
Research Directions On The Adoption, Usage And Impact Of Internet Of Things Essay

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Submission-2  “Research directions on the Adoption, Usage and Impact of Internet of Things through use of Big Data Analytics” [1]. • A framework was proposed in this paper based on the possibility that innovation will develop from observed “things”, to “system of things”, and at last to a "Web of Things". • Prior to the framework proposed in this paper, there were few other frameworks proposed by different authors in different papers. • One such framework is discussed where “cloud-based software-as-a-service (SaaS), platform-as-a-service (PaaS), and infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) capabilities enable the various smart devices connected to the Internet of Things” [2]. Another framework addresses the “power distribution needs to ensure the various wired and wireless devices (things) have the power capabilities needed to deliver needed bandwidth at their particular location in the smart grid” [3]. Other framework focuses on “the issues of adoption, usage and impact of RFID technology” [4]. • This paper analyzes the framework by dividing ‘Network of Things’ instance from ‘Internet of Things’. In the former case, machine-to-machine communication between devices can be controlled by a decision-making authority in a single network. Whereas in the latter case, communication between devices takes place within the same network or between the devices in different networks, initiated across the internet. • Moreover, this paper validated its proposed framework using literature

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