What does she write?
The gentlewoman tells the doctor that Lady Macbeth has been writing something whilst she has been sleepwalking. Perhaps this is a letter to Macbeth, or perhaps a confession. What do you think? Write what you imagine she might have written on the paper.
I think Lady Macbeth is making a confession and writing a better because she wants the guilt to go away. First she is writing her confession about killing the King Duncan because she is scared of what came of it. She then says sorry for all the lying for covering the story. I feel like she wouldn't mention Macbeth because of her love for him but if any for read it, i think it would be implied or people would have many questions for Macbeth. I think she talks about how
In the play, “Macbeth”, the character that stands out the most is Lady Macbeth. Her role in this story is significant, she is an evil, ruthless, and ambitious person. She is responsible for the murders that her husband commits because she was bloodthirsty for the crown. In fact, she then becomes more eager to get the crown than Macbeth himself and soon realizes that once you commit one violent act, there is almost no way of ever turning back. An analysis of Lady Macbeth reveals that she is a powerful character who adds complexity and depth to a play about murder, madness, and revenge.
Women (according to Shakespearean times) were supposed to be fragile, weak, and feminine; however, Lady Macbeth is vicious, cruel, and masculine in the play. Lady MacBeth becomes the prime mover and instigator in the entire regicide business. Revealing that she wishes to depart her feminine traits, because being a female makes her weaker, foreshadows Lady Macbeth's future actions. She has no intention of waiting for a chance of crown and prefers to take a speedy and violent action. Lady MacBeth is ambitious, driven, and full of the dark spirits. Fearing MacBeth's nature “of the milk of human kindness" calls upon the forces of the supernatural to "unsex" her (39). The mood is created through the use of the supernatural forces that create a sense of fear and uncertainty. Lady Macbeth asks to be filled with cruelty, remove all remorse, and to remove her milk which is associated with nurture and care to be replaced with bitter gall. A recurring motif is the
I think the killing that Lady Macbeth and Macbeth did is actually getting to Lady Macbeth and she wants to tell someone but she can’t so it is causing her to stress out a little bit about it leading to sleep walking and talking about what she and Macbeth
Lady Macbeth is more evil than her husband and is blamed more with the things she did. She is responsible more of the blame in the King Duncan's murder than her husband is.
Lady Macbeth has proven to be an equal partner to Macbeth's crimes. Arguably, she has many traits that could be considered as evil, however, I feel that these elements were not strong enough to override her prevailing human qualities. This can best be seen when Lady Macbeth prays to evil spirits to muster the courage to go through with Duncan's murder, her sanity there after and finally her suicide. Lady Macbeth is not naturally evil by nature.
Lady Macbeth manipulates Macbeth to kill people. She manifested the death that occurred. She influenced Macbeth's ambitions and had a strong desire for power. Lady Macbeth is to blame for the deaths that occurred in Macbeth because she manipulated Macbeth to kill people, manifests the deaths, and influences Macbeth's ambitions. Lady Macbeth is to blame for the deaths that occurred in Macbeth because she manipulated Macbeth.
The Tragedy of Macbeth would be greatly different had Lady Macbeth not been apart of it. Lady Macbeth was the puppet master for the entire scheme; she had her fingers in everything without boasting about it. Macbeth had a lot of instruction from Lady Macbeth regarding what he should and should not do. The tragedy would not have been the same without Lady Macbeth. Every little choice in life matters, every little thing that one takes into consideration when making a choice will end up affecting the outcome. In the case of Macbeth, Lady Macbeth has a lot to do with how his life turns out once he encounters the Weird Sisters. Lady Macbeth is a key character in The Tragedy of Macbeth. She proves that a man is not necessarily in charge. If Lady
Can pride and ambition excuse senseless murder? Recently, Macbeth ascended to the top of the hierarchy in just a short period of time. I suspect that his latest success is the result of dishonest methods employed to secure the throne. Rumors verify that Macbeth hosted Duncan in his residence at his time of death, met with instruments of supernatural forces, and lost all sanity during his banquet. I speculate that Macbeth and his wife hatched a plan to murder King Duncan to gain the power for themselves. Macbeth is guilty, and at the very least unfit to rule, because of his questionable ascension rise to the throne, information regarding Duncan’s death, and his inability to maintain mental stability.
Men are persuaded very easily by women as shown in Macbeth when it comes to the killing of king Duncan. Macbeth is informed that he will become king, Lady Macbeth wants to become queen. So she forces Macbeth to do whatever it takes to become king. She is willing to risk it all to become queen. In the killing of King Duncan there was only one mastermind.
Soon after, a letter is sent by Macbeth to Lady Macbeth it begins to show Macbeth the reader learns Macbeth may not be as heroic as he is on the battlefield. The letter that Macbeth writes to Lady Macbeth explained what the witches prophesied to Macbeth. Lady Macbeth comments by saying “ Yet I do I fear thy nature: it is to full of th' milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way”(1.5.16-18). Lady Macbeth views Macbeth as a coward and therefore would not kill the king for the throne. In fact, Lady Macbeth is the person who pushes Macbeth to commit the murder of King Duncan in order for her to for her to become queen. Lady Macbeth is the one who plans King Duncan's murder. “When Lady Macbeth enters, though, she uses her cunning rhetoric and persuasive techniques to convince Macbeth of the murders.” (Macbeth-Attitude Changes). Lady Macbeth is strong and likes to get her way. Macbeth continues to demonstrate his lack of heroism because he is Lady Macbeth's follower and does whatever she makes him do. Lady Macbeth treats Macbeth as though he was a ring on her finger. Lady Macbeth at first is shown as ruthless and has complete control over Macbeth and makes him do what ever she wants “Had he not resembled my father as he slept I don it”(2.2.13). This states though she is ruthless she has a
Macbeth is a perfect example of a Shakespearean tragic hero, who possesses a tragic flaw that leads him to his downfall. A tragic hero is one who is born in a noble family with heroic or potentially heroic qualities. A tragic hero has a tragic flaw, a character trait that leads the hero to his or her downfall when overused. A tragic flaw can also be known as hamartia. This is a fatal flaw that leads to the downfall of a tragic hero/heroine.
Evil is defined as morally bad or actions arising from bad character. Shakespeare thoroughly explores this theme in his play "Macbeth" and one instance where the reader is confronted with this, is with King Duncan's murder. This essay will show that Lady Macbeth has a share in Duncan's death, but that she is not the only one to blame. With regards to this, the essay will further prove that Lady Macbeth is not more evil than her husband, Macbeth. Macbeth writes to Lady Macbeth that he has heard from the witches that he may some day be king, and although Lady Macbeth is excited by this news, she also realizes that Macbeth is too kind-hearted to find the easiest way (i.e. kill the king) to become the ruler himself.
In group A, Macbeth hears the weird sisters' greeting him as Thane of Cawdor and King, which he is not familiar with. Macbeth explains to the sisters that he cannot be Thane of Cawdor as that title belongs to someone else. Macbeth, at this point, believes he should not be called Thane of Cawdor or King. In group B, Macbeth's thoughts of the 2 titles begin to shift. He now adapts/believes that he is Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth now begins to think that he should kill the king to make the weird sisters' story true. He believes that he needs to gain the King title. In conclusion, Macbeth went from an innocent person, to a person who is considering murdering the king.
In this essay I will discuss the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. I will explain how their relationship is different to traditional relationships of the time. At the time, Jacobean people believed that the men were stronger then the woman. They believed that, when married, the husband would be in control and the wife would have no choice but to do what their husband asked. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s relationship was every different.
When you durst do it, then you were a man”. (Document B: “Leave all the rest to me”). This quote shows how Lady Macbeth will do anything to get her way, she questions Macbeth’s manhood and him being a “good” husband he listens to whatever she says to do. In document C it states “Go get some water, And wash this filthy witness from your hand. Why did you bring these daggers from the place? They must lie there: go carry them; and smear The sleepy grooms with blood”. ( Document C : “I have done the deed”). This quote shows that Lady Macbeth has full control over Macbeth’s actions, she is very selfish but at the same time lazy so she has her husband do everything for her, she has taken over his mind. Without Lady Macbeth’s help Macbeth would have used his brain and his heart and would have realized that killing Duncan was not the right thing to do, she has full control in their relationship.