
Representative Government Ethics

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Centered on psychological, sociological and philosophic principles such as virtue ethics, deontology, utilitarianism and intuitionism, for instance, many theorists argue that our decision making ability or ethical judgements are based on our own experience, or the nature of our standards of reason. Ethics, whether personal or professional, is about our actions and decisions. Moreover, it is acting in a way that is consistent with our values and choices, not just simply following the rules. Our Code of Ethical conduct originates from our values which are greatly influenced by our morals; they provide guidance and are our standards for the ways in which we carry out and view right and wrong actions; these standards are derived from our fundamental beliefs. Ethics are usually the principles we use to form decisions on what is right or wrong, good or bad and are typically cultivated from our culture, environment, and religious beliefs. Moral responsibility is said to be innate and/or instilled within an individual outside of themselves, however, studies also suggest that moral attitude and action are also affected by …show more content…

Given the crucial role that government plays in society, public administrative values should begin with a deep commitment to these concepts. In keeping with the tenets of democratic theory, Public Administrators are presumed to share the values of the larger society and, at the same time, have an individually developed and deeply rooted commitment to the concepts of representative government. In the public sector, responsible public administration embraces and promotes ethical behavior and practices in the workplace. Since people are impacted by internal and external factors, there is also the potential for Public Administrators to be influenced to participate in or adopt behaviors that cause them

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