The hindenburg was a massive 804 feet blimp the largest of it time (1937). On it’s last flight over the Lakehurst, in New Jersey, it was leaking more water than usually then suddenly it burst into flames.The hindenburg was a German/American engineered ship that would travel back through Germany then to America .On it’s last flight the captain who flew it was named Max Pruss. The hindenburg was 804 feet it was the biggest of its time. The hindenburg was filled with over 7 million cubic feet of hydrogen. Hydrogen is very explosive and Since there was so much hydrogen in the hindenburg something bad happened to it on its last flight. The hindenburg has been on 63 trip and did not even have one had a problem The hindenburg was to travel to lakehurst,
The Hindenburg disaster happened in 1937. The cause of the disaster was an electrostatic discharge which lead to igniting the hydrogen that was leaking. The ship before it crush had a major problems with hydrogen leaking. So until today the investigation show that the spark happened because of the difference of electric charge of the airship and the atmosphere which 60 meters about sea level to ignite fire in the ship. The ship didn’t last long in the air because it was filled with flammable gas.
Boom! The Hindenburg Just blew up,But what was the reasoning? Hugo and his family are on a dream trip to go on the Hindenburg and Something bad happened, what will happen To him and his family ? A disaster that Has a big effect on the future of zeppelins. I Loved How they had Multiple Facts and they're backed up with real information. I Don't Dislike anything about It. Their are some pictures to help you understand some stuff about It and If you can't Imagine It has pictures. How this book Is about real and information wIth some added cartoon to Make It More Interesting and make it enjoyable to learn about history. All Of a Sudden The Future Of aircraft was changed just like that.The Book The I Survived Hindenburg Disaster Book Level
Then came the disaster that would change not only change space, but also US history. The Challenger exploded mid-flight on their way to their historic mission. What went wrong? What actually happened to cause a veteran space shuttle such as Challenger to dysfunction on its tenth run? A videotape showed black smoke coming from the bottom field joint of the right solid rocket booster (SRB). The black smoke suggested that grease, joint insulation, and rubber O-rings were being burned. The smoke continued to come from the bottom field joint facing the exterior tank in cycles of three puffs of smoke per second. The black smoke was an indication that the bottom field joint was not sealing correctly. Into flight the a flame was seen coming from the right SRB. The flame was coming from the underside of the bottom joint. As the flame increased in size, it had begun to push against the external tank due to the rushing air around the orbiter. Soon later there was a sudden chain of events that destroyed Challenger and the seven crew members on
It has been concluded that from the 10,000ft climb and also the strong winds, their plane would have run out of fuel by the time she
Charles Lindbergh was born on February 4, 1902, in Detroit, Michigan. He grew up on a farm near Little Falls, Minnesota. He was the son of a lawyer/U.S. Congressman named (Charles August Lindbergh). He spent a great amount of time alone while he was young. Charles Lindbergh also spent time with animals and machines to keep him company when he was young. He attended schools in Little Falls, Minnesota, and Washington, D.C. Charles then attended the University of Wisconsin for a mechanical engineering program.After studying at the University of Wisconsin he became bored; he became interested in cars and motorcycles at this time.
In 2016 a controversy sparked regarding a portion of Crescenta Valley Park that is commonly referred to as Hindenburg Park by local German Americans (Granata). This portion of the Crescenta Valley Park used to be owned by the German American league and was named Hindenburg Park; eventually, the land was bought by the Los Angeles County and was incorporated into Crescenta Valley Park (Granata). In 1992 the Tricentennial Foundation which is a German American foundation came in agreement with the county to name that portion of the park Hindenburg Park (Granata). In 2016 a sign was put up that said “Welcome to Hindenburg Park” in German. The controversy surrounding this portion of the park is because of the name Hindenburg and what it represents
Have you heard about that band Twenty One Pilots? No? Well it is your lucky day because my goal is to prove to you that their music is phenomenal. Twenty One Pilots is a band made up of two members; Tyler Joseph, who is the lead singer and Joshua Dun, who is the drummer. They began in 2009 and have gained quite a fan base since then (Fred Thomas). Their unique sound and relatable music are the reasons why I believe they are the best band to ever exist.
As if this was not bad enough, there was more disparaging news: a cloud of some sort was floating above the spacecraft, leading to the assumption that an oxygen tank exploded.
The last sighting of these creepy creatures was in 1947, and only one man alive today could share this thrilling story. In fact, this rancher was the only one to see the UFO crash occur and get close to the UFO. The first UFO crash, occurred in Roswell, Mexico in 1947 around Independence day. The rancher who goes by, Mac Brazel saw the incident and even went next to the crashed object. According to the Jesse Marcel from the Roswell, Air force,army states “ 2 different crashes occurred within the same month with the range of 30-40 miles apart.” Since then alien and UFO theories have begun going around. The rancher states “2 aliens were dead, one was dying, and one was trying to communicate,” could this be true? Therefore, this is classified as an unsolved mystery, there is evidence of proof to say it was a UFO. Nonetheless, according to the Air force it was only a weather balloon crash.Who’s lying and who's
I chose Bingham Academy because my mom wanted me to go here and it's it's a public charter school. I am not attending another school because I don't want to and my mom does not want me to. I chose Bingham Academy because it's a small school, there's not very many people attending, and there's a higher chance of people actually learning instead of being told what to do all the time, like most other schools we go until three twenty five or later, in our case, we go until three fifty. Bingham Academy is an open campus as well.
from an explosion in the oxygen tanks due to some faulty wiring that cut the spacecraft’s
In 2008 the world faced the worst financial crisis since the great depression. Many banks closed their doors for good that year. Among them were both small and large banks. One specific bank that collapsed that year was IndyMac, one of the largest banks in the United States. IndyMac marked the largest collapse of a Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insured institution since 1984, when Continental Illinois, which had $40 billion in assets, failed, according to FDIC records (“The Fall of IndyMac 2008). This paper will talk about the cause of the collapse of IndyMac in 2008, the handling of the issues, as well as the aftermath of the collapse.
Charles Darwin was heavily influenced by the research of his colleagues before publishing his book in 1859. In this paper I will summarize the research of both Charles Lyell and Thomas Malthus, then discuss their contribution to the development of Charles Darwin’s ideas about evolution by natural selection. Charles Lyell’s research focused on the geological processes that shaped Earth’s surface. A popular theoretical model used to explain these processes at the time was a historical model, which explained Earth’s geological features – from volcanoes to valleys – as a product of biblical history through supernatural events and catastrophes (Rudwick, 1998). Lyell entertained this idea, but surely began to shift and formulate his own concept
In 1943, Theodor Von Karman, in response to a request by US Air Force headquarters, claimed that the realization of a supersonic aircraft would have been doable using the right technology and tools. The fear of breaking the "sound barrier" was finally removed in 1947, when the Captain Yaeger flew the Bell X-1 at a speed slightly above Mach 1 for few seconds, producing the famous and long-awaited sonic boom (caused by an impulsive pressure change created by the sonic waves detaching from the aircraft), music for the scientists attending that historical moment, but current nightmare for the 21st Century supersonic vehicles' designers [8].
Almost 13 years after its last flight in November 23rd 2006, the Concorde still remains a topic of debate to aviation aficionados as well as the general public, and many nostalgic fans still regard it as the epitome of luxury passenger aircraft. The plane ultimately resulted in failure, which is why it got retired and there are no subsequent models of Supersonic commercial aircraft today. The Concorde was a failure because it was not economically viable, it had limited usage, and it did not keep up with the rest of the industry.