In the film “remember the titans” which Boaz Yakin directed there were some significant character changes. But the character that seemed to change the most in my opinion was Gerry Bertier. In this essay I will describe the character Gerry and what he was like at the start of the movie how he viewed other people and his attitude, how he changed during the movie how he viewed other people and how his attitude changed and the impact of his change. During 1971 the school of TC Williams intergraded the black and whites under one roof. In the one of the first scene it shows a wide camera shot of the blacks and whites rioting against each other. Since the to tow separate schools were integrating this meant they shared the same teams. Gerry was a
‘Describe how a character changes in the film ‘Remember the Titans’ Explain why this change occurs.’
Remember The Titans is a great football movie, and an even better civil rights movie. The movie shows how TC Williams handled desegregation and how the football team brought the community together. When the white players and black players came together for the first time, they did not get along. Coach Herman Boone took the team to a camp, and the players started to get along. When the players went back to school, they experienced the racism all over again. Eventually, the team helped the school and community get over the desegregation.
Most people don’t realize that the media play up the stereotypes and gender roles that are out there. We don’t realize that the movies and television shows we watch feed into the stereotypes and gender roles that we believe in. Remember the Titans, directed by Boaz Yakin, tells the story about a high school football coach, Herman Boone, attempting to integrate T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria in 1971. Boone coming to T.C. Williams High School really upset many parents and students. When the parents of the football players found out he was going to be helping the head coach, Bill Yoast, many were fuming with anger. Why? Because he is African-American. Parents did not want their children playing African-American children in sports or sitting next to them in classrooms. This movie is based on a true story and the film challenges everything we claim we know about discrimination and racism in school.
Director Boaz Yakin created film “Remember the Titans”. This film was set placed in Alexandria, Virginia in 1971. At this time T.C. Williams high school was the first school having black race and white race together and neither race were happy about it. This film talks about how they overcome the racism and how each individual person on the team become one as team. And analysis of “remember the titans” shows people can overcome challenges by hard work, determination and perseverance.
In the 1970s, Americans and African Americans conjoined to the same school, T.C Williams High School in Alexandria, Virginia. Football Coach Yoast was fired and replaced by Coach Herman Boone. Tension rises as white players didn’t want to be coached by a black person. The football team ended up going to training camp in Westbury, Pennsylvania. At first they hated each other, but Coach Boone made them have respect for one another and get to know each other. By the end of training camp, the team grew closer together. T.C Williams went on a undefeated season then won regional and state championship. The characters in Remember the Titans are Denzel Washington as Coach
Because of this Denzil managed to win “Best actor” awards from multiple awards shows including, BET and NAACP Image Awards. Washington's performance of Coach Boone wasn't the only reason that Remember the Titans was so spectacular. The character development of the main Characters Gerry and Julius being played was also a big key to the movie succes. Both of the main characters started off as completely opposites of each other, The movie setting is in the early 1970s in Virginia so Gerry is white and lives in a all white part of town and Julius is black and lives in a black neighborhood, throughout the movie the two bump heads but eventually learn to get past each other's differences and become to trust each other and become family in
“How do Boaz Yakin and Tate Taylor depict historical content to develop the theme of racism in Remember the Titans and The Help in similar and different ways?”
He seems to want the audience to respond with shock and sympathy as they witness how vile the black people are treated. One of the few racism dilemma’s is shown after Gerry, Alan and Ray are returned to the high school after coach Yoast stops them from joining the city riots. Infuriated with the black people fighting back, Gerry instigates the racism and discrimination, snarling, “Hell why don’t you just kick ‘em all off the team. I don’t wanna play with any of them black animals.” This scene was very effective and coincided with the use of close-up camera shots to enhance Gerry’s emotions, whilst reinforcing Yakin’s message that black people were treated poorly and erratically.
Remember the Titans is a classic football movie filled with many obstacles. These obstacles vary from racism to dealing with death. It’s based on a true story that took place in Alexandria, Virginia in 1971. What makes this movie classic is how the players and coaches were able to overcome the issue of segregation and build relationships to form a championship team.
Remember the Titans is a film from 2000 displaying a true story of a racially divided football team from the 1970s. The movie highlights the relationships of the black and white people, and how they learned to interact with each other in a time when this was not the way of life. It brings up a number of questions throughout, of what is right and what is wrong, and really challenges the characters, making it a very interesting movie to watch. I have seen this movie many times, and each time I feel like I get something new out of it. It is a movie that can be used as a teaching tool, it does a great job of interpreting not only what was happening in the United States of America at that time, but social psychology concepts through real life
Reflecting Upon Remember the Titans Segregation between blacks and whites was a very tough problem to get over in our country (one that we have been struggling with for centuries), but I never realized that it was still around a few decades ago- in the 1970's! Today, most kids that I know of, including myself, are very comfortable having friends of a different race, but as I have found out from watching the movie, Remember the Titans, that was not the case a short time ago. This movie is very powerful and motivating because it talks about overcoming prejudice and segregation of blacks and whites in America in the early 1970's in a small town in Virginia.
Remember the Titans is an exciting film about the Civil Rights movement in the U.S. It personifies the power of respect, care and desire to win prevailing over racial prejudice. It showcases how individuals from diversified color, background and culture rose from the occasion and became lifelong friends. The players, Gerry Bertier and Julius Campbell, and the coaches, Herman Boone and Bill Yoast, are truly inspiring figures in the film.
Remember the Titans directed by Boaz Yakin, is an inspirational feature film that retells the true story of a high school football team that overcame racism to win the football championship. Set in Virginia during the forced integration of high school districts in the American south, the film explores the idea of racism, friendship and communication in sports through the use of camera shots and angles, props, body language and juxtaposition. Yakin suggests that racist attitudes are the product of ignorance, but can be overcome by communication and friendship through the representation of Gary’s girlfriend, Emma’s change of attitude toward Julius. Yakin’s representation of Coach Boone
Another important role that is established by one of the players is the role of the magnet that finally brings the black kids and the white kids together. This role is taken on by Louie Lastik. He takes this role when he’s the first one to approach the other black kids and make friends with them. He shows us his role when he sits down net to the black kids
This paper will analyze the film Remember the Titans through a social psychological perspective using principles that are depicted throughout the film. This film takes place in Virginia during the segregation years. One African American coach is picked to be head coach at a school in the suburbs. His team is forced to play with another team that is all white males. Both coaches and players have to go through many difficult trials and tribulations. At first the teams show out and let eachother know that they don’t like each other but in the end become good friend in spite of the segregation. This paper will analyze this film through the social psychological principles of racism, conformity and