
Research Paper: Crime Prevention Strategies

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Contents Page

Executive Summary……………………………………………………………………………...............4

Research Question (or hypothesis)...………………………………………………………...………….4

Research (including methodology)……………………………………………………………...............4

Literature Review………………………………………………………………………………………..4




Reference List……………………………………………………………………………………………9

Executive Summary

The focus of this paper will be based upon different crime prevention strategies implemented by members of the communities, local and government authorities. …show more content…

Reducing fear of crime

The philosophy of Robert Peel that “the police are the public and the public are the police”, is one that perfectly sums up the relationship between the police and the rest of the community (Lentz & Chaires 2007). This quote suggests that law enforcement needs approval from citizens and residents of neighbourhoods to perform their duties correctly. Meaning, this requires the police to maintain an informed relationship with the community. By doing so they are reducing the reoccurrence of the themes in crime prevention mentioned above.

Previously, there was not enough knowledge or resources amongst communities to raise awareness or organise crime prevention programs for juveniles. Today, schools together with police and community-based workers are aiming to provide the expertise to help create crime prevention programs for juveniles. It is believed that that one of the most active crime prevention strategies is effective intervention programs. A substantial number of crimes amongst adolescence are detected from anti-social behaviours. Youth need to be more involved in their community activities such as church associated groups, sports clubs, recreation centres (Dodington et al 2012, p. 1026). Other school organisations such as ‘Links to Learning’ helps adolescences engage in activities that will teach worthy skills for future work and careers. All these extracurricular activities will give youth less time to consider committing crimes

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