Recently my english class had read the book To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. We also watched the movie Remember the Titans. Race relations have changed drastically through the years and is represented in the book and the movie. In this analysis, I will write about how in America we have gotten past seeing color and see people for who they are.
During the Jim Crow Era being black was like a crime. They weren’t given rights like the white people. They couldn’t walk down the street without people giving them nasty names or throwing things at them. During the book To Kill a Mockingbird, Tom Robinson was found guilty even though evidence stated he was innocent. Just because of his race, he was found guilty.
Remember the Titans took place
The classic book “To Kill a Mockingbird” and the movie “Remember the Titans” deals with the concept of social injustice in terms of racial prejudice through the setting and characters. Both stories took place in a time where in Southern areas, people were treated very poorly based on their race. In “To Kill a Mockingbird”, one of the main characters, Atticus Finch, was a white lawyer who was fighting to acquit a black man, Tom Robinson. Tom was being accused of sexually assaulting a white woman named Mayella Ewell, even though a lot of evidence in the case indicated that he was innocent. The jury declared Tom was guilty because of the racial prejudice against him.
In to kill a mockingbird the defendant Tom Robinson is a young black man and the plaintiffs is Mayella Ewell, a young white girl . Through colorism black people seem to appear as “bad” whereas white people are seen as “good”. Tom Robinson has the poor event of being judged .
This paper will examine the motion picture that was released in 2000, a film named Remember the Titans. The film takes two different groups of peoples, that hates each other to come together and win the league title. The different types of factors that affected the team will be explored in this paper and how a coach takes a team from nothing to winning the league title. The performance of the team had many factors that effected the team, in this paper I will look into organizational group dynamics and team concepts.
Martin Luther King said, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” Racism is still an issue that can be seen in the twenty-first century. Although, tons of progress has been made over the last century, some still hold on to racist beliefs. The majority of classic American literature demonstrates the racism that was present in the early twentieth century. By looking at the theme of race in the American classic, To Kill a Mockingbird, it is clear that people are quick to judge others based on their own opinions and feelings.
Back then when if you were black you would be guilty until proven innocent, no matter what. The reason for that was because people were more racist back then than today and black people were the main target. Even if you did nothing and you were black, if someone told on you and accused you of doing something really bad even if there is no proof you would still get in trouble. In Scottsboro Boys there was nine black boys who went to a train men were fighting them because they illegally rode the train. There were also 2 women that falsely accusing them of rape. You can find all this information on the “False Accusations” part of The Scottsboro Boys. They had to go through a lot to prove their innocence. Not that much changed today 5 young black men got accused of raping a woman not to long ago. Then young men had to go to court to prove their innocence, comparable to the time when in To Kill a Mockingbird when Tom Robinson got accused of raping Bob Ewell's daughter, Mayella. She got caught lying a lot in court and Tom Robinson was innocent but it was unfair for black people back then so he was guilty even though he was innocent and went to
Prejudice, as defined in psychology, is a negative attitude towards members of a group, based on an individual’s involvement of that group. All of us are subject to be a target of prejudice concerns. Any one man or woman who is prejudice against a group, will tend to ignore the individual characteristics or behavior of members of the group that they themselves share, solely based on the reason they associate themselves to a different group. In the film ‘Remember the Titans’, prejudice is portrayed in several ways, but mainly targets the discrimination of the African-Americans. Racism is one form of prejudice that becomes a recurring action seen throughout most of the movie, it doesn’t slow town until the town starts to see how well all
During the Civil Rights movement there were many obstacles to try and assure equal rights between the whites and blacks. With the unpersuadable community there was not much improvement. The laws didn’t promise a place where everything was equal because the attitude that the community had. It was acknowledged in schools, churches and other places in the community about the discrimination that was going on, but they did not know when things were going to become equal. In the book To Kill A Mockingbird, it is continuously showing points of discrimination throughout. A black man in the story named Tom Robinson was blamed for raping a white woman. Tom wasn't alone in the trial a guy named Atticus Finch was there to defend him. Atticus, taught both
Racism is a big part in “To kill a mockingbird”,and is a very important part of the story.the town's people of maycomb are very opposite to African American, one of example in the book the Tom Robinson's trial case where to had give a trueful,the jury still sided with Bob Ewell because he was a white man “I close my eyes as Judy Taylor was polling the jury vote ;guilty guilty guilty “Pg 209 this quote few the book shows that the body jury did vote Tom Robinson 100% guilty without looking at the evidence, they think because he african american he lying, and don't see his side of the story they just see the white man story and assume is true.Even with the evidence they think he is guilty even. . In today's times there is not that much racism but it does exist for instance jet in the story is not being racially at all but during the case he didn't understand like Atticus pointed out “ if you (jem) had been on the jury son, and the eleven other boy like you Tom would be a freeman.the
In To Kill a Mockingbird, it was portrayed through Tom Robinson. Tom Robinson was convicted as guilty from most of the jurors because of his skin color, not because of the evidence. The one jury who voted against the group’s decision was the one who Atticus confronted few days before the court trial began. That jury realized that people are just people regardless of their skin color. Also, Bob Ewell showed the evil side by falsely accused against Tom Robinson and took advantage of Tom because he is an African American.
The movie Remember the Titans, focus on family assessment with an emphasis on family values, socialization, healthcare beliefs, and adaptation on how family solves problems. Also, family processes by way of adjustment in a newly ethnic integrated community surrounding sociocultural, environment and roles in the community. The analysis of Remember the Titans is surrounded by the main character Coach Herman Boone, his wife and two daughters including family values and adaptation.
To conclude the novel, “to Kill A Mockingbird”. Despite being published decades ago, still portray various social injustices that occur in today's society. In the novel the black community is treated unfair, as if they are worthless and inhuman. This also happens in the u.s however, not only people of the black community are being target but people of other dark skin races are as wel. Some people cannot afford a lawyer and some aren't granted a fair trial and sometime will get no trial. This happens in the court scene involving tom robinson, even though he had evidence that proved his innocence he was still found guilty all because of his skin color. But the true injustice is the fact that there are laws that are supposed to prevent this unfair judgment in courts but
Movies and entertainment outlets speak volumes about the current state of a nation’s culture. Cinematic creations in the United States allow small voices to be heard and controversial issues to be addressed. However, a repetitive and monumental issue continues to be addressed, yet continues to persist in our 21st century culture, racial inequalities. Since the inception of the United States, black men and women alike have been disenfranchised at the hands of the “white man” in America. Instead of continuing the conversation today, the issue is continually silenced referencing the successes and achievements of the Civil Rights Movement in the 20th century. Nonetheless, an unfortunate reality looms upon this great land; racially based systems and structures continue to exist in 2015 the in United States. This paper synthesizes three films focused on racial inequalities in different time periods. Separate but Equal (1991), Selma (2015), and Crash (2005) illustrate how influential the Civil War amendments are, while serving as an uncanny reminder of how the racial prejudices during the 20th century continue to exist in our great nation today. Needless to say our nation has made great strides, but still has a long way to go.
When Tom Robinson was convicted of a crime and sent to a trial that he had no chance at winning, he had lost any bit of innocence that he would ever get. In a time where the black community faced constant prejudice and discrimination, it was near impossible for any African American to be let off as innocent for any crime. And the sad part to it is that a lot of the blacks sent to trials and jail weren't even guilty of any crime at all, they were innocent. Tom Robinson was sent to a trial for the rape and beatings of Mayella Ewell. No one believed Tom on his innocence and when Atticus, his lawyer at the case, hands down proved his innocence, he was still going to be convicted as guilty. If it had come down to where they had to sit in front of another jury and do the same thing over and prove his innocence again, he still would probably be convicted as a guilty man. In the end Tom would be sentenced as guilty on not fact, or logic but by wrong prejudice ideas. With the broken judicial system and sideways beliefs of the time Tom Robinson lost any little hope he could ever wish for, he was completely stripped of his innocence.
This paper will analyze the film Remember the Titans through a social psychological perspective using principles that are depicted throughout the film. This film takes place in Virginia during the segregation years. One African American coach is picked to be head coach at a school in the suburbs. His team is forced to play with another team that is all white males. Both coaches and players have to go through many difficult trials and tribulations. At first the teams show out and let eachother know that they don’t like each other but in the end become good friend in spite of the segregation. This paper will analyze this film through the social psychological principles of racism, conformity and
There are many differences and similarities in the movie, Clash of Titans, and the story ,