Achilles Tendon Injury The term Achilles tendon is named after the great warrior, Achilles, of the Trojan War. In Greek mythology, Achilles was known to have one weakness - his left heel. When a poisoned arrow hit this area, he succumbed to death.
The Achilles tendon is considered as the largest tendon in your body. It is located at the back of your lower leg. A tendon is like a cord that connects your muscle to a particular bone in which the Achilles tendon connects your calf muscle to your heel bone. When this tendon is injured, it will impair your ability to walk.
Learning More About Achilles Tendon Injury
Though the great warrior, Achilles, died when his Achilles tendon was injured, this injury isn’t life-threatening but it can be classified
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However, it is best to cooperate with a health care provider for the speedy recovery of your injury.
There are many ways to prevent your Achilles tendon from being ruptured. To reduce your risk of injury, do the following:
Do leg strengthening stretches focusing on your calf muscles.
Wear the appropriate shoes and protective gear when participating in sports and exercises.
Limit jogging or running on hard and slippery surfaces.
Do low impact and high impact exercises alternately.
Stressing your calf muscles is one thing you should not do as this predisposes your Achilles tendon for tearing off. Even if your Achilles tendon injury heals itself over a period of time, don’t brush it off as a simple foot problem. No matter how minor it is, it can still impair your normal activities because you can’t walk properly. Prevent it before it happens.
The inflammation of Achilles’ tendon is referred to Achilles Tendonitis. It causes pain at the back of your leg near the area of the heel. Once the tendon of your heel become swollen and painful, there is a big risk that you have Achilles Tendonitis.
Without a doubt a strain to the hamstring is an atrocious impairment to all athletes. Prevent an injury by always warming up and stretching. Stretch after your warmed up, it will increase flexibility. Unfortunately, not being fully stretched that night at dance practice, was what resulted my injury.
Physical therapy modalities, such as ultrasound, whirlpool baths, phonophoresis, augmented soft tissue mobilization, electrical stimulation, and unweighted ambulation, may be used (2009). Ice and rest are the two most important treatments the athlete can receive during the acute phase. Ultrasound will be used to increase the tempeture of the local area. This will increase the speed of healing. Phonophoresis will be used to introduce medications into the area. Mainly anesthetics to numb the trigger point. Whirlpool baths will be used to relive pain and swelling of injured leg. Electrical stimulation is used for to help the healing process by transporting ions beneficial to healing to the affected area
This is a strain occurring on the posterior tibial tendon. This common problem affects the foot and the ankle when the posterior tibial tendon is torn or inflamed. Consequently, the tendon is unable to provide support and stability to the arch of the foot, leading to flatfoot. Flat feet leads to arch pain, heel pain, heel spurs and plantar fasciitis. When you are suffering from posterior tibial tendon, pain becomes worse when you engage in strenuous activities such as running or walking. It is also known as adult acquired flatfoot, due to its high prevalence among adults. Although it usually affects one foot, some people have had it in both feet. This condition is progressive. Therefore, it will keep getting worse if not attended to once it starts developing.
A calf muscle strain can be treated different ways. One of the ways would be with self care at home. If you are stubborn and reluctant to go to a doctors, you should take an anti-inflammatory drug such as naproxen or ibuprofen to reduce pain, as well as applying ice packs and elevating the torn part of the muscle. In addition, one should protect the strained muscle from further injury, rest the strain, apply compression with an Ace or other elastic bandage to provide support and decrease swelling, and elevating the injured area. If the home remedies do not work, or the pain persists and is too unbearable, then one should seek medical assistance. When this is the case, the doctors will check your medical history and perform a physical exam. This is to establish whether or not the muscle is partially or completely torn. This is important to make sure the proper healing process and timeframe is recommended, that possible surgery is discussed, or that if needed, a more complicated recovery is discussed. While for more severe injuries, the medical treatment can be quite strenuous, for small injuries, the treatment by doctors is similar to the treatment at home. However, it is important to see a doctor so they can accurately diagnose the extent of the injury, and restrict your activity for a few days, as well as determine if an brace or crutches are
Aim: The purpose of this report is to learn about quadriceps tendonitis. By examining a range of internet articles based on the condition I hope to reveal information on the injury. How it occurs, its symptoms, how it can be diagnosed, the treatment process and furthermore the future issues that one could possibly experience.
Calf injuries usually occur as a result of a sudden pushing off movement or from excessive over-stretching of the calf muscles as demonstrated in jumping activities or during quick changes of direction. Symptoms of a calf strain can vary significantly but usually involve a sudden sharp pain at the back of the lower leg. The calf muscle will often be tender to touch at the point of injury and swelling and bruising may appear within hours or days. Depending on how bad the calf injury is, the athlete may be able to continue exercising although he/she will often have some discomfort / tightness during or after the session. When injuries are more severe the athlete can recall when the injury occurred and or they may be unable to walk due to severe
Both tendonitis and tendinitis have similar symptoms but requires different treatments. Tendonitis involves larger scale acute injuries that go together with inflammation. The tendonitis injuries are most common in the upper shoulder and lower section of the elbow, and are way less common in the hip and torso. Rock climbers tend to develop tendinitis in the fingers or elbows, and swimmers in their shoulders. Achilles tendinitis is a common tendon injury, mainly in spots that involve jumping, and lunging, while Patellar tendinitis is very common among basketball and volleyball players due to the amount of jumping and landing. Symptoms of tendonitis are aches, pains, joint stiffness around the affected area, burning around the whole joint around the inflamed tendon. In some cases or tendonitis swelling happens with heat and redness, there also may be visible knots around the joint. With this injury the pain is bad during and after an activity using the tendon, and the tendon and the area around the tendon can become stiff the next day as muscles tighten from the tendon moving. For healing you can use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, rest, and gradual exercise is a good therapy. Ice, compression, and elevation are also good treatments. Physical therapy, Occupational therapy, and orthotics or braces are also very helpful. In chronic cases of tendonitis laser therapy has been found to be somewhat better than a conservative treatment at reducing pain, but no other outcomes were
In Homer's The Iliad, we find the greatest, bravest, and most revered warrior of ancient times. Achilles was the son of Peleus, king of the Myrmidones in Phtia, and Thetis, a sea-nymph. As the legend goes, Achilles got his strength and battle skills when his mother dipped him in the river Styx. Achilles was thereby made invincible. However, Thetis forgot to wet the heel by which she held him and because of this grievous error, Thetis destined her son to defeat. It was prophesied that he would be defeated in battle by being pierced in his only vulnerable spot: Achilles' heel (thus the expression). This single weakness would inevitably be Achilles' downfall, but in the end he would still be defined as a true hero. The prophecy that
The act of suddenly stopping and changing directions or a hard impact to the side of the knee can cause a strain or tear of the ACL. These are one of the most severe sports injuries, but not the most common. A completely torn ligament requires surgery and may cut an athletic career short. If you think you might have an ACL injury, see your doctor immediately.
Achilles tendinitis is when the Achilles tendon becomes inflmed. This is the tend that runs from the calf to the back of your heal. You'll find that this tendon is painful and stiff, especially when you are active or when you get up in the morning. This injury occurs when the tendon is put under repetitive stress and often occurs when you add too much distance to your runs too fast. Calf muscles that are tight also contribute to this problem. Do calf stretches, rest the tendon and ice it regularly to reduce pain in the area.
Achilles was one of the most powerful warriors in the Trojan War and he is considered a hero because he is extraordinarily strong, a true commander, and a demigod. “Achilles is the greatest Greek fighter of the Trojan war. Son of Peleus and the sea goddess Thetis.” (Zimmerman, J.E. 3) When he was born his mother, Thetis, dipped him into the river styx, making his body immortal all except for his ankle or achilles heel which he was held by.
Foot injuries are very common in athletics as well as in everyday life. It’s very debilitating to have a foot injury since we use our feet in all of our daily activities. Research published in "Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise” indicates that the average adult takes between 5,000 to 7,000 steps a day. Some sports require the most dedicated athletes spend multiple hours a day pounding their feet on the turf or pavement. Most injuries that occur in the foot require a person to try and stay off of it or completely immobilize it. Since this is very difficult for a person to do, a large percentage of foot injuries often have a very high chance of reoccurring. The severity of some injuries that can be deceiving as well. Often times a nagging pain is ignored and eventually becomes a much bigger problem.
There are twenty-three different sports injuries. the first one on the list would be an achilles tendon injury. The achilles is the biggest tendon in your body, it is very common for this tendon to get injured. The tendon gets injured in the following sports such as basketball, baseball, softball, football, soccer, tennis, volleyball, running, dancing, and gymnastics.
Rhetorical devices are the techniques and tools of language applied in a writing or speech so as convey meaning (Harris, 28). Brilliant use of rhetorical devices nourishes, enriches and brings clarity to a text. Literary writers use literary tools to distinguish a literary work from the non-literary one as well as creating an effective literary work. According to Harris, rhetorical devices are not only used in literary texts, but they are also used in speech, so as to improve the effectiveness of the speech to the listeners as well as making it more appealing (Harris, 39). Rev. Martin Luther King who lived between 1929 and 1968 was one of the core leaders of the A.M.C.R.M (American Civil Rights Movement) and he was famous for his non-violence protests advocates, in America. The speech "I have a Dream" is one of his historical watersheds that he delivered in a remarkable day, March 28th August 1963 while at the Memorial of Lincoln Washington DC. In order to make his speech majestic and make it memorable, Rev. Martin Luther used various rhetorical flourishes such as repititionto engage his audience.