Remember the Titans Film Review I choose Remember the Titans because I believe the story that is expressed is one that is very significant. I have never seen this film before, so I really had no idea what the film was about or what to expect. After watching it, I immediately loved the messages that expressed. Remember the Titans is a heartwarming story of a football team that recently has allowed African American players to join an all white football team. It is a story of acceptance and brotherhood that is encouraged by the coaches of the team. Overtime, the players learned to establish life-long friendships, not to judge a book by its cover, and to learn from each other. The main idea of the film is to show the extreme prejudices are made about a whole group of people before one even gets to know a person from this group. This idea about prejudices is coupled with the idea that through keeping an open mind and finding commonalities, one might discover that this group of people is more similar to him/herself than they thought. This relates to what we studied during the Civil Rights Movement and specifically the Supreme Court Case, Brown vs. The Board of Education. Over the …show more content…
Coming from California, he did not have any of the preformed judgements that the others players had because of where they were born. I liked how he just treated everyone as equal and was not scared to be friends with everyone, no matter the race. When he brought Petey and his friends to the diner and they would not be served, he was absolutely shocked and appalled at the behavior of the people in Virginia. Also, “Sunshine” was portrayed in a way I expected because of where he came from. People from the West Coast were not exposed to the harsh treatment of African Americans, like in the South, so it was not surprising that Ronnie acted the way he