th 2001 on the morning hijacked by 19 Arab men 4 aircraft were all heading towards California, and used them as suicide missiles. They flew into the World Trade Center two twin towers, the Pentagon and after a long struggle with passengers crashed last down on a field. World Trade Center consisted of seven buildings, three of the buildings collapsed and the four others were damaged by the other collapsed. It is believed that the 19 Arab men, was led by the Egyptian Mohammed Atta (1968-2001) 5.
Most Americans remember the hardship from the events that took place on September 11, 2001. It was a very hard time for many families; loved ones were passing or saying their last words over the phone. It was hard on more than just those people though. Through it, all heroes stepped-up and terrorists were overcome. Damage was done, but memorials were built to remember the good, not the bad. September 11, 2001, is a day that terrorists tried to bring America to its knees; however, heroes arose to act as true patriots to save hundreds of lives including Flight 93 and the Pentagon.
On September 11, 2001 the United States was changed, and from that change the citizens decided to come together. On that faithful day, the Twin Towers, and the Pentagon were attacked by terrorists. Many, many people lost their lives and/or loved ones. This day also taught the people a lot, and the people realized they still had a lot to learn. Law enforcement and fire department officers faced the biggest hardship in decades.
September 11, 2001 is a date in history that changed the lives of people from all over the world and especially the lives of Americans. On this day nineteen militant men associated with al-Qaeda, an Islamic extremist group, hijacked four airplanes and carried out multiple suicide attacks on different locations in the United States. Two of the planes directly struck the World Trade Center located in New York City, one of the other two planes hit the Pentagon in Washington D.C., and the final plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania before it could reach its final destination. On this day, more than 3,000 people were killed including over 400 first responding police officers and firefighters. In recent years as people look back on that day it is remembered as a time when the country was joined together by grief and showed an overwhelming amount of comfort and support to the victims and their families; it was also a time of extreme national pride. People also remember that following the attacks the economy suffered tremendously, in addition, air traffic which makes up a portion of the economy was greatly disrupted, both of which created uncertainty about the security of the financial markets critical to the success of the United States. What most people do not remember is the immediate backlash and hostility the Muslim and Arab communities received following the attacks by both civilians and the media. This is a topic that has been largely ignored by the public and media’s
On September 11, 2001 is a very known and sad date for every american. On this day four different terrorist planes hit the largest buildings, the twin towers were 50,000 people work. When this happened everybody had to not become selfish and needed to help one another. After this took place many people died and were
September 11, 2001, a date that will never be forgotten, a date that will forever hold a place in America's heart. This day is one that changed the United States of America, forever. A beautiful September day, when men from Al Qaeda began with hijacking a plane and hitting the north twin tower in New York City. It left people confused thinking “was this an accident?” But, it was no accident, this was a terrorist attack. Following after, the north tower being hit, the south tower was next. Hijackers had another plane and hit the pentagon. Flight 93 from Boston en route to San Francisco was hijacked, flight crew and people on the plane knew about the attack in New York City. The passengers then made the decision to take over the plane and crashed
What happened on September 11th, 2001? A day that will be remembered and never forgotten, a day that many innocent people died because of a terrible tragedy that happened on September 11th, 2001 at the World Trade Center in New York City. To many people it probably just looked like another regular work day, but didn’t expect the worst that day. On September 11, 2001, nearly 3,000 people were killed in the terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center in New York City (”11 facts about 9/11”). September 11 was one of the saddest days in history. September 11, 2001 was the day that changed the world, and affected the US. People on those building s known as the twin towers weren’t only Americans but people of every
September 11, 2001, the start of terrorism in The United States, and the end of innocence in our lives. Some of us are lucky to never know the fright of that horrid day. For others though, the events that transpired on September 11 will live on forever in their memory.
Do you ever have one of those moments in your life in which you will never forget where you were? I remember waking up early on September 11, 2001, getting ready for school and my dad telling me hurry up to watch the news with him. Being in 8th grade at the time, the news really wasn’t something I would watch in the mornings so I knew it had to be something important. Then I saw it. An airplane crashing into a tower, people panicking, and mayhem ensuing in a city very well known to me. When any tragic event like 9/11 occurs, the effect it will have on a nation is tremendous. It left America in shock, anger, and sadness just to name a few adjectives to describe the insurmountable amount of feelings that we felt on that day.