Another word that can be used in place of redemption is solution for that is exactly what Christ’s ultimate sacrificial act upon the cross provided humanity: A solution. Jesus’ solution offers a means of knowing the Father through humility by acknowledging and admitting that we are lost and in need of guidance and sanctification. “Redemption culminates in the work of Christ; it is the only way to God. Yet Christ’s redemption calls [Christians and counselors] to action in the world around us” (McMinn, 1996, p. 249). As both Christians and counselors, we have the opportunity to exhibit Christ-likeness to our clients through our actions, verbal- and non-behaviors, compassion, kindness, and empathetic understanding; consequently, providing
.Christian is one of the most popular religions in the western Europe that believe in Jesus Christ, but the Jews forged hatred with Christian since the ancient age by betrayed Jesus and nailed christian’s faith on the cross, which is reason why that only fewer christian are willing to save Jews
Many people ridicule Christians for believing in a man who resurrected from the dead. They laugh at Christians and criticize them for basing their faith on an event that lack proof and evidence. However, the evidence that skeptics use to challenge the Christian faith, in actuality, support the claims that Jesus truly was the God that he claimed to be. The evidence that affirms Jesus’ claims to be true include his lifestyle and teachings, the prophecies that he fulfilled, historical facts, and the dramatic transformation of the lives of his disciples. Many may ask Christians how they can believe in a Savior without proof of his divinity; but, in reality, God has given us an abundance of signs. He is still providing us with compelling evidence
In Exodus 3:29, the Lord God called the nation of Israel a stiff-necked people; thus considering Israel’s obstinacy, and history of rejecting many of God’s chosen, it becomes of no surprise that Israel would also reject Jesus. According to the New Testament Scriptures, Jesus performed many signs and wonders to authenticate being the Son of God and Israel’s Messiah, however, and as recorded by the gospel writers Matthew and Mark (Matthew 12:22-37; Mark 3:20-30), Jesus’ miracle of casting a demon out of deaf and blind man was attributed to Beelzebub or Satan by the Pharisees (Pentecost, 1981). Hence, the miracle not only caused dismay amongst the Pharisees but the people who witnessed the miracle as well (Pentecost, 1981). Unfortunately, the people of Israel were taught through the law by the Pharisees that the sheep should follow the shepherd; therefore, the people of Israel were unwilling to accept Christ unless the Pharisees accepted Christ. Regrettably, the Pharisees as shepherds quickly convinced the sheep that the miracle performed in Matthew and
Within two passages, “The (Untrue) Story of John Smith and Pocahontas” and “The General History of Virginia” the capturing of John Smith is portrayed. The story of the capturing and rescuing of John Smith is briefly documented in this form: John Smith was captured by a person claimed as Powhatan, who was understood to be the tributary leader of several tribes on the tidal rivers and creeks. One day, Warriors associated with Powhatan captured Captain John Smith in the late 1607 and threatened to kill him. However, within a month of his capture, Smith was free, in Jamestown, and reporting that he had concluded an arrangement in which Powhatan would provide the colonists with food. The stories do show this historical event rather variously.
Jesus’ Resurrection is of paramount importance to the Christian faith and is a central component of this belief system. The account of the Resurrection is so significant that “without it, there would have been no new story to tell,” however these notions of rising from the dead is not exclusive or originate solely with the Christian faith. As this essay will explore, the Resurrection account in the New Testament can be seen to be influenced by ancient stories and beliefs circulating at the time of its composition. However, as the apostle Paul states in 1 Cor. 15:12-15, Jesus’ Resurrection is key to the beliefs held and identities of the Christian followers. Thus several traditional and important features this key story will also be explored.
What is Progeria? Well to put it into simple terms, Progeria is a genetic mutation that causes weakened skeleton and muscles (Ho, C. Y., Jaalouk, D. E., Vartiainen, M. K., & Lammerding, J. (2013 )as well as a perceived increase in age rate which often leads to people affected with Progeria to die during their teens or even earlier. Pargein only affects 1 in every 48 million (Bhattacharya, S. (2011) children born. And in 1998 only around 80 people had it.
“Jesus of Nazareth, the most influential man who has ever lived, continues to be the inspiration of millions round our world. We know about him from the books of the NT (and from a few other ancient documents), and the account of his life that has probably inspired and excited more people than any other is the so-called gospel of John. 1 John's gospel contains some of the most beautiful and powerful stories we know about Jesus, such as the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead, some of the best known sayings of Jesus such as 'I am the way, the truth and the life', and some of the most profound and mystical teaching that we find in the Christian Scriptures, such as the opening words of the gospel about 'the word' that became flesh. John's
Countless people regard the disciples as some of the most devout followers of Jesus, as they were the first and the chosen ones. Followers of Christ use the disciples as models of faith, and attempt to share the messages of the Gospels in the same way the twelve did. What modern Christians fail to emphasize, however, is that the disciples doubted and denied Jesus. Although the disciples spread Jesus’ message after Jesus’ death, during Jesus’ lifetime, they were not always the perfect models of faith that they are portrayed as today.
My understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ has completely change for the best. The atonement of Christ has given me a different perspective who I am, why I am here on earth and what I need to engage myself in to prepare for the second coming of Christ. Being a follow of Christ is not by words but by deeds. I have practice my discipleship for the past three months and I have experienced the joy in sharing the gospel and perfecting myself in the process.
You’re right, Noelle. The miracles that Jesus performed are the most popular especially to kids. Since they are too young to comprehend Jesus’s teachings, His miracles are easier to be understood. Introducing the kids to His wonders makes it easier for them to know Jesus in an exciting way. It can also serve as a step before giving them deeper information about Him. Jesus and His miracles are a great foundation especially for the kids to learn about Christianity. I also learned about His miracles first when I was a kid and it intrigued me. Not only that, I was ecstatic to go to Bible studies because I could not wait to hear more miracles from Him. The kids today probably feel like this about Jesus.
What is true Biblical Salvation? Can a person lose their salvation through acts of wrong words? Who can be saved? There are frequent questions when it comes to being saved; the only true way to salvation is through the all mighty God. The word salvation comes through the one and only God. He wants to ransom man from the collapse, death, and all powerful sin, and with the overflowing grace that God has he given to us, everlasting life filled with abundant opportunities. Gods grace is shown when he died and personally surrendered his life for us on the cross. He personally decided to die and shed blood on the cross for us before the foundation of the world and elected us to be saved.
The word Messiah is procured from the Hebrew term Mashiach (the corresponding phrase in Greek is Christos and in English it is Christ) and is defined as “anointed one” or “chosen one". In biblical times a Messiah was a person believed to have a special purpose given from God. In the Old Testament of the Bible, people were only anointed to fill the positions of prophets, priests, or kings. Nevertheless, also in the Old Testament, there is a prophecy of a Deliverer coming to redeem Israel under the will of God ( 1). Messiah had multiple definitions around the time period when B.C. ended and A.D. began. Moreover, few popular theories include, some people thought the Messiah would be a military conqueror, others thought He would be a prophetic teacher, and quite a few even thought He would be a figure that would bring down God’s wrath upon the
I, as an individual being, believe that the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ indeed happened, and I also accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. As a child, I was raised in a Christian home; because of this, I consider myself as a Christian. However, I did deal with the uncertainty of my faith as I grew older. I can say this doubt was primarily because I had so many questions about this world- all its pain and misery- and to no relief, I could not find any suitable answers. And if I could find an explanation, that explanation would just lead to more issues. It felt like an endless search for the truth. This pursuit for answers made me feel hopeless and made me question everything, including God's judgment. Which of course caused
Studies have shown women taking folic acid before pregnancy gave birth to healthier children. The finding showed significant reductions in serious birth defects of the children. Folic acid is an essential nutrient if you are trying to conceive or now pregnant. It becomes a staple for women during the breast-feeding phase and should continue throughout the adult life.
When Jesus is preaching He always says “Come, walk with me”. For us, it is sure that Jesus is with us in our everyday lives. We are sure of this because of our faith to Him. Therefore Jesus wants us to realize that if we follow him with all our hearts we are sure that we are in his protection but if you are away from Him, He is still with you that is because sometimes if we are making sins we come to realize the things that we’ve done wrong.