During few thousand years of sea-borne commerce, lying on the sea bed is the consequence of storms and accidents for over three million shipwrecks. These accidents and debris provide marine archaeologists a wealth of messages about various aspects, such as culture, science and technology and trading trends of older societies to. However, lots of them are too deep to analyze. Take Scuba divers as an example, it can only move down so shallow that it prevents the study of wrecks, which is destroyed by storm and plant growth. Also, only few of well-known subjects can afford expensive devices to discover deep-sea spots. However, a new mini submersible, AUV, which can move automatically in deep sea and is not costly was invented. Currently, an American
The USS Indianapolis sinking is a very historical event that was said to be incorrectly
Archaeology is a continuously evolving field where there is a constant stream of new branches and excavation methods. Due to the influx of new technologies and innovations in recent decades, archaeologists have been able to excavate previously inaccessible areas. For example, new diving equipment and tools such as proton magnetometers, side-scan sonar, sub-bottom profiler, and miniature submarines have allowed archaeologists to dive into the deep depths of the ocean. As a result, the branch of underwater archaeology was created to search for shipwrecks and other artifacts on the ocean floor. Underwater archaeology’s role has increased in recent years as it allows archaeologists to more accurately interpret the past by supplementing
My favorite history experience has to do with the movie called “The Titanic.” Not just the movie but the actual event happening. I wish I could have been there and survived the experience to be able to tell the amazing, life changing story. The movie and the actual sinking of the ship affected me in many ways. I think it also affected the way we make our boats today. When I seen this movie and realized not only how much the world has changed since the titanic happened, but the way we think and how we build things differently.
Our world is full of mystery. There are countless unknown traces from the past all over the world and they are waiting to be solved and answered. Archaeology studies the ancient human past through the excavation of sites and the analysis of artifacts and other physical remains. In fact, archaeology is the tool that decipher the clues that are found through its continuous development of excavation and methods. The advance of new technologies in recent decades enable archaeologists to excavate previously unapproachable areas, such as underwater. The underwater archaeology is developed in order to discover the lost shipwrecks and various
Shackleton, the star of the novel ‘Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World’ was a very good leader, but what were three characteristics he could use for different occasions? He did show many different characteristics, but the best three I chose are Dauntless as well as Allegiance and don’t forget about Lively. Showing characteristics are always fun, but when you show good characteristics it’s even better. Shackleton is a prime example of showing good characteristics. “They could not linger in their cave all winter, dining on seal meat and toasting their feet at a driftwood fire. The men on Elephant Island were still counting on them.” The significance of this quote is so important because it shows that Shackleton does have loyalty to these guys. This man would not stop talking about his adventures in the south and kept on going back. This is an important topic to talk about because it may show others to be more like him and bring the good from inside them out just like Shackleton and his Dauntless, Allegiance, and Lively characteristics.
The Titanic is different from the other ships because, they thought that the Titanic was unsinkable. “It’s another ice burg warning…the captain had seemed quite unconcerned” on 106 and 107 so they aren’t worried that they will not hit the ice burg and sink because those people don’t think it can sink. “There was much talk among the passengers about the Titanic being unsinkable.” On 105 so they aren’t worried that the boat will sink. “Nicknamed the Unsinkable ship” on page 102 it even says unsinkable
Since the number of shipwreck discoveries has been increasing over the years, there is a constant disagreement between treasure hunters and archaeologists regarding who has the right to recover artifacts from these underwater sites. This conflict is causing people to consider the positive and negative aspects of both sides of the issue. The documentary, Deep Sea Treasure Hunters Versus Archaeologists, shows the importance of archaeology for understanding the past and settles the debate between the treasure hunters and archaeologists. This film suggests that a more efficient system could be developed for the greater good of archaeology if the two sides worked together.
“Knowing how the men in the water died is not the same thing as knowing why they
The movie “Apollo 13” is a great example of the different styles of leadership and conflict management presented by the main characters like Gene Kranz, Jim Lovell, Frank Borman, Ken Mattingly, and Jack Swigert.
Recovering artifacts from the shipwreck, people are fascinated about exploring old things that were lost or destroyed in the past. For that, scientists were searching shipwrecks in the Gulf of Mexico, they have discovered two sunken ships that went down during a storm in the 1800s. The ships they found were in deep underwater, about 4,363 feet down, which makes the ships the deepest Gulf or North American shipwrecks that have ever been studied. In 2011, a crew from the Shell Oil company found a shipwreck and asked the scientists and leaders in the U.S. to come and studied it. People want to know if how do they research the ships was an underwater robot to take a look at it. Just to make sure that nothing happens to it, they armed six
The sinking of the Titanic has become one of the most well-known disasters in history, because of the terrible loss of life and the demise of what everyone believed was an "unsinkable" ship. As is evident from reading this report the use of substandard rivets was the main cause of the failure of the Titanic. By substandard we mean that the type of rivets used was incorrect as well as the location of these rivets.
Today we searched the shipwreck, that we found and found many cool things. The ship had 6 cannon ports and we believe that the ship had two masts. Also we found this ship 4,363 feet below sea. In the ship we found musket parts, ceramic cups and dishes, clothing, and a toothbrush. These items were from all over the world. The items were from Britain, China, Mexico, and and Canada. After we found these items I was extremely ecstatic, because I did not think we would find things like that. Also the items gave us clues to what kind of ship this was. We believe that the ship was a government paid ship, that went around the world and made sure the sea was safe. Lastly, there were two other ships found nearby and by our findings in the first
Titanic is one of the outstanding/ phenomenal movie ever created. It is a best romantic film ever produced. Titanic is filled with love, romance, drama, excitement, etc. It is by far the best romantic movie I have ever seen. Although I saw the movie on the 60 inch Samsung in my room while eating popcorn. It was quite and dark. I really feel like it was the best experience that I ever had because there was no one around me. There was no noise of crying baby, there were no people behind you whispering to each other. It was calm and relaxing.
In my Life, I have had many experiences that have shaped me into the person that I am Today. One experience being when I was able to volunteer at the Booker T. Washington Nursing Home with the Hopewell Baptist Church Sisterhood Ministry that is based in Shreveport. Our objective was to keep the Elderly patients company and we decided entertain them by engaging in Bingo and giving them gifts in the forms of cookies, snack cakes, and toiletry items. To be perfectly honest, I didn’t know what to expect upon my arrival at the nursing home.
For many years humans have struggled to discover the deepest parts of the ocean and have also struggled with discovering space. We could not go really deep into the ocean, because humans can not withstand the pressure that the ocean produces. But now there is a robot that can reach the ocean floor called “The Benthic Rover”. With that new robot, scientist will be able to record how changes on the surface of the ocean will impact the marine animals below. “What is special about the rover is that we will be able to stay in the deep parts of the ocean for a really long time collecting seasonal changes data” (Engineer Alana Sherman). With Benthic Rover,