
Research Paper On Comrade Napolean

Decent Essays

Comrades! Animal Farm is a prosperous empire that that beat the odds and risen against our oppressors (Red Herring, Glittering Generalities)! Why is it that the lot of you mope about as if you all are still enslaved? Comrade Napolean, our savior and martyr, has put his life on the line for you more than once (Glittering Generalities, Euphemism). Are you not satisfied with the luxurious and overall privileged lives you all live (Inflated Language)? Then what of it, comrades? You all are parading around life Jones were back! When there was only a quarter barrel of barley and wheat to go around for the entirety of the month (Powerful Images). When Jones and his men would brand the cows with molten hot irons and shave the sheep for coats (Lie, Powerful Images, Name-Calling, Fear, Appeal to Fear)! Is it not evident that Animal Farm has provided you all with not only a warm home, but a democratic society (Jargon, …show more content…

Comrades, this should not even be an issue! For centuries now, pigs have always kept their children to themselves for most of their childhoods (Appeal to Tradition). It is only right that we continue this tradition for not only tradition's sake, but for the sake of order (Appeals to Tradition)! Hierarchy, comrades, hierarchy (Repetition, Inflated Language)! Speaking of which, all of you are well aware we pigs now carry whips in our trotters. Comrades, whips are not tools of violence and mass destruction, the humans have made it that way! It is simply impossible to think we pigs, guardians of the farm, would use whips to terrorize you all (Appeal to Consequences of a Belief)! These whips are means of ascendancy and dominion put in place to make Animal Farm run as smoothly as possible (Euphemism, Inflated Language). We pigs are trained to execute distributionally robust optimization and these whips facilitates us to do so (Jargon, Inflated

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