
Research Paper On Mehmet

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Mehmet is a thirteen year old boy, from Kosovo. He is living in a time when his country Kosovo is at war from 1999-2001, the KLA (Kosovo army) is battling the Serbians. Mehmet is inspired by the war it excites him, he wants to become a KLA soldier one day, when he is old enough. He has a large family and everyone in it disagrees with his point of view about war. His most influential family consists of Bada his father, Mama his mother, and Meli his sister. He has many more family members that live with him and experience life journeys together, but they do not have the same impact on him, as Bada, Mama, and Meli. The entire family had to move to a refugee camp because of the war. Their house was burned to the ground, and all their stuff was gone thanks to the Serbians. When it was finally clear to go home about a year later they realised they had no home to go home to, only the tiny apartment above the store. This small appartment was not going to fit the entire Lleshi family, so Bada, Mama, Mehmet, and Meli decided to go to the United States, more specifically a small town in Vermont called Barre. …show more content…

He is not afraid to argue with Bada about this. Bada is anti war and everything to do with it. Mehmet on the other hand wants to become a KLA soldier when he is of age. Mehmet want to join the KLA so bad he would run away to the army camps, this would worry everyone in his family. This shows he is strong willed because he will argue with his family, and people who are important to him, about things he feels strongly about. He is confident around people he interacts with everyday, and is not scared to

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