Stockholm University Department of Computer and Systems Sciences Course: Scientific Communication and Research Methodology FMVEK project 7.5 credits Autumn term 2014 Course instructor: Matti Tedre Facilitator: Ranil Peiris Colombage Table of Contents Abstract 3 1. Introduction 3 1.1 Background 3 1.2 Research objectives 4 1.3 Research Questions 4 1.4 Limitations of the study 4 2. Methodology 5 2.1 Data Collection Methods 5 2.2 Participants / Sampling 6 2.3 Data Analysis 7 2.4 Research Ethics 7 3. Results 9 3.1 Data Collection and Analysis 9 3.2 Results 10 3.2.1 Participants Education and Experience 11 3.2.2 Localisation Project Agility 11 3.2.3 Localisation Project cost efficiency 13 3.2.4 Localisation Project completion 14 3.2.5 Shifted from one methodology to another 15 3.2.6 Localisation Projects and releases frequencies 16 3.2.7 Qualitative data from free text questionnaire’s fields 17 4. Discussion 21 Conclusion 24 References 26 Appendix 1: Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations 26 Appendix 2: Informed Consent Form 27 Appendix 3: Data Collection Protocols Used 29 Appendix 4: Other Appendices 32 Appendix 4.1: Questions Graphs 32 Appendix 4.2: Advantages – Disadvantages Categorised 41 Agile Software Localisation vs. Waterfall practice Efstratios Magos Stockholm University Department of Computer and Systems Sciences Abstract This study is investigating the balances that should be kept in Software Localisation Projects where either an Agile or a Waterfall or
Effective communication is important in developing positive relationships with children. You can do this by remembering children's names and pronouncing them properly, also helping them feel safe around school and other pupils. Make them feel safe by willing to listen to what they have to say, reassure the children that they are valued at all times make aware of any different behaviour in pupils and being alert of their feelings, avoiding stereotype judgements concerning race, gender, ability and religion will also make the children feel more safe and comfortable around you building a trust relationship. this is the same sort of thing with young people, adapting methods to suit their needs For example if the individual had hearing impairment
Effective communication means the type of communication that is quickly and easily understood. When working within a school environment, you are constantly communicating with the children you work with, and also everybody around you. This may be the staff you work with, the parents or carers of the children in your school or other adults who may have come into the school. The benefits of effective communication is multi-faced and can affect children's lives in very positive ways.
Open, frequent and timely communication is important in any work environment. For a work group to reach its full potential, colleagues must be able to say what they think, ask for help, take risks, share new or unpopular ideas and risk making mistakes. This can only happen in an atmosphere where all staff show concern, trust one another, focus on situations and not problems. Communication that is friendly open and positive plays a vital role in creating such an environment. Friendly communications are more likely to occur when individuals know and respect one another. Colleagues can show they care about one another by asking about each other’s lives outside of work, respecting individual differences, joking and generally making everyone feel
Effective communication in children is to use positive communication to them so they feel relaxed and comfortable around me. It is beneficial to communicate in a positive way not only for the individual child but also the other children in the class and also for the teacher.
The health triangle is an organizer which generally divides our everyday activities into three main aspects. It stresses the importance of maintaining a balance of good physical, mental, and social health in order to obtain an ideally healthy and happy life. Each individual’s triangle is different and is customized to their own lifestyle and habits, however, as we grow up, many of us often devote our attention to one side, leading to health imbalances.
The research topic is selected, the testable research question is developed, research on the topic is found, the literature review is completed, and a decision is made on the research design. Now, one of the most important steps in the research process to accomplish is the collection of data. Notwithstanding the research project and whether the method of research is whether qualitative or quantitative, data must be collected. Data collection is essential whether the method of choice is a mail survey, a telephone survey, an interview, an experiment, field research, or secondary data analysis. Data collection is an important aspect of any research study. Inaccurate data can impact the results of a study and ultimately lead to invalid results. During the data collection step, a significant amount of time, energy and attention are required. In order to ensure the data collection process is valid and successful, one should adhere to the four steps involved: (1) the construction of a collection data form which is used to organize all data that is collected; (2) the designation of the coding strategy used to represent data on a data collection form; (3) the collection of the actual data; and (4) entry into the data collection form (Salkind, 2012).
In a workplace, it is very important that all colleagues communicate effectively and they all know their roles and responsibilities. Communicating is all about saying things clear, slowly and in a way that you put the message across, as well as listening to others and respect their opinions and ideas, even if you don’t agree with them. It is important to remember that the shared goal is to deliver the best support there can be for the
Scientific literacy is being able to think scientifically and understand scientific views of the world. Science and math work well together because science provides a platform for students to use their math skills such as graphing, measuring, counting, estimating, and data observation. Teachers need to incorporate more science and math education starting in elementary schools. As a teacher, I want to teach my students the value of science and math education. I can incorporate hands-on experiments in my class that will get children excited to learn about science. I can also explain to the students how science and math work hand-in-hand by providing experiments that allow the students to exercise their scientific literacy as well as their math
From this question, we will get Nominal data. Because it has two possible values male or female. We can count no. of males and females but both doesn’t have their actual values neither we can compare them to each other i.e. we can’t say that male has higher value than female. But we can say no. of males are less than or greater than no. of females.
On August 31, 2017 I spoke with Officer Burns via telephone in regards to his pending discipline and some concerns that had been brought to my attention by fellow officers and supervisors. The first portion of the conversation centered on his pending discipline and determining a date that would be acceptable for him to attend a pre-disciplinary hearing with Captain Berger to discuss the alleged violations. During this conversation I explained the severity of the violations and that based upon the number of violations within the past twelve months he will subject to the progressive discipline policy.
For studying the impact of the proposed hybrid agile approach, the researchers apply it on two real software projects:
A reason agile organizations need to be able to change culturally is because it supports the overhead decisions made by
The publication of scientific work is critically important to scientific communication (Twaij et al. 2014). Scientists communicate their new research or studies to their audience by publishing their work in scholarly journals and books. People who are not from the area of expertise or are unfamiliar with the given topic must be able to trust in the credibility of published journal articles. A common process that controls the high quality of scientific publication is called ‘peer review’, which ensures that the published work has met the specific standards of a given discipline, a process that usually begins with a professional reviewing of an author’s article by a community of qualified experts before publication. The reviewers are usually chosen from relevant academic fields and in some cases, the authors are allowed to suggest names of their preferred peer reviewers (Bornmann 2011). The reviewer is responsible for identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the paper, giving constructive comments along with acceptance-revision-rejection decisions (Do 2003) to the author. More importantly, the peer review process makes a substantial contribution to determine whether the manuscript contains any “fatal” flaws (Brand 2012), such as plagiarism, duplicated research or even wrong science.
Understanding the communication challenges among cross-cultural setting and offshore teams and understanding the ways to minimize the challenges will help everyone to reduce communication issues and increase performance. Many US based companies are utilizing the teams from India and china to reduce the product development cost. While reducing the cost, using offshore teams, they face multiple cross cultural issues. Management needs to understand these kinds of issues and way to solve or mitigate the risk. Knowledge of cross-cultural teams and various ways to communicate effectively will help minimize the miscommunication issues and help understand the cross cultural teams. Multiple researches have been done on how the people from various cultures communicate. “Particular societies tend to have distinct ways of working, and they can prove problematic when attempting cross-border collaboration. For example, Indian software companies have found they need to approach communication with U.S. and Japanese clients in very different ways. U.S. client companies normally work with extensive written agreements and explicit documentation, reinforced with frequent and informal telephone and email contact. In contrast, Japanese clients tend to prefer verbal communication, more tacit and continuously negotiated agreements, and less frequent but more formal use of electronic media” (Krishna, Sahay & Walsham, 2004). This means we cannot generalize how people prefer to communicate. It depends
When conducting communication research, it is extremely important to take ethics into consideration. Will this research be confidential, will you use deception, and will the research you are doing harm any of the participants, are all extremely important factors to consider. These factors will be identified and considered while using the following hypothesis: As children increase their technology usage, interpersonal communication skills decrease.