Lincoln is the epitome and walking illustration of what qualities a leader should hold, and execute in any position of life. These qualities should be adopted by everyone, especially those of us in AVID. Leadership is the building blocks of a great education, career, nay an amazing life. Lincoln was the sixteenth president of the United States, and so he had knowledge of the presidency, but not instructions on how to bring a nation split into two, one. However, he trusted his intuition and created, brick by brick the foundations of a great leader. Abraham Lincoln can be attributed as the one of the greatest political leaders of the world, and can easily be supported via his works that are drenched in vision, while his kindness and courageous …show more content…
Abraham Lincoln, was so iconic when it came to being truthful and honest, that “people called Abraham Lincoln ‘Honest Abe” because he was so honest” (Banks). His integrity triumphed over everything and was clearly seen by all those in the country, so much so that “people recognized his integrity and were soon asking him to act as judge or mediator in various contests, fights, and arguments” (Leidner). Abraham Lincoln “gained commitment and respect...because he was willing to take time out from his busy schedule to hear what his people had to say” (Phillips). Lincoln knew the way to aspire and strive towards a strong presidential status, was to through the use of personal connection and emotional appeal. Thankfully, Lincoln had the starting foundation of already being labeled as such, making his road towards influential leader, exponentially easier. Within AVID, we must keep this in mind while heading towards the path of becoming college ready, rather than being only constantly stressed over grades. By being kind and friendly towards others, and showing that we are integral people, we gain valuable connections. These connections have the potential to completely change our lives for the better. The social network could be made up of fellow students who could help us out in a time of need, or even teachers who will help us through college applications and writing letters of recommendations which are vital in our upcoming year. We need to be like Abraham Lincoln, by creating a lingering aura wherever we go, that consists of honesty and
Abraham Lincoln was a strong leader in many ways. He appointed all of his rivals into his cabinet, which was not normally done. He led us through the Civil War, but he was most remembered for freeing the slaves with the 13th Amendment.
Just image oneself spending a nice evening at the theater, laughing with friends and then shots erupt and screams breakout, well that’s exactly what happened when Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. No warning, not even a hint of what was to come of Lincoln, if only he had known maybe things would be different and maybe the world would have ended up in a different place.
Have you ever wondered what America would be like today if slavery still existed? Well, thanks to Abraham Lincoln, we don’t have to. Abe Lincoln, the United States’ 16th president, possibly left the biggest impact in America’s history to this day.
In his book, Phillips delves into the leadership qualities embodied by Lincoln and explores Lincoln’s own leadership style as it related to both his early career as a lawyer and later, into Lincoln’s political life. Through his research into this book, Phillips relates how Lincoln developed strategies for management based upon his own early lessons in life. Phillips then demonstrates how Lincoln used this knowledge to not only convince the public he was the right man to lead the nation as president, but also to win the Civil War.
"Lincoln was a master communicator." Lincoln presented his ideas in way that conveyed understanding of his followers' priorities as well as focusing on his larger purpose. He used the three best words a leader can use "you," "we" and "us". He involved others in his message and would listen to others' ideas and could make a decision after hearing all ideas. He also had passion for the subject. He showed enthusiasm when he spoke and wasn't listless or disengaged.
In Abraham Lincoln Great American President, Brenda Haugen discuss the division that the Civil War cause and how Abraham Lincoln became president so that he could rebuild and heal from the Civil War. He wanted to reunite the states but he did much more than that. He freed the slaves with little to no education or military knowledge. Abraham Lincoln was the president was the president that change America for the better. After the Civil War, America needed someone to help them rebuild and ensure that they had the tools. Lincoln possessed the characteristic that was needed at the time. He had many challenges that he had to overcome during his presidency but he succeeds. With his Emancipation Proclamation, Lincoln felt his voice would change the
Abraham Lincoln was considered by many American’s as one of the greatest Presidents of the United States. Having come from humble beginnings it could be said that Abraham Lincoln rose up to meet all the challenges that would greet him, and it could be argued that at the time the only person who could successfully guide the United States through the Civil War was Abraham Lincoln. At the time of his presidency, the United States was falling apart, with the South trying to secede from the North, creating much chaos that Lincoln had to deal with. He worked slowly and throughly, which sometimes got people agitated but he was a very careful working man and knew that it was better if he took his time. Abraham Lincoln was not
In Abraham Lincoln's life, you will see how he demonstrated that anything is possible despite his circumstances if you put your mind to it. Abraham Lincoln had a very interesting life, he showed everyone around him what it took to be successful no matter what life throws at you.
Abraham Lincoln demonstrates a good amount of qualities that made an admired and inspirational leader. Abraham lincoln was able to keep his goal in mind while maintaining his great personality. He was able to listen to different point of views and not regards anyone’s opinions and ideas because simply he was the president. As well as, he was able to demonstrate helpful and supportive leadership during the Civil War. By freeing the slaves, he was showing his compassion for humanity and had a great
“All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother” Abraham Lincoln.
Donald T. Phillips’ book, Lincoln on Leadership, explores the life and practices of Abraham Lincoln as the leader of the United States of America. Without question, Lincoln’s legacy lies as one of the greatest leaders in the history of the country. Lincoln’s style of leadership, which facilitated his accomplishment of one of the most complicated tasks in a divided country, have only recently become the foundation for developing concepts of leadership in both private and public organizations. Throughout Lincoln on Leadership, Phillips discusses over one hundred of Lincoln’s principles of leadership and practices, practices which still inspire and motivate persons in all aspects of society.
The debate on whether the Elgin Marbles should stay in Britain or be returned to their original home in Greece has been going on for a few decades now. As a curator of a Turkish museum that is the home to many Greek art works, I believe that the art work in Britain should remain there for multiple reasons, the main one being that if the British decide to give the marbles back to the Greeks, would the Greeks decide that they want the art work that we have here in Turkey back?
Abraham Lincoln is one of the most well known presidents in the history of the United States of America. He as thought to be the man who led this great country through the toughest times it had to encounter. His determination to get the United States through the Civil War is one of the best things that have ever happened for this country. Lincoln’s argument about the relationship between slavery, the Constitution, and the Union changed throughout the Civil War. Lincoln’s view of the purpose of the war was to save the Union because of the southern states seceding from the Union. However, the argument changed to the war being about slavery because of Fredrick Douglass’s speeches and the Confederates surrendering at
This paper is reviewing the film The Day After Tomorrow and how it portrays the climate changes and how the environment is effected due to the negligence of the humans that inhabit it. The Day After Tomorrow is a film made to open the eyes of the public to what burning fossil fuels can do to our world. Although this film is fictional it is a not reliable educational source. The underlying premise of the events in the film is grounded in the established theory that rising global temperatures could lead to abrupt cooling by disrupting the currents of the North Atlantic.
Abraham Lincoln was a man of humble beginnings who, though self-taught, rose to greatness through the many leadership qualities that he possessed. Quality traits that Lincoln possessed were honesty, integrity and a great devotion towards the rights of the people. It was probably through his impoverished upbringing that he formed such a bond with common folks. Lincoln was able to show the country that an ordinary person, with strong character and integrity, was capable of inspiring others to greatness. His ability to communicate through dynamic speeches was inspirational to a country so badly in need of someone to return the country to the unity that it had once had. His commitment to the rights of individuals was a cornerstone of his