
Research Paper On Gagnoa

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Hi everyone, I am Lionel and I would like to inform you about one city from Africa. Let's beginning with a short video about this city. So I am going to talk about an unadvertised beautiful city called GAGNOA. I can afford to talk about this city because I was born and grown up over there.(Attention Getter). As I said, I’d like to share with you three things about this city such as the politics of Gagnoa, the delicacy of Gagnoa, and the culture of Gagnoa. (Preview main points) I will begin with the politics of Gagnoa. In fact, the politics of the city revolves around this man Laurent Gbagbo. Due to him, the city has the biggest hospital in West Africa and has also brought the population together. The first point about politic is the biggest …show more content…

Delicacy is everything about food. The most popular food in this city are the palm nut soup with rice and ‘’Garba’’. One of the sub-points in this second part is the palm nut soup and most people like eating it at Lunch. To start, The palm nut soup is edible with rice, foutou, and placali but most locals alike prefer it with rice. You can prepare the sauce with fish, and meat. It is milder with meat but the meat is difficult to find and costs a little expensive. You can eat it during the celebrations of marriages, birthdays, baptisms and others …show more content…

Finally, let’s down with the culture of Gagnoa. You know a little bit about two things from the city of Gagnoa, so I am going to inform you about it culture. In this part, let's me explain how french influence the people of gagnoa. The two ways french influence people are speaking to lady and building catholic school. Firstly, let's me explain how french influence people by speaking to lady. The first language over there is French, but people speaking more another language and that is called “ nouchi’’. Nouchi is a kind of language from this only part of Africa. If you does not come of this part of Africa, you can’t talk and understand the population. Some girl speaking it, but it is more for boy. So the french, helping some boy to have a good conversation with the lady who didn’t understand the

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