Yes We Can! What is a leader? To take on a leadership role is not an easy task for most, however, an African American man took on a massive role of leadership. Barack Hussein Obama is a great leader, motivated, very inspiring, and an all-around great person.
Barack Obama the 44th first African American President of the United States of America has showed leadership throughout and before his presidency. For twenty years Obama had worked his way up to become president and instilled the “Yes We Can” motto embedded in American tradition.
Leaders comes in many forms and Barack Obama exhibits many leadership styles with a combination of showing his versatility and his empathy for the American people. In 1985 Barack moved to Chicago and became
Malia Obama has a boyfriend or "mystery man." Barack and Michelle Obama's eldest daughter recently proved that she doesn't care if the Secret Service members and Paparazzi -- or anyone else -- are around when she is kissing, making out, and puffing on cigarettes. Malia was doing just that at a recent Harvard versus Yale football game tailgate party over the weekend, this according to a TMZ report.
Leadership is action,not a position”(Donald H. McGannon 1).On November 4, 2008, senator Barack Obama was elected as the first African-American of the United States of America. It was then on that he would lead the country for two terms and finally leave his legacy in 2017.Barack obama impacted most of the american peoples lives in a positive way like when he created more jobs. During the“ course of Obama’s two terms of presidency, he has shown multiple times through his actions on why he is such a great president.,Such as providing health care for the poor and helping the economy.For instance, obama averted an economic collapse.
Michelle Obama is known to be a very successful woman. Before she became the First Lady of the United States, she was a lawyer and it took her hard work and dedication to get there. Michelle was enrolled at Whitney M. Young Magnet High School. Their program is an accelerated program for gifted students. Michelle became a member of the National Honor Society before graduating as class salutatorian in 1981. For college, Michelle attended Princeton University, graduating cum laude in 1985 with a B.A. in Sociology. Then she continued her college education at Harvard Law School, where she was part of rallies for the enrollment and hire more minority students and professors. She was awarded her J.D. in 1988. Once she finished college, she went back
On the sixth day of creation, God created Adam and gave him total dominion over the Garden of Eden. After a period of time, God realized that it was not good for Adam to remain alone in the Garden, and therefore created Eve from Adam’s ribs. God allowed Adam and Eve to dwell in the Garden of Eden but commanded that they did not eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. However, a serpent later persuades Eve to pick an apple from the Tree, who then offers it to Adam. God becomes very angry and casts them out from the Garden of Eden. The classical Disney movie, Snow White, alludes to Adam and Eve. In the movie, an innocent and pure girl named Snow White is offered a poisonous apple by a wicked witch. The witch claims that the apple was magical and had the power to grant Snow White a wish. Snow White becomes convinced and takes a bite from the apple, causing her to fall into a deep slumber. Both the serpent and witch used the art of temptation, sin, and greed to lure their foe into committing wrong things.
The 1920s was a prosperous and extravagant time for the United States. It was full of luxury, art, and entertainment. These things along with other contributing factors, like the economy, led to this time being known as the Roaring Twenties. The economy at the time was a great one, one full of higher pay for less work, more goods for less money, and you could even just pay with credit. With all this ‘extra’ money laying around the employment rate was also able to slightly increase, causing us to have one of our lowest unemployment rates in the 1900s. Along with the employment rate, the extra money allowed people to have more time for leisure which caused quite a boom in the entertainment industry. More people were going out to watch movies,
“Don’t ever underestimate the importance you can have because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take a life of it’s own.” Michelle Obama
Barack Obama had the biggest influence on the United States in the early 2000’s. Barack Obama was the first African-American President, and also the first president to be born outside of the contiguous United States. Barack Obama served as the 44th President of the United States, from 2009-2017. He reformed health care, strengthened the economy, helped protect the Environment from the effects of climate change and air pollution, and used military diplomacy in other countries.
Historical Background of the policy: The Obama campaign of 2010 was a driving force to establish a better quality of health insurance for all Americans who were uninsured. Before the act was passed nearly 102 million Americans were in health insurance policies with lifetime limits; it was estimated that as many as 20,000 people annually could be denied coverage for care due to those limits (The Affordable Care Act: the impact of health insurance reform on health care consumers: hearing of the committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pension, United States Senate, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, first section..January 27, 2011., 2013). Most beneficiaries who have reached their lifetime limits are seriously ill, which results to them having to use their benefits but instead of receiving it they have already ran out just when they needed the coverage the most. Another problem that corrupted the health care field was young adults going without health insurance from their jobs because of the fact employers were not offer plans, it being too costly, or individuals not being ineligible for their parent’s coverage due to their age. Cancellation among policy or were required to pay a higher expense for coverages that provided service for pregnant and nonpregnant women. Employers suffered dealing with offering employees’ high insurance coverage or not offering it at all. Also, individuals who suffered from preexisting conditions rather it was an elderly or a child they were either
Grew up on the Southside of Chicago, earned degrees from Princeton and Harvard Law School, married the man she loved, became the first black woman to be the First Lady of the United States, improved civil rights for people of color, and changed the face of feminism; these are some, but most certainly not all, of the accomplishments of the same woman, Michelle Obama. She is overall an inspiring woman to so many people that have had to struggle in life. She has done everything in her power to help those people lead a life of justice and equality that they otherwise, had been prevented from doing. Michelle Obama has achieved things most others with her upbringing could only dream of. She used her achievements to give those people a better chance. Michelle Obama has become an extremely important figure in America because of her inspiring advocacy for women, girls, and people of color, and she was doing this far before she became the first lady of the United States.
Barack obama if famous for many things i'll explain some of the reason why. Barack Obama was the president for 8 years from 2009 to 2017. He’s famous for being one of the longest presidents running. In my opinion he was the most intelligent president we've ever had. Did you know that he has a nickname Barry? I picked Barack obama because he has been one of the best presidents of the United States of America. I also picked him because I wanted to know more about Barry.
A leader is someone who timelessly practice guiding others in pursuit of a goal, or desired outcome. At the most fundamental level, a leader is someone who motivates, inspires and guides others toward pre-established goals. One of the most prominent leaders and inspirational person is Michelle Lavaughn Robinson Obama, former First Lady and married to Barack Obama, the former 44th President of the United States. During her time as an attorney and First Lady, Mrs. Obama has been an advocate for women’s rights, poverty awareness, a mentor, a supporter of military families, healthy eating and has been a fervent opponent of inequality (Slevin,2015). Michelle Obama is a noteworthy because she possesses leadership characteristics that inspire, motivate and made changes to the way American citizens live and see life; she became a beacon of hope.
President Barack Obama is know for remarkable events such as becoming the first African American president of the United States; however, not everyone knows about what else Obama has done. He is also an author who has written around twenty books including a memoir about his early life leading up to his life in law school, and a children’s book dedicated to his daughters. His most famous book Dreams From My Father, a memoir about his early life leading up to law school, is a prime example of what influenced him to write. There were many things that happened in Obama’s life that caused him to write. Things such as the segregation happening in the U.S at the time, his broken home and his feelings towards his absent father.
Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on August 4th, 1961. He went to Harvard Law School. After his graduation, continued his legal work as a civil rights lawyer and a professor teaching constitutional law at the University of Chicago. He was elected to the Illinois State Senate in 1996. He served there for three terms (1996-2004). Later on, he started his campaign in 2007 for the presidential election in 2008. He won the presidential election against John McCain, his Republican opponent and started serving in the office in January 20, 2009. He became the 44th President of The United States of America. He is more well-known for being the first African-American who ever served in The White House.
People have many different opinions when it comes down to how the media is biased. I believe that the media is unfair and they don’t give as much facts as they do opinions. Reporters tend to tell you what you want to hear regardless of the truth and they tell it in a way that will make you believe it’s true and whoever doesn’t agree sounds crazy. The media tends to leave out information or they only tell one side of the story considering the fact the most people only read the headlines. When it comes down to it all media is biased they just decide what is newsworthy and what isn’t.
Barack Obama shows initiative to be the leader of USA. In 2000, he failed in the election of United States House of Representatives. However, he ambition pushed him to put a lot of efforts after that. He increases his recognition after his speech in 2004 and finally become the president of USA (Leanne, 2010).