
Research Into Obedience Essay

Decent Essays

Research Into Obedience There has been two main studies into obedience the first of these in 1963 by Milgram who advertised in the local paper for men of various ages and from all walks of life. He told the volunteers that they would take part in a test of memory and learning and would get paid $4.50 for the hour they were in the experiment. When they arrived at Yale University they were introduced to two people one of which was ‘Jack Williams’ who was wearing a grey laboratory coat and was to be the experimenter, the other person was a mild man in his fifties called Mr Wallace who was meant to be another volunteer but in fact were both actors. Then the volunteer was lead into a room where Mr …show more content…

In an ethically correct experiment you should be protected from physical and psychological harm, although they were protected from physical harm as there was no chance of them being the learner, they were not protected from psychological harm because although they know that it was staged they might leave the experiment knowing that they obeyed someone to the extent that they could have killed someone, this factor could have played on their minds and caused them long term mental illness. One good factor in this experiment is that they were debriefed so at least they could put events straight in their mind and not feel guilty about what happened to ‘Mr Wallace’. We Can also criticise this experiment for lacking experimental validity because did the participants really believe they were shocking Mr Wallace, the situation can also be described as false or artificial so the participants may have played along with the experiment to earn their $4.50, Although a questionnaire sent out later confirmed that over 80% of the volunteers believed on balance they believed what they were doing was real. Also ecological validity can be questioned because this event cannot be generalised into everyday situations it can be seen as unrealistic.

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