Will a dog park be a postive addition to Muscatine, or will it be a negative addition? This is the question currently being asked. Both sides of the party make a very good argument. From it being a postive way for dogs to let out their energy and socialize, to it being a negative disruption for tax payers and surrounding residents of the dog park. My personal opinion is the dog park should be contructed, and here are some supporting reasons why.
As stated in the first passage, dogs need to be socialized with other dogs to be a good dog at home and outside of its home. If a dog is not properly socialized it can easily lead to a aggressive or reserved dog. At home i have a dog of my own which whom I adopted from a shelter. When I first attained him he was very shy and skittish, especially around other dogs. However after taking him to our local dog park and into different stores that allow your dog to accompany you, his behavior started to change. He slowly started to become less shy and now wants to play with every dog he sees. If dogs have a place to socialize, this will then lead to less of them in the shelter which will also lead to less money taken from taxes we
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This person stated the dog park will be a noise disturbance for the surrounding residential area. In paragraph four of the " Dog Park Benefits All " passage, it states a dog park would mean less people letting their dogs loose in empty lots and parks. I belive that people letting their dogs run loose in un-prohibited places makes much more of a disturbance. You dont want to go to park to relax and be disturbed by dogs running around and barking. Nor do you want to come home to find someone has let their dog run around in your apartments parking lot. If a dog park was built, most people would take their dogs there. This would let you have the chance to avoid them and the noises they
Residents in the area will also have to deal with the exsive noise and unneeded trafic. With a dog park also comes barking. This means dogs barking and owners
Building a dog park will be a very costly project that will impact the public, which in turn can raise taxes. This impact will not go well with taxpayers, especially, with the economy steady raising taxes for other city projects and needs.
I would certainly agree that a dog park is a beneficial addition to a community in which many residents own dogs. The particular benefits that such a public service offers should not, in my opinion, be dismissed.
I believe that a dog park would be an excellent idea for Muscatine, Iowa. Not only would a park benefit the dogs but it would benefit the owners. A dog park would help in raising and caring for the dog. Dogs should be able to play and be free in a space that they will be safe. Not everyone has the space available at their homes. Some people live in apartments that don't have the yard space needed to let the dog run around. Expecially with bigger dogs. They need a lot of room. I can understand why people would be opposed to the idea though. There's always a chance of a dog harming another animal or human. Dogs can carry diseases, fleas, lice, and other harmful things that can be transfered to humans and animals. But if you let yourself
In the first passage " A Dog Park Benefits All", they are stating their opinion for a need for a dog park. Stating that rental units make up at least 68 percent of the cities residents. Leaving them with little to no private yard space to accomodate pet owners needs. Also they state that lack of exercise and socialization negatively effects dogs.
I believe one of the biggest problems that they face if the dog park is bulit will be the noise. As stated in the article the average dog bark can reach 75 decibels and large
According to one article '' That 37% of americans who own dogs often look for a dog park when choosing for a place to live''. With dog parks everyone would benefit. Without a place to take dogs they may never socialize much and can become aggresive.Though a good point can be made that dog parks can be loud at times. I still believe that dog parks are needed.
We as a comunity have to deside if we can use a dog park. I live in Kalispell Montana and in my case we dont have a dog park. I believe that Kalispell does not need a dog park because of the population. In my exsperince we never needed a dog park we have many parks that you can take your dog to so he/she can run around. When my family and I got my blue nose pit he needed lots of room to rome and play. I took my dog named Spike on long walks, long boarding trips, and
If you're going to own a pet, take into consideration the space needed and responsibilities at hand, especially a dog. Stated in the first "beneficial" dog park passage, it is said that dogs become aggressive and can cause more issues if they are kept indoors and don't get much exercise and fresh air. I do not disagree in the least bit, but creating a dog park in the middle of a place with lack of space with assumingly
Dogs shouldn't have to held hostage within their own home, then act like wild beast when their walked. Having a do park will teach a dog to socialize and also interact with other people and dogs just as metioned in the passage. Researchers referred to in the passage gave a fact about how, New York City allow the citizen to let their dogs roam the park with no leash in result of that the dog-bite reports went from 40,000 to less
I do believe it would be best for everyones sake if the dog park was built. Clearly, the passage stated in benefit to the dog park being built, "Bad behaior caused by dogs being lonely or poorly exercised is partly responsible for the 2 million pet dogs that end up at U.S. animal shelters every year." The prevention of putting an animal in a shelter could possibly avoid lawsuits from the animal attacking a person.
Well, here we have two differentes points of view, the first one expones very good arguments about it, and the second mmm.... it seems only like a personal opinion, not strong enough, obviosly one loves dogs and the other one does not. Lets go and check this.
I suppose having dog parks in the city would be great because i agree with paragragh two in passage one, line one "Exercise is important to dog's mental and physical health." Exercise is great for dogs, it can allow them to blow off energy wich will alow them to not be so aggrivated. Dogs
A dog park can be very beneficial to a community. Many people own dogs and need a place for there dog to excerise and interact with other dogs, but they aren't the only ones benefiting since the property values could also rise.
The discusion between people for the dog park and not for the dog park,Its simple to me. Although the city may need a dog park i see the views of both.Dogs need area,to run and play to burn off all there energy ,and yes!they wiil tear your house up for not enough attention causing them to bark and carry about.The barking is annoying,it does drive me crazy,the rambunciousness does aswell.Now bad behavior in a dog is just the owners lack of teaching the animal proper manners!I as a dog owner love and care about my dog,she is my best freind and i would love other people to be around my dog.A dog park would be the perfect place for families with well behaved dogs to come and play together.For the people who would not be able to stand a yelling