
Research Methods Are Used For Conducting Research

Decent Essays

Research methods are referred as the techniques that are being used for conducting research in specific context or scenario. Myers and Avison (2002) interpreted the research methods in qualitative research as the strategy, which flows the underlying philosophical assumptions to research design and data collation. It influences the way of designing the research and collocating the data. A range of qualitative research methods, in particular for interpretivism research, can be adopted such as ethnography, observation, action research, and case studies (Myers & Avison, 2002; Denzin & Lincoln, 2005). Having said that, Myers (1999, p.3) clearly stated that the researchers should be “aware of the potential benefits and risks beforehand, and to know in which circumstances it might or might not be appropriate.” Therefore, three research methods were studied action research, case study, and ethnography research.
Action Research
Action Research (AR) defined by Rapoport (1970, p.499), widely cited definition, as an approach that “aims to contribute both to the practical concerns of people in an immediate problematic situation and to the goals of social science by joint collaboration within a mutually acceptable ethical framework”. (cited from Myers & Avison, 2002). This method is suitable when the study aims to discover the trigger for actions that are taking place within a specific group, organisation or community (Paivi & Kovalainen, 2008). For example, if the research seeks to

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