Bacillus cereus is a gram positive, aerobic, motile bacterium commonly found in soil and food. Some of its strains are harmful to humans and cause foodborne illness, while other strains are beneficial as probiotics for animals. It can cause fried rice syndrome. B. cereus bacteria are facultative anaerobes and like other members of the genus Bacillus can produce protective endospores. B. cereus competes with other organisms such as Salmonella in the gut, hence its presence reduces those organisms.
Antibiotic resistant bacteria are a rapidly growing concern in the world due to the concerns and precautions we take in order to prevent them. Some bacteria just have a strong disliking for certain antibiotics, making them resistant to these medications. Here is how we should fix them and some of the many concerns within the world.
Consumers who purchase their meat and poultry from U.S. grocery stores are at risk for Staphylococcus aureus. Staphylococcus aureus, also known as S. aureus can lead to diseases if not handled with caution. Unfortunately, “47 percent of the meat and poultry” were exposed to S. aureus (Translational Genomics). After performing DNA testing, the Translational Genomics Research Institute discovered that the major source of S. aureus originated from food animals injected with antibiotics. “52 percent” of the S. aureus in meat and poultry were “resistant to three classes of antibiotics” (Translational Genomics). To resolve the problem, scientists’ must pinpoint the “effect antibiotics have in food-animal production” (Translational Genomics). Additionally,
Germs are everywhere and some are a natural part of life. There are so many germs and diseases that if one type is able to be eliminated, another type will appear and replace it. Only the chemical technology has been able to continue killing these germs. Many diseases that were fatal are no longer a major threat thanks to antibiotics, plumbing, civilization, and money. Not all bacteria are harmful to people, only when they produce exotoxins should people become ill. Many bacteria types are not able to adapt to the conditions in our skin that are not friendly and dangerous, but a few types are able to adjust and survive, like staphylococci. Some information that bacteria carries cannot be obeyed by cells. For example, the gram-negative bacteria
Acoordingly to Nathan Wolfe most of the infectuous deseases appeared only after the origins of agriculture. Five intermidiate stages were identified which a pathogen only infecting animals may become a pathogen infecting humans. Most major human infectious diseases have animal origins. (…) "monitoring should focus on people with high levels of exposure to wild animals, such as hunters, butchers of wild game, wildlife veterinarians, workers in the wildlife trade, and zoo workers." Those people are constantly interacting with animals and can easily be infected by animal viruses and their infections can be transferred to other people in contact with them.
Salmonella is known as a gram-negative, rod shaped bacillus. It is a facultative anaerobe in the family Enterobacteriaceae (Todar). There are more than 1,000 known types of Salmonella, with ranging levels of toxicity (Jones), accounting for 60% of all bacterial diseases (Curtello). Salmonellosis has affected over 1.4 million people per year in the United States, including more than 500 fatal cases (Jones). This organism has a wide host range with abilities to attack both animals and humans (Tartakow). Salmonella’s main habitat is in the intestinal tracts of warm blooded animals (Jones). It best grows at a temperature between 5 and 47 degrees Celsius (Pui). Non-host adapted Salmonella may reside in food or water
Background: Antimicrobial resistance is a public health challenge supplemented by inappropriate prescribing, especially for an upper respiratory tract infection in primary care. Patient/carer expectations have been identified as one of the main drivers for inappropriate antibiotics prescribing by primary care physicians. The aim of this study was to understand who expects an antibiotic for a upper respiratory tract infection from their doctor and the reasons underlying it.
There is so much bacteria and so many bacterial cells everywhere. Bacteria is a helpful or a harmful type of cell. Bacteria is a unicellular organism which means it only has one cell. Bacteria can live in many areas and climates it can live in cold climates and hot climates. Also, bacteria makes up millions of items such as, food and vitamins. The amount of bacteria in the mouth will determine if a dog or a human’s mouth is cleaner.
Bacteria, singular form bacterium, are microorganisms which belong to their own animal kingdom – Kingdom Monera. All bacteria are alive and require to reproduce and eat. In the experiment, the bacteria used is called Staphylococcus aureus, which can cause a variety of diseases (e.g. meningitis, boils and abscesses, osteomyelitis, pneumonia etc.). Various strains of Staphylococcus aureus are resistant to some antibiotics and has become a health concern. As more and more antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections/diseases, eventually there will be a point when the bacterium will grow immune to it. Thus, this makes Staphylococcus aureus serious as it almost completely immune to benzyl penicillin.
The host bacterial strain L. Lactis 7–18, was grown at 30 °C in M17 broth (Oxoid Ltd., Basingstoke, Hampshire, England) supplemented with 0.5% glucose (GM17) (Terzaghi and Sandine, 1975). The thermo-resistant lactococcal virulent phage P1532 used in this study was obtained from the Félix d 'Hérelle Reference Center for Bacterial Viruses ( P1532 phage was amplified on L. lactis 7-18 that was initially grown in GM17 until an optical density at 600 nm of 0.1. Then, 10 mM of CaCl2 was added as well as an approximately 105 PFU/ml of phage P1532. ……….When the culture was completely clear, the phage lysate was filtered using a 0.45-μm syringe filter and then stored at 4 °C until further use.
BACTERIA. These one-cell organism is responsible for illnesses such as strep throat, urinary tract infections and tuberculosis.
Pneumonia is a disease in the lung often caused by viruses, bacteria and any other organisms, even though there are other noninfectious causes. Pneumonia is a complication of a pre-existing infection and is caused when the patients immune system is weakened, more often by a viral respiratory tract infection, especially in the elderly. There are many different types of pneumonia such as, Bacterial Pneumonia, Virul Pneumonia, Mycoplasma Pneumonia, Tuberculosis Pneumonia, Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia, and Rickettsia Pneumonia.
The bacteria can be helpful or harmful to the environment and animals, including humans. The role of bacteria in causing disease and infection is important. Some are pathogens, causing diseases such as tetanus, typhoid fever, syphilis, cholera, foodborne infections, and tuberculosis.
Bacteria are single-celled minute organisms found inside and outside our bodies. Most bacteria is very useful and good for us such as the bacteria found in each person’s digestive tract. This bacteria is important as it breaks down food so that nutrients can be absorbed and it also helps to fight the bad bacteria that causes infection and disease. Bacteria that is not good for us causes infection such as tuberculosis, ear infections, pneumonia and even food poisoning. This is disease causing bacteria. It is not only bacteria that cause illness however, as some infections such as colds and flu are caused by
Probiotics are live organisms such as bacteria and yeasts that are good for a person’s health. Although probiotics occur naturally in your body, there can also be found in food and supplements. Most of us think of bacteria as a disease causing micro-organism, however this is not true about all bacteria especially probiotics. The health benefits of probiotics are numerous for children. Among other benefits probiotics have been known to protect against viral infections and prevent allergies.
Antibiotics are used to treat and prevent bacterial infection. Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria no longer responds to the antibiotics. Antibiotic resistance is a big threat and is rising to dangerous levels in all parts of the world. This is creating a major problem because the