
Research Paper On Civic Engagement

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First Civic Engagement Project
In the article named “Civic Education and Political Participation”. At beginning the author said that he found the people who engagement civic significantly decline especially young people , and today’s young people believed in America’s principle and in America dream. They are patriotic, tolerant and compassionate. And they said they want to volunteer during college. But they always characterize their volunteering as an alternative to official political. They have limit knowledge of government’s impact, either on themselves or on those they seek to assist. Then he found that the solidarity organizations that dominated the U.S. landscape have weakened and the principle of individual choice has emerged as our central value. So he came to focus about the civic education. The most failure of civic education is that we have made a major …show more content…

He argues that this undermines the active Civil sexual, which a strong democracy requires from its citizens. The norms and networks of civic engagement also powerfully affect the performance of representative government. For a variety of reasons, life is easier in a community blessed with a substantial stock of social capital. In The same place, networks of civic engagement furs sturdy norms of generalized reciprocity and the emergence of social trust. When economic and political negotiation is embedded in dense networks of biota interaction for opportunism are reduced. At the same time, networks of civic Engagement we success in collaboration, which can serve as a cultural template for future collaboration. Finally, dense networks of interactions probably broaden the participants' sense of self, developing the "I" into the "we" for the

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