
Representations of Death in Because I Could Not Stop for Death” by Emily Dickinson

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The poem “Because I Could Not Stop for Death” written by Emily Dickinson deals about death. Dickinson does not waste time showing about what this poem is. She lets the reader know from the beginning that it is going to be about death. The title itself seems really alive and active.
The way she started with “Because” shows that the poem gives a clear argument or an answer to a question. Also the rest of the title “could not stop for death” shows the reader that it does not depend on us when we are going to die and how. She tries to show us the important words and meanings by capitalizing it and she leads us with her title to the next line and makes it even more interested for the reader. The second line “he kindly stopped for me” is about …show more content…

The first part “We slowly drove” is an old meaning for death isn’t hurrying. Dickinson switches from “We” to “He” in the same line to characterize how death is a relaxed progress which can’t be stopped. Obviously, we can tell that the speaker is not afraid of death after the first stanza, but Dickinson still tries to keep us wondering about the end. The last part of the second stanza “And I put away my labor and my leisure too, for his civility” is about her giving up free time and work because death took over her mind. She is too much afraid to think about her work life and free time. She is distracted by the fact she could be dead soon. Another way to understand the last lines of the stanza is that she starts to feel more social and civil to worry about work or happiness. Either way Death is making a good job by making her happy and irritating at the same time.
“We passed the school, where children strove at recess, in the ring” is the first part of the third stanza is about the ride of life and what you can see if you pay more attention about things around you. Everything seems really normal. Dickinson wants to mix more real things to the unreal once and to show the reader that death does not look like our normal life. The next part “We passed the field of gazing grain, we passed the setting sun” should be understand that obviously grain stands still and is taking carriage as it goes by. For example, the

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