
Requirements Analysis And Market Analysis Of TCG Airlines

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Introduction TCG Airlines has a total of 1,000 employees (administrative staff , technical staff and pilots). It is a company of internal flights in Greece covering exclusively all the Greek islands. Given that customers of TCG Airlines are Greeks and foreigners, TCG Airlines tries to cover the needs of the customers using different aircraft type. Thus, the portfolio of the aircrafts available to TCG Airlines is huge – 35 in total: small four-seat aircraft, helicopters, Jets, Boeing and Airbus. Each of these 35 different planes are of different manufacturers and of different technology. TCG Airlines covers the maintenance for most of the airplanes on her own, while some are given to the aircraft manufacturer. Regarding the training, TCG Airlines …show more content…

If this happens we will negotiate Remedy: Continuous progress monitoring of the project Project phases The phases of the project are following (Weiss, 2002). Phase 0: Concept Exploration and Definition. This phase deals with the initial idea and the reasons for the decision on the selection of a single vendor aircraft for the airline TCG Airlines and the definition of the project scope. Phase 1: Requirements Analysis and Market Analysis. This phase refers to the analysis of the company's claims regarding the appropriate type of aircraft and the analysis of the suppliers for choosing the most appropriate. Phase 2: Engineering and Manufacturing Development. Definition of the requirements and the technical standards for the purchase of the new aircrafts. Phase 3: Control and Deployment. This phase refers to the technical inspection of the new aircrafts and the proper installation. Phase 4: Training, Operation and Support. This phase refers to the training of the administrative stuff, the pilots and the technicians so as the aircrafts to operate

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