
Research Paper On Achilles Tendon

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Achilles Tendon Injury The term Achilles tendon is named after the great warrior, Achilles, of the Trojan War. In Greek mythology, Achilles was known to have one weakness - his left heel. When a poisoned arrow hit this area, he succumbed to death.

The Achilles tendon is considered as the largest tendon in your body. It is located at the back of your lower leg. A tendon is like a cord that connects your muscle to a particular bone in which the Achilles tendon connects your calf muscle to your heel bone. When this tendon is injured, it will impair your ability to walk.

Learning More About Achilles Tendon Injury
Though the great warrior, Achilles, died when his Achilles tendon was injured, this injury isn’t life-threatening but it can be classified …show more content…

However, it is best to cooperate with a health care provider for the speedy recovery of your injury.

There are many ways to prevent your Achilles tendon from being ruptured. To reduce your risk of injury, do the following:

Do leg strengthening stretches focusing on your calf muscles.
Wear the appropriate shoes and protective gear when participating in sports and exercises.
Limit jogging or running on hard and slippery surfaces.
Do low impact and high impact exercises alternately.

Stressing your calf muscles is one thing you should not do as this predisposes your Achilles tendon for tearing off. Even if your Achilles tendon injury heals itself over a period of time, don’t brush it off as a simple foot problem. No matter how minor it is, it can still impair your normal activities because you can’t walk properly. Prevent it before it happens.


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