
Rene Descartes Argument Analysis

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The father of modern philosophy, Rene Descartes, has had a significant impact on the realm of philosophy. The theory of mind-body dualism, a belief that the mind and the body are two distinct substances capable of operating independently, is among Descartes’ most popularized work. However, this argument has stirred controversy amongst various philosophers, ultimately giving rise to the mind-body problem. This essay will closely examine the basis of Descartes' argument, as well as critique its weakest premise.
In Meditations on First Philosophy, Descartes states: I think, therefore I am. Descartes is able to cast doubt on the existence of his body, but not on the existence of his mind. As a result, Descartes concludes that there must be two substances, one mental and the other physical, that form one …show more content…

Interactionist, like Descartes, believe that the mind and the body are two separate entities capable of interacting with one another. This is a puzzling assertion. How is it that a purely mental entity can affect a purely physical entity? The complexity surrounding this question is often regarded as the mind-body problem. The mind-body problem causes many to question why it is a separate entity, known as the mind, is residing as well as controlling one’s body. If the mind has chosen that body to occupy in particular, is it possible for the mind to then leave and occupy another? Descarte fails to offer a proper rationale for the many questions listed. Descarte says that the mind is connected to the body in the pineal gland, which is located at the base of the brain, and that all mind-body interactions are processed through that portal between the mind and body. However, Descartes reasoning does not successfully solve the problem since the pineal gland is a part of the physical body. It is then clear, that Descartes argument is

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