
Research Paper On Anne Frank

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What do you think your life would have been like if you were in the Holocaust?It may seem like a terrible situation, but one girl ,Anne Frank, seemed to always find the good in people. The lasts word in her diary were “In spite of everything, I still believe people are really good at heart.” These last famous words of Anne Frank let the world know that know matter what happens ,there is always good in people. Anne’s family faced many problems and fears in the annex. From, the diary Anne left ,I agree with Anne’ quote. I am siding with Anne because Mr.Frank was selfless, trusting, generous, and willing. Mr.Frank cared and thought for other people. He is described by Anne’s quote even if he did go through some rough times. However, I do know that some people disagree with Anne’s famous quote ,due to Mr.Van Daan’s rude, selfish, and assuming self. Through time there were many kind acts ,but one certain act made me strongly agree with Anne’s quote. The act that really convinced me was when Mr.Frank was ,so generous and open ,to letting a complete stranger live with them. On page 46, the following dialogue takes place: Kraler:... I know it’s a terrible thing to ask of you, living as you are, but would you take him in with you? Mr.Frank: Of course we will. This act of kindness is huge Mr.Frank was just willing and generous. Mr.Frank was selfless ,when he let Mr.Dussel stay with them. Mr.Frank had just added another person to the tiny annex. Mr.Frank was also

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