What do you think your life would have been like if you were in the Holocaust?It may seem like a terrible situation, but one girl ,Anne Frank, seemed to always find the good in people. The lasts word in her diary were “In spite of everything, I still believe people are really good at heart.” These last famous words of Anne Frank let the world know that know matter what happens ,there is always good in people. Anne’s family faced many problems and fears in the annex. From, the diary Anne left ,I agree with Anne’ quote. I am siding with Anne because Mr.Frank was selfless, trusting, generous, and willing. Mr.Frank cared and thought for other people. He is described by Anne’s quote even if he did go through some rough times. However, I do know that some people disagree with Anne’s famous quote ,due to Mr.Van Daan’s rude, selfish, and assuming self. Through time there were many kind acts ,but one certain act made me strongly agree with Anne’s quote. The act that really convinced me was when Mr.Frank was ,so generous and open ,to letting a complete stranger live with them. On page 46, the following dialogue takes place: Kraler:... I know it’s a terrible thing to ask of you, living as you are, but would you take him in with you? Mr.Frank: Of course we will. This act of kindness is huge Mr.Frank was just willing and generous. Mr.Frank was selfless ,when he let Mr.Dussel stay with them. Mr.Frank had just added another person to the tiny annex. Mr.Frank was also
Anne Frank was a young girl who lived during the holocaust who lived during Hitler’s reign in Amsterdam. Only one problem: She was Jewish. In July of 1942, Margot Frank was called to report to a concentration camp. The Franks were forced into hiding in an annex behind Mr. Frank’s business. The Franks, along with the Van Pels and Mr. Pfeffer, hid in the annex for about two years. During her time in hiding, Anne confided in a diary. In her diary, she wrote “Despite everything, I believe people are really good at heart.” I agree with Anne. In my opinion, everyone is good at heart; they just show it in different ways. People do what they think is right. Even though there is evil in the world, I believe that deep down, everyone is good at heart.
The Holocaust was a time of war where many families were separated from one another and many had died from this tragic event. Although, from the book “Diary of Anne Frank” a Jewish girl named Anne that had been affected by the Holocaust had said, “In spite of everything, I still believe people are really good at heart.” Even though Anne and her family faced many hardships during the Holocaust Anne still saw the good in it all, and after reading the book I have to agree with Anne’s quote. One of the main reasons of why I am siding with Anne is because of Peter’s actions throughout the book and how his actions rapidly changed once Anne showed kindness to him. However, I can see how some people may disagree with Anne’s quote throughout Mr. Van Daan’s horrible actions throughout the book.
Mr. Van Dann is very selfish because he is only thinking of himself when he sells his wife’s coat. He doesn't think of how his wife might feel at all, the only thing he is worried about is what he wants and how he feels. He is also very rude because, he sells his wife’s very sentimental coat, and then with the money from selling the coat goes and buys cigarettes for himself. Mr. Van Dann is also a liar because, he said he was selling the coat for the benefit of everyone, but really the money for the coat just went to cigarettes for him. Even though I can see how some people believe that people are not good at heart due to the actions of Mr. Van Dann, I still believe that people are really good at heart, because of the actions put out by Peter.
Jews have perished because of their beliefs since the beginning of time but never have so many Jews been persecuted worldwide as they were in World War II. Anne Frank’s diary reaches a place within all of our hearts because it reminds us how easily the innocents can suffer. Sometimes we may choose to close our eyes or look the other way when unjustifiable things happen in our society and Anne’s tale reminds us that ignorance, in part, claimed her life. Sadly, her story is but one of many of those who died in the Holocaust and as with other Jews, her fate was determined by the country she lived in, her sex and her age.
The Holocaust was a very tragic time in history when millions of jews lost their lives just because of their religion. However this one girl named Anne Frank who was 13 years old when she had to go into hiding, thought and said this “In spite of everything,I still believe people are really good at heart”. Even through all the ruff paths and arguments Anne and her family went through, she still sees the good in all people. After reading a play based off of her real diary, which she wrote in when in hiding,I agree with Anne’s quote. One of the main reasons I agree with Anne’s quote was due to the actions by Anne’s father, Mr.Frank.
Anne Frank was a Jewish girl who went into hiding during the Holocaust because the Jews were being sent to concentration camps. When Anne went into hiding she took her diary with her and in it she recorded her story. One line in her diary that stood out was the quote, “Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart.” On this issue I agree with Anne. That despite whatever evils a person may have committed, they are good at heart.
I saw a lots of kindness in The book The Diary of Anne Frank but the one I think was the best was when anne made present for everyone in the annex. The quote is on page 74, “ It’s a muffler to put around your neck I made it myself out of odds and ends I knitted in the dark.” All of the families couldn't go out and buy presents so anne to time and made everyone prensten with her time. I think that this is the kindest thing anne did for all the time they were in the annex. This is why I think anne is kind evenythoght they were still mean after she was never mean back. This why I choses anne Because she was the nicest won out all of them.
Introduction: Do you truly believe that every single person on this earth is good at heart? One young girl, named Anne Frank, wrote this in her diary: “ In spite of everything, I still believe people are really good at heart.” She thought everyone was good at heart, but I don’t agree with her claim. Mr. Van Daan is the reason why I don’t agree with Anne. Mr. Van Daan is selfish and has never thought about anyone besides himself.
How would you feel if you had to go into hiding for 2 years? Anne Frank had to go into hiding with her family, the Van Daan family, and Mr. Dussel. They all were in a small annex above Mr. Frank’s old business. As you can imagine there were a lot of fighting and at the end Anne still said “In spite of everything, I still believe people are really good at heart.” I agree with Anne because everything they all went through in 2 years: people stealing food, fighting almost everyday, and families almost getting thrown out of the annex, she still believed that people were good at heart. The reason I agree with Anne is that she was trying to change even though people were mean. At least she was trying to fix her attitude unlike others. Although I can see why other people would argue that some people are bad at heart, because Mr. Van Daan and his selfishness, and greediness.
Early Life 1929 the 12th of June, a child is born, and that child is Annelies ‘‘Anne’’ Marie Frank. Anne Frank is a Jewish girl who grew up during WW2 and the Holocaust. Throughout her childhood, her and her father Otto, her mother Edith, and her older sister Margot, lived generally carefree lives in the German city, Frankfurt am Main. Growing up she was raised as a liberal Jew, and her and her family typically didn’t follow all customs and traditions of Judaism, the religion that Jewish people followed. When Anne was born, the family lived in an apartment like building called Marbachweg 307, where they rented out two floors. In 1931 when Anne was around the age of three, they moved into Ganghoferstrasse 24 in a modern, liberal area called Dichterviertel. When Hitler began his reign in 1933 the Frank family had moved out of fear of their lives, and were among the 30 000 Jews who had managed to escape Germany. When the family moved to Amsterdam, Anne and Margot were immediately enrolled in school. Margot was enrolled in public school, while Anne was enrolled in a Montessori school, a type of education focused mainly on observation of the child. During her years at her Montessori school Anne showed great aptitude for writing, and her friend Hanneli Goslar even recalls Anne writing a lot when they were younger, though she never let anyone read her writing and would shield it with her hands and refuse to tell anyone about it. In 1940 when Germany invaded the Netherlands, Otto
Are people truly “good at heart” or are people just born horrible. Anne Frank thought that people were and I agree with her one hundred percent. You can’t just judge people by what they portray since the Germans were forcing people into their army, therefore the soldiers might have not wanted to harm the Jews. After reading Anne Frank’s diary, watching the movie, reading the play, and researching the Holocaust I agree with Anne Frank’s statement. The reasons that I agree are that the Holocaust won’t last forever, the soldier showed kindness to Otto Frank when they were packing up their belongings, and lastly that the world is experiencing a phase.In conclusion, people really are good at heart.
“We’ve all done things we are ashamed of...Stop it now! Let's all be happy.” Pg. 506. This quote shows that they are trying to be positive. They are trying to be positive and look on the bright side of things.This shows the people are truly good at heart because they are trying to get each other to be positive and try to be optimistic. Mr Frank: “It seems strange to say this, as if anyone could be happy in a concentration camp. But Anne was happy in the camp in Holland where they first took us. After two years of being locked up . . . she could be out . . . in the fresh air she loved.” pg. 77. Anne was seeing the good in the really bad situation that she was in at the time. This shows how people are really good at heart because she is trying to reassure herself and others that everything will work out and be ok in the end. Anne: I think the world is going through a phase, the way I was with Mother. It’ll pass, maybe not for hundreds of years, but someday . . . “ Despite everything that is happening Anne still believes that it will be over soon and that everything will be ok. This shows how people are good at heart because she is being positive and having
What defines a human? Is it the compassion for others? Is it the feeling of having a conscience? It is this and many more. Anne Frank once said, "In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart." Anne Frank was a young Jewish girl who lived during the Holocaust. An event called the Holocaust was a time period during World War II in Europe where Jewish people were persecuted and we're treated like lesser people. Despite these harsh conditions, Anne Frank still remained positive. A question that might arise from this is, why did Anne write this, how did she feel during this ordeal, what does the quote reveal about her character and what does the quote reveal about her views on life?
What do you think your life would have been like if you were in the Holocaust?It may seem like a terrible situation, but one girl ,Anne Frank, seemed to always find the good in people. The last words in her diary were “In spite of everything, I still believe people are really good at heart.” These last famous words of Anne Frank let the world know that know matter what happens ,there is always good in people. Anne’s family faced many problems and fears in the annex. From, the diary, Anne left ,I agree with Anne’ quote. I am siding with Anne because Mr.Frank was selfless, trusting, generous, and willing. Mr.Frank cared and thought for other people. He is described by Anne’s quote even if he did go through some
What if Anne Frank lived, what would she be like? When people think about Anne Frank some may think “Holocaust”, “Writer”, or even “Amazing”. Anne Frank’s diary is very well known, and her story shows a young girl that was courageous, brave, and most of all hopeful. But what was it really like during her time of living?