
Renfield Farm Essay

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Kotter tells us that “change, by definition, requires creating a new system, which in turn always demands leadership.”[i] In the case of Renfield Farms there is no doubt that Jackson provided the necessary leadership for change. Her change plans started strong with a personal understanding of the need for help and the company wide town halls. In doing this she followed Kotter’s first rule of change and was able to create a sense of urgency, she publicly address the perception of the company, and the need to restore their reputation.[ii] She “hit the ground running” as one her colleagues stated. Jackson outlined changes to the company’s structure and reporting lines and spent time getting feedback from trade partners and consumer groups which she then shared with senior managers and their teams. Jackson then applied Kotter’s second rule of change; establish a powerful guiding coalition, by creating a planning team made up of change agents …show more content…

The product development department was advancing new ideas but didn’t have the necessary supporters as champions. Jackson, herself admitted that there were some in the company who just weren’t convinced of Renfield Farms new direction. In the long run, I believe her process for change will work. Jackson is a strong leader and the company now has a clear vision and values statement which will help as they reconnect with their customers and increase brand awareness and satisfaction. Jackson now needs to institutionalize the new vision and values and articulate the connection between the new behaviors and the company’s recent success.[vi] When this happens I believe she will be able to win over her critics and complete the revitalization of the company. Alternative

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