
Research Paper On Leonardo Da Vinci

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Abigail Simone

English 12


5 December, 2016

Leonardo Da Vinci

Da Vinci created many inventions, paintings, and even study many subjects. But he was mainly an artist. He painted the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. But those weren’t his only paintings he had many more. These were just the painting that most inspired people to paint like him. (Mona Lisa). He was also an engineer and sketch many machines. His most famous ones were his flying machine, submarine, and clock. (Ornithopter). He also learned more about the human body. Which is also known as anatomy. He would dissect and do autopsies on people to see what the inside of people's bodies looked like. He sketched many drawings of what organs and bones looked liked. (Sooke). Leonardo Da Vinci had many contributions to the renaissance, but what had more influences on the people today and back then are his paintings, engineering, and anatomy. …show more content…

He created new kind of artwork compared to the artist’s of his time. He made three-dimensional art and people of his time were more into two-dimensional creations. Da Vinci learned how to use vanishing point in his art. Vanishing point is creating a three dimensional work of art on a two dimensional surface, which gives the painting or drawing more depth to it. His works caused many other artists to create work of arts like this. By him using vanishing point in his paintings made other people use his technique in the present and the past. The two paintings that most influenced people are the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. (Mona

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