Contribution to Existing Research
Earmarking is a controversial issue for existing research. On the one hand, some existing experiments have concluded that is a method for increasing both people’s savings and people’s self-control (Thaler, 1999). On the other hand, academics have shown that mental accounts have also some pitfalls. For example, some significant factors that negatively affect peoples’ tendency to maintain savings are: a) the flexibility of account boundaries that permits people to find loopholes and bypass the self-control imposed by mental accounts (Cheema & Soman, 2006) and b) the number of goals, supporting that a single goal leads to higher savings rates than the multiple goals (Soman & Zhao, 2011).
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More specifically, according to Soman and Cheema (2011), guilt plays a significant role as a factor that contributes to the maintenance of people’s savings. These authors prove that people spend less of their paycheck when there are affixed pictures of their children outside of their savings envelopes. This happens because the affixed pictures constitute a stimulus that makes people feel guilt to use money that is assigned for their children. As an extension of existing research, the current experiments show that except for guilt, responsibility and long-term thinking influence people’s behavior and discourage them from using their savings. Thus, people resort to costly borrowing patterns to finance their emergencies.
Issues Raised from the Research and Possible Solutions
It seems that the authors dispute the efficacy of the interventions that use public and private financial institutions in order to encourage savings among low- and moderate-income households. More specifically, while the existing savings programs are based on the idea that increasing savings will limit people’s borrowing behavior, the current research proves something different. It shows people’s reluctance to draw down their savings even if they maintain accounts labeled for emergency situation (Sussman & O’Brien, 2016). So, it is created a vicious circle. For this reason, the authors suggest that the policies,
According to, a whopping 61% of American households lived paycheck to paycheck in 2009. That number is huge, especially since only 49% lived that way in 2008, and only 41% in 2007. Whether it is due to losing one or both household incomes or simply a reduction in the household incomes, the statistic is staggering. With families not able to adequately save for any unexpected expense that may arise, they are finding that more often than not there is more month than money. So what happens when the rent/mortgage payment is due, groceries need to be purchased, and then the car breaks down? For some, a small personal loan at a local bank is all it takes to get back on track. For many though, this isn’t an option, and they
I believe by having a plan in place and knowing exactly how much I need to save each day, week, month, etc. will help me to successful reach my savings goals.
I was surprised at the end of reading this article when I found out it was written by a research associate in the Community Development department of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, since her work involves her researching a range of issues aimed at improving the finances and ultimately, the health of people from low to moderate economic status. The writer, Laura Choi who studied economics and public policy at Berkeley, shows genuine concern for people who are struggling financially.
Following the “Minnesota Career Information System” that Minnesota has a large employment with 9,582 firms for Computer and Information Systems Manager. There have many opportunities for me easy to get a job after graduating college. Moreover, I like to work on the computer to operate the whole system for a company. I also want to lead my team to bring more efficiently and create new computer hardware or software to promote my company development. My interesting career is a Computer Information Systems Manager that require at least bachelor’s degree and have experiment of working in Information Technology (IT) at least five years. Computer Information Systems Manager also allows people to organize system, communicate every day, develop and maintain products, and manage computer security. This is a popular occupation for people have passion in computer recently. Computer Information System Manager can work in a good environment, but they need to face conflict with many situations and high social interaction. This essay will describe learning about Computer Information System Manager from personal experiment, discuss career goals and related personal strengths, outline questions in research about this career, and provide on annotated bibliography research paper.
For example, when you’re playing and thinking about the things that you will be able to buy with your millions of dollars that you will win, such as that trip that you have been planning your whole life. Even last week when my class and I decided to play the lottery; I was thinking about several many things that I will be able to buy with my millions. On the other hand, most people do not think about the money that they are spending on the tickets that they are buying. The little dollar that they are spending starts to add up against them; Think about the other things that you would be able to do with that dollar such as starting a savings account. Today, most people do not know the importance of saving money, it seems like the meaning of saving money has been lost. When I was growing up I always was taught to save money and not to spend your hard-earned money on frivolous things. I was taught to put half away because you would never know when you will need some extra cash.
The research topic is selected, the testable research question is developed, research on the topic is found, the literature review is completed, and a decision is made on the research design. Now, one of the most important steps in the research process to accomplish is the collection of data. Notwithstanding the research project and whether the method of research is whether qualitative or quantitative, data must be collected. Data collection is essential whether the method of choice is a mail survey, a telephone survey, an interview, an experiment, field research, or secondary data analysis. Data collection is an important aspect of any research study. Inaccurate data can impact the results of a study and ultimately lead to invalid results. During the data collection step, a significant amount of time, energy and attention are required. In order to ensure the data collection process is valid and successful, one should adhere to the four steps involved: (1) the construction of a collection data form which is used to organize all data that is collected; (2) the designation of the coding strategy used to represent data on a data collection form; (3) the collection of the actual data; and (4) entry into the data collection form (Salkind, 2012).
List several of the "Strategies for Saving" that would be the most valuable one’s for you to help you with your financial situation? Why? I think the two Strategies for saving that would be most valuable to me are eliminating Doodads and paying myself first. After thinking about it I realized all the silly little things I spend money on that I don’t really need, by eliminating these things that money would really start add up that I could put into my savings each month. I also think paying myself first would help me to save a lot more. I tend to spend whatever I have in my account, I don’t spend what I don’t have, but even if I have extra I always seem to find something to spend it on. So by putting aside a certain amount of money into my savings account before I do anything else that money is already gone, and then I can budget my month with the remaining
In our world of instant gratification, people got to save money any way they can. People that shop online need to wait 48 hours before making an impulsive purchase. They are spending too much money on clothes, shoes, and accessories. One can start by cleaning out closets and sell the items that not being worn. In 7 Things Young People Are Spending More Money On These Days, Sam Becker states,This has led many to think that they are a bunch of entitled brats who refuse to grow up. But we have to take into account that millennials are saddled with more debt than any other previous generation, have grown up in a post-9/11 world of perpetual war, and entered the workforce during one of the worst economic stretches in American history. It hasn’t been all beach trips and Mike’s Hard Lemonades, though things are getting better (Becker, sec. 3). He says, The millennials
According to Hawes and Boccaccini (2009) the PAI is “self-report personality measure” that is used to assess client’s psychopathology and other critical variables. There has been a shift to support the use the PAI in correctional and forensic settings, although this was not it’s original intended use (Hawes & Boccaccini, 2009). There are several key scales that align with forensic work and correctional facilities, which have increased the use of the PAI in these settings, these are the aggressive behavior and suicide risk scales (Hawes & Boccaccini, 2009). Another reason for it’s increasing use in these settings is the ability of the PAI to measure response styles and the individual’s approach to the test, which indicates the distortion of
Ten percent of US families are “Unbanked”, of which the underserved community accounts for 4% and, 17% are teen mothers and, 22% are victims of domestic violence. Did you know, male abusers use psychological tactics such as economic abuse (Lecia, 2014) on their victims, which may result in the victim’s inability to maintain gainful employment and financial independence? Studies have shown 52% (Brown & Robinson, 2015) of abuse survivors are unable to return to work, thrusting the survivors into poverty. Financial depression is the silent killer of many dreams and aspirations in underserved communities on a global basis. (The National Strategy for Financial Literacy , 2006). This is primarily due to inadequate financial management skills within these communities, being passed down from generation to generation. Although household net worth as a percent of disposable income has increased over the past decade, poverty in the underserved communities has rapidly increased. And, consumer debt has increased during 1989 to 2017, from 20% to 26% respectively, while debt was 29% higher in the underserved communities. (The National Strategy for Financial Literacy , 2006) Today, financial insecurity continues to threaten communities and economic prosperity, 2 out of 3 households lack sufficient savings for unforeseen circumstances and
Our Life can hold major good or bad events that can put significant impact on our finances, and sometimes they have a tendency to occur without warnings Like Divorce and illness can come about unexpectedly, while marriage, pregnancy, expensive auto repairs, a family death, changing jobs and moving cities can occur at relatively short notice. All of these may require us a big adjustment in our personal financial or other aspect of our life. If you’ve not been saving money, then you’ll need to find ways to pay for these life events. Most of the time people tend to act fast and make bad dictions because of not having enough saved money for the circumstance.
Money is a precious thing and it can become challenging to not spend it immediately after getting it. It is crucial that this does not happen. There is no denying that money is an important part of society. The world revolves around money and without it, one? would not be able to function. In everyday life the average household will spend one hundred and sixty dollars daily. It is safe to say that money is an resource used daily. It is a tool that can be used to connect with other people or buy anything a person could want or need. Yet it is easy to spend money without realizing how much is really being spent. With only a few simple tips it will become much easier to save money instead of spending it on frivolous things. One’s hard-earned dollar should be saved, and simple tips such as using cash instead of cards, saving small change and only purchasing what one really needs are a few of many ways of doing this. The power of money can easily be abused and it is very important to make sure that a person is well informed on ways to save and spend money wisely.
What I have learned about research is that it is a process, a scientific process that psychologist and scientist develop that includes many different approaches and that is carefully peer reviewed and evaluated. There is what is called the Scientific Approach where scientist have an idea or theory and based on their observation will either support the theory or the theory can be falsified by their peers. Data also goes through a review period before it is published in a scientific journal by scientist who have the knowledge and expertise to evaluate it.
The objective of qualitative research is to gain a deeper meaning and understanding of a phenomenon by conducting research in the forms of case studies, interviews and observations (Cohen & Crabtree, 2008; Family health international, 2006; Holloway & Wheeler, 2009). Semi-structured interviews are required in qualitative research, as it allows the researcher to ask questions, which can probe and are spontaneous with the intention to gain more meaning. It also enables the researcher to study the participant in their natural setting (Onwuegbuzie & Leech, 2015; Hansen, 2006; Corbin & Morse, 2003) .The intent of a reflection, is to analyse the experience of a novice qualitative researcher by highlighting positive and negative aspects of the research process. By clearly understanding the research method and investigating the integral sections, a novice qualitative researcher will be able to reflect but not only improve their methods. Reflection is imperative so that a researcher is able to advance and perfect their research methods (Seidman, 2013). The study aimed to look at the student experiences of working part-time and studying.