1. If you were a fictional character, who would you be and why?
Batman. Self explanatory. The Dark Knight is the COOLEST guy out there. Unlike any of the other superheroes, he has no special super powers. I mean, he even has his own light in the sky!! He has his own butler. How much cooler can it get?! Let me answer that question- the Batmobile. I can just imagine myself pulling up to a donut shop in my fancy black Batmobile. Plus, he gets points for wearing all black. Outside of being a superhero, Bruce Wayne lives a lavish life. It is my dream to live in a mansion and have tons of money to spend (that’s why I’m going to college). Batman is love, Batman is life.
2. Share a quote that you feel applies to your life. What significance does it have to you?
“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” Mother Teresa is one of the most inspirational figureheads in history. Her never ending kindness and compassion drives me to be the person I am today. This quote has played an important role in my personality and how I view my environment. My basketball coaches emphasized this quote and reminded us to use it in our everyday activities. I learned that you need to be passionate about a subject in order to succeed. Whether it's writing a paper or playing the best defense, you need to exceed in your effort in order
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The pair I owned were shaped like Harry Potter glasses and had a light purple frame. I always looked forward to recess so that I could show them off because they were the 10 year old version of Ray Bans. Sure, they were a little dorky, but the concept is mesmerizing. Instead of switching from glasses to sunglasses, you can have them both! I don’t get why people hate on them. I have to admit, it was a little awkward when you would walk back inside and your glasses would be
Batman is a depiction of hope. Batman was the answer to a lot of people’s problems in a place where nobody felt safe like they should in their home. He was like the rain after a long, dry spell for
To be Batman takes a lot of courage.” This quote conveys how vital courage is to the importance of the play because it represents how valuable and strong a human characteristic can
Bruce Wayne’s longtime friend Rachel Dawes says, "It’¬s not who you are underneath, but what you do that defines you” (Nolan). In Batman Begins, Bruce Wayne’s fictional journey transforming into the Dark Knight begins when his parents are murdered in cold blood outside of a theater in Gotham. The experience Wayne had with Gotham’s crime early in his life traumatized him, and it left him without a sense of purpose. As a result of his parents’ murder, Wayne goes on a journey around the world to discover his purpose; he decides that his calling is back in Gotham. Wayne creates the vigilante Batman because he realizes the city his parents worked hard to build is being destroyed by organized crime.
D. Incredible Progress Proper representation took quite some time to make its way to the forefront of the comic book industry. It wasn’t always right (like in the mid eighties case of Cisco Ramon as The Vibe,) but sometimes they got it right. One of the first notable Hispanic heroes was unveiled when Marvel introduced White Tiger to the universe in the early 1970s. He was a Puerto Rican man named Hector Ayala, and he was the first Latino superhero to be featured in the Marvel Universe and he was penned by Puerto Rican artist George Perez. He was one of many Latinos involved in creating some incredible content for comics, such as Marvel’s Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso and Joe Quesada.
Laberge explains that Batman has described as the image of the adventure as well as the cartoon that has taken the American world and admired by the kids and adults of all ages. The Batman also established the character of the superhero as well as the person who is a symbol of strength and enthusiasm regarding believing in himself. Separate from most superheroes, Batman has no unique powers, identifying him as a more convenient symbol of American values. The writer clearly states that Batman and Robin represents the 'real' American Dream. Many parodies were made afterward the series become the popular and Batman is
Batman is depicted as dark and mysterious and for a while people didn't know whether he was good or evil. Some film techniques used are things like dark lighting and generally low angles. Batman also only really comes out at night to make him more mysterious. To make him darker he only wears black and all his tools and vehicles are black or grey. The music and dialogue will also be discussed.
Brief Introduction Batman from the “illuminati” party is running for prime minister mascot this year in the grade 5/6 class of Terry Fox Public School. He was born Batman Wayne on January 21, 1981, in Gotham city, Canada. Batman is 34 years old. Family life Batman grew up in Gotham city with his parents and no sibling. Batman’s father, Bruce Wayne, was a police officer for Gotham city before he retired in 2000.
Vilja Johnson. The Journal of Popular Culture, Vol. 47, No. 5, 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. “Its What You Do that Defines You:” Christopher Nolan’s Batman as Moral Philosopher. Pg.
"I can't tell you what it was when I was a kid, but as an adult, I like the balance of Bruce and Batman. Being a playboy billionaire, saving Gotham, a broken man who lost
For Batman, it is the joker, who, as a wicked teenager, was the mugger-murderer of his parents. Many spectacular battles have ensured for both crime fighters, and one has reached the top in his profession. Superman offers overwhelming physical strength against crime, but Batman display cunning and base passion. As he strikes fear in the hearts of the wicked, he's not just winning; he is getting even. Most people would cheer Superman on. However, they would identify more with Batman, and he is the
Bruce Wayne uses all of the strength he possesses in order to keep Batman from being free despite his relentless struggles to break free from the chains that keep him. The usage of dramatic lines the author uses and the constant shadows creates the imagery of captivity and the innermost thoughts and struggles that Bruce Wayne possesses deep inside. Cell bars represent the windows on the panels of this
Imagine having the opportunity to meet the person who excites you the most; the person who inspires you to do and achieve great things and what you what to do. The person that excites and inspires me the most, and that I idolize is a fictional character named Bruce Wayne aka Batman. I idolize Batman because he is a genius, very knowledgeable, is skilled in and is many different things, has mastered many various martial arts forms, has Masters Degrees in many different subjects, and has his own company. Also, he isn’t afraid of anyone or anything he faces against and pretty much always wins against who he is fighting. He is and is everything that I want to have and be.
In the world of superheroes, there are numerous that believe they are heroes, while in actuality, they are merely vigilantes. This is demonstrated throughout the world of superheroes, but it is not as prominently demonstrated as in Batman. Batman presents himself as a hero, while he is only an over imaginative vigilante. He is more a vigilante than a hero since he has the ability to stop crime, but doesn’t, he only does deeds for his own benefit, and he helps the law but isn’t part of it. These are only a few ways Batman is a vigilante, rather than a hero. These are mainly based upon the idea of him trying to right his own past.
1938 saw the first appearance of Batman. More of a mystery comic than a superhero comic book, Batman was inherently different from the pure and clean Superman. He was a gritty and depressing character that has been able to remain in print even to this day. Rather than using superpowers, Batman uses detective abilities that allowed him to solve cases and find perpetrators. (“The History of Comic Books.” TheComicBooks.com.) But not even Batman, Superman, or even Captain Marvel could brace themselves for the arrival of the Marvel comics.
Batman’s character is based on his will to fight for justice. Batman relates to the modern law through the unique ways in which he uses his intellectual abilities to reason. His reasoning provides insight about ‘true justice’ by operating externally to