WARNING!! There is currently a dangerous epidemic outbreak of accidents caused by distracted driving all across the United States. Many believe that this outbreak only affects teenagers. Although, according to The Texas Department of Transportation in 2015 there has been over 105,000 of these accidents deals with teenagers and adults as the driver due to distracted driving. Safe driving is described as a complex procedure that requires 100 percent of focus and concentration. While, distractive driving is defined as any time the driver takes their eyes off the road for even a split second due to any distraction. These distractions can range from eating to using any electronic device and even talking to others inside and outside the car. There are countless of cases after cases about drivers being distracted and getting into fatal car …show more content…
If it is important you should pull over to the side of the road or even wait until you can get to your destination. According to, The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) classifies the most common driver distraction into three categories.These categories are cognitive, visual and manual distractions. Cognitive distraction is when your mind is not focused on driving. This can include daydreaming, talking on the phone, listening to music and even having a conversation with someone else. Visual distraction is defined as anything outside the vehicle such as an accident or flashing light that causes the driver to take their eyes off the road to pay attention to the object or situation. This type of distraction is common in all age groups where everyone will use their GPS and phone. Manual distraction is when you take one or both hands off the wheel at anytime while driving due to eating, drinking, adjusting a GPS/ phone or reaching for something. All these distractions can seem like a minor distraction but can lead to a fatal
Distracted driving is the leading cause of car accidents in America, followed by speeding, then drunk driving. A study performed by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTAS) found that 80% of car crashes were a direct result of distracted driving. There are three types of distractions for drivers: visual, cognitive, and manual. Cell phone usage whilst driving meets all three criteria for a distracted driver. When a person is using a phone they will take their eyes away from the road to look at the device (visual), they will think about the content of what they are looking at and take their mind off of the road (cognitive), and they will also take their hands off of the wheel to use the device (manual). There are many other reasons that can be attributed to distracted driving, like applying make-up or loud passengers in the car, but cell phone usage is becoming a rapidly growing concern, especially with younger drivers. The NHTAS identified that drivers under the age of 20 make up the highest proportion of distracted drivers that were involved in fatal crashes.
In this article “Distracted Driving”, many distractions are mentioned other than just cell phone usage, such as changing the radio station or driving with kids in the back seat. It is stated that the dangers from distracted driving are because of the decrease in brain function and inability to pay full attention to the road. These practices lead to wrecks and in many cases death.
A distracted driver is anyone who diverts their attention from driving by either talking or texting, talking or performing any other multitasking activity on a mobile device while driving. on a mobile device eitherRegardless if the device is a hand-held hands on or hand-freeoff or multitasking while driving. All distractions are dangerous, but text messaging is the most hazardous because it requires visual, manual, and cognitive attention from the driver (Distraction.govDistracted Driving, 2013). Regardless of the ageage, sex, or expertise of a driver; a distracted driver is a danger to society. When we drive distractedFor the distracted driver, the result is the same, and it is just an accident waiting to happen. The fact is that, and the growing number of life changing accidents is inis on the rise. This practice does not only affect the driver but “all distractions endanger driver, passenger, and bystander safety” (Distracted Driving, 2013).
Behind the wheel, there are many different distractions the driver can face. An online article by LiveScience.com showed an experiment done by the University of Houston and the Texas A&M Transportation Institute in which they put different distraction in different categories. The three categories I read about were Cognitive, Emotional, and Sensorimotor distractions. In the experiment, they asked the participant thought provoking questions, emotion provoking questions, and made them text while driving. They then tested stress levels and all three caused a noticeable amount of stress. This source shows a few different kinds of distractions that anyone can face behind the wheel giving anyone who reads it awareness of these
It looks like that in 2015, distracted drivers was a big problem in Utah. 5,850 distracteddrivers that was involved in a crash, about 3,202 were injured and there was about 28 death involved. Crashes in Utah that were caused by distracted drivers are about 10%. Half of thecrashes were rear ended crashes. Teenagers between 16-19 years of age have a high accident rates. 2,333 teens in the United States were killed from being distracted while they were driving and 221,313 had to be treatedin the emergency room. About 6 teens die every day from crashes that they were not paying attention to driving. There are 5 main types of distractions:1. Visual- taking your eyes off the road.2. Manual- taking your hands off the wheel.3. Cognitive-
The use of pulling a phone out while driving , particularly for texting and during phone to ear conversations , cause visual , manual and cognitive distraction (Thompson 4 ). When drivers pull out their phones they are taking more than 50% of their attention away from the roads, for example some
In my opinioin my state does not do enough to prevent distracted drivers. It does do somethimgs and it has gotten better over the years but i think it needs to be a lot better.
The risks of distracted driving are great and lead to unfathomable results. According to The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP), there are three main types of distracted driving. The first is visual - taking your eyes off of the road. The second is manual- taking your hands off of the wheel, and the third is cognitive - taking your mind off of driving (CDCP). While all of these exist amongst distracted drivers, the major distraction for most people is visual and manual. For example, whether an individual is changing the radio or the most common and dangerous thing, texting; particularly because texting involves all three forms. It involves
“Distracted driving refers to any nondriving activity that takes motorists ' attention away from the safe operation of their vehicles” (Leone). Every time a driver gets in a vehicle and decides to use a cell phone to have a conversation, either talking or texting, they put themselves and others lives in danger. The convenience a cell phone and the capabilities they offer have made them a substantial distraction and a cause of significant source of vehicle accidents and fatalities. There are three different types of distractions: visual, manual and cognitive. Cell phone use is the most dangerous distraction because it involves all three different types of distraction and plays a part in the increasing issue of distracted driving. Even
Distracted driving is one of the fastest growing problems in the United States. It is starting to be considered as serious as drunk driving based on the dangerous outcomes. According to the Department of Transportation (2012), “distracted driving was a cause of roughly 450,000 accident-related injuries and nearly 5,500 fatalities in 2009 alone” (para. 1). Drivers who allow themselves to become distracted while driving are not only endangering themselves, but other innocent bystanders.
“In a split second you could ruin your future, injure or kill others, and tear a hole in the heart of everyone who loves you,” (Heit). This specific quote shows how the results of distracted driving not only affects you, but also those around you. Distracted driving has been a serious concern for many years. This subject has been an issue because of the dangers it brings to the safety of others. One major type of distracted driving includes texting and driving. which is becoming more popular in today’s society because many have cell phones. Another type of distracted driving is drinking and driving, this continues to stay a topic for many years. Although drinking and driving and texting and driving carry many similarities with the
Visual distraction of this nature is anything that requires the driver to take his or her eyes away from the road. Manual distraction involves the driver removing his or her hands from the steering wheel. Cognitive distraction forces the driver to think about something other than driving safely (Goldfarb, 2010). These skills are critical when safely operating a motor vehicle that requires concentration, coordination, and prompt, immediate responses to sensory input.
Nowadays, distracted drivers are causing an amount of serious car accidents. In fact, driver distractions are leading the cause of most road accidents. Here are some common distractions which cause by the driver, for example, talking on a cell phone, sending text messages, reaching for a moving object inside the vehicle, looking at an object or event outside of the vehicle, reading a book, eating food, applying makeup, adjusting mirrors while driving, radio in vehicle, animals on the road, looking at banners and billboards. The driver should not be distracted due to these things and reduce speed to remain safe during diversions and other kind of outside distractions.
How long can someone go without being distracted? A few hours, a week, or just even a day? While driving people are distracted with numerous things besides keeping their eyes on the road. Whether it’s changing the station, texting, talking to someone from the back seat, or just making a simple phone call. When people are distracted with other things, they tendency want to do that other thing rather than drive. Taking your eyes off the road for a split second could endanger yourself and others because you are distracted from your driving. In my opinion talking on your cellular phone should be illegal in every state because of how many accidents that have happened this past year.
Good morning everyone, today we call our world as busy world or multitasks world and with the rush-rush-rush mentality most people have these days; it's no surprise that more and more people are driving while distracted. Eating, talking or texting on a mobile phone, making adjustments to the radio, talking with passengers -- all take a driver's focus off of the road.