Did you know that an albatross has the largest wingspan of any living bird? Moreover, an albatross can sometimes surprisingly live into their sixties. The scientific name of the bird is a Diomedeidae. A higher classification would be Procellariiformes. Global warming could cause this bird’s population number to skyrocket. Due to wind speeds, these birds spend less time finding food and more time mating and repopulating. The albatross’ wingspan can be 9.5-11 feet long, making it the largest wingspan of any bird. Their lifetime expectancy is 42 years, and they can weigh to around 19 pounds. They typically are 3.7 to 4 feet long. Albatrosses are white birds with black wings. They have a light orange beak and their eyes seem to appear like they
The boat-billed herons average height for a full grown adult is about 20 inches. They weight usually about 600g or 1.3 pounds. They have a unique black patch at the base of the hind neck. The animals feathers are a pale grey to white color,they have a chestnut colored belly and black on their side near the hip and ribs. They also have a scoop like bill, so they can scoop up their prey. They have wings that they fly with, as their main source of transportation. The have eyes, ears, and a beak that help them to find their prey, but mostly rely on touch. To protect themselves they raise their dark feathers that are located on their heads.
The sea mink (Neovison macrodon) was a mammal from the eastern coast of North America, in the family of weasels and otters in the order Carnivora. The largest of the minks, it was hunted to extinction by fur traders before 1903, when it was first given a species description. Some biologists classify it as a subspecies of the American mink. Estimates of its size are speculative, based largely on skull fragments recovered from Native American shell middens, and on tooth remains. Some information on its appearance and habits was provided by fur traders and Native Americans. It may have been similar in behavior to the American mink: it probably maintained home ranges, was polygynandrous, and had a similar diet, supplemented by saltwater prey. Sea
Tristan Albatross is apart of the D. dabbenena species. The Tristan Albatross is a fairly big seabird known for spending time near the ocean waters. The Tristan Albatross, which is hard to differentiate from the Wandering Albatross, has a wingspan up to 9-10 ft. and is primarily white with a dark back. Compared to the Wandering Albatross, they are slightly smaller, a little darker and they never really obtain their full white plumage. Their geographic distribution is very tough for experts and researches to find know due to the simple fact that they look so much like the Wandering Albatross. Although experts aren’t completely uninformed, by using tracking devices there is research that shows them in a wide variety of different places. Males
Pterophyllum scalare, also known as freshwater angelfish, are a species of cichlid that many aquarists enjoy. Typically, these fish need very specific water conditions in order to ensure survival and are therefore not recommended for beginners. Along with that, breeding angelfish is difficult as well.
A seahorse is a fish that lives under water. Seahorses prey on plankton and shrimp. Seahorse’s predators are penguins and stingrays. Seahorses are fish although they are bad swimmers. They are also very small. The male seahorse is equipped with a pouch on the ventral or front-facing, side of the tail and this is why seahorses are called seahorses. Seahorses are mainly found in shallow tropical and temperate waters throughout the world. From about 45 degrees south to 45 degrees north and live in sheltered areas such sea grass beds, estuaries, coral reefs, or mangroves. Four species are found in pacific water from North America to South America. These areas are seahorse’s habitat. When the fry, or baby seahorse, are ready to be born, the male
There are different typs of animals in the sea like sea angels and sea goblins. Like lot's of people find weird stuff every day for years. So they can find more weird creatures. So people could know about them weird creatures.
The bright orange beak is about 19 cm (8 in.) long – one third of the bird’s total length. But despite its substantial size, the beak weighs less than you may think.
Blood soaked into the sand baking beneath the inferno of the roman sun, while a pack
Seahorses are creatures that live in the ocean. There name means “sea monster” which comes from the greek word Hippocampus. The male seahorse is the one who holds the eggs, not the female. When they mate, the female carries the eggs into the male’s pouch until the baby seahorses come out fully developed, but very small. There are many interesting creatures in the ocean, and the seahorse is no exception.
Seven species of sea lions exist in the world. They are categorized into a group of animals that are known as pinnipeds. The modern Sea Lions body was built for marine life (life in water). They have torpedo shaped torsos that are smooth with short and thick hair, for easy land and water gliding. Their torsos are pale in colour and the rest of their body is a dark grey or dark brown, depending on the seas lion species. Their flippers are very strong and powerful, there are 2 flippers at the front and 2 at the back. Sea lions are able to lift themselves up and walk on all four flippers when they’re on land. Their flippers also have 5 ‘fingers’ and do not have claws. Sea lions have small ears found at the side of their head. Their ears are small, long flaps that point downward to avoid water getting in their ears. The weight also differs depending on the type of sea lion. However, males will usually be
The Gymnogyps californianus, also known as the California Condor is one of the largest flying birds in the world. They have a wing span up to nine and a half feet and as a result, they can glide for long distances without having to flap their wings for hours. Originally, these birds lived in different parts of North America, but settlers often shot, poisoned, and captured these birds. Those that remained faced a shortage of food supply until they could no longer survive in most areas. By 1900’s the remaining birds were now limited to the mountainous regions of Southern California (wildlife.ca.gov).
What impresses me the most is their sheer size with some almost five feet tall with a wingspan up to eight feet in length. Another visible feature on these birds is their bills and pouches, vital in their ability to catch a huge amount of fish. It's always amazing to watch as they swoop down into the water and scoop up the fish. Another interesting
Have you ever thought that animals have powers? Well these armadillos can do magic they can make or do whatever they want with their magic. The three armadillos all have different personality’s there is a harsh one a generous one and educated one. The mean one has a very deep voice and likes to yell. The nice one is very caring and helps out. The smart one doesn’t want to be bothered a lot.
Owning an exotic animal, what fun! At least that is what you think. Owning an exotic animal although it has its perks it is really not as fun as you think. If you weigh the goo
Seahorses are one of the many miniature sized creatures of the sea. When endangered by predators, seahorses amazingly have the capability to change color and can camouflage themselves. A seahorse’s size can vary from a staple to a hammer. Although they are fish, they do not have fins; instead they use their long tails to move around. Because they use their tails for transportation, they are extremely poor swimmers. Since they aren’t strong swimmers, they spend most of their time hanging onto things, like seaweed. Although they eat up to fifty times a day, seahorses don’t have teeth. Instead of chewing on their food, they suck it up with their snout. Seahorses are renowned for many things, but one of them is the fact that the male seahorse carries and gives birth to the babies. Seahorses are an example of one of God’s spectacular sea creatures.