
Renaissance Research Paper

Decent Essays

The Renaissance was a period in time from 1300-1600AD that was marked by a rebirth (which is what Renaissance means) of science, art, and culture. The legacy of the Renaissance was what they left behind, the great minds of that time left behind many innovative designs and art and changed many things. The most important changes that resulted from the Renaissance were the advances in medicine, engineering, and literature. Of the many scientific and technological advances of that time three stand out, the printing press, St. Peter’s Basilica, and the knowledge gained about the human body and medicine. In 1439 Johannes Gutenberg invented the first movable type printing press. The design was based off of the screw press which had a “matrix” where …show more content…

Books such as “The Courtier”, “The Prince”, and “The Divine Comedy of Dante’s Inferno” were all fresh and new ideas. More importantly, many writers started writing in vernacular which led to higher literacy rates overall. While many previous writings of the time had been mainly secular, the Renaissance ushered in a new age of non-secular writings that ranged from how to act as a gentleman (“The Courtier”), to how to maintain power and out-fox those who would wish to take your throne (“The Prince”). Humanism also was influential in the rebirth of literature, many books by Humanists such as “Utopia” by Thomas More led to the new school of thought that many men of the Renaissance subscribed to. Many aspiring authors and playwrights made a name for themselves during this time including Niccolo Machiavelli and William Shakespeare. William Shakespeare wrote plays and created many words and sayings that are commonplace today. Dante Alighieri spearheaded humanist poetry and thought. The influence of these writers far extends their time. Adaptations of many of Shakespeare’s plays have been made into films such as “Love in a Wood” “10 Things I Hate About You” and She’s The Man.” These changes are important because they have influenced writers and anyone who has a casual conversation on the street. Many literacy devices and sayings come from Shakespeare’s work and that of Dante, and

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