A nail polish that doesn't chip is basically the Holy Grail of mani-pedis -- and the $6 billion nail salon industry claims to have found it in a gel.
Over the last couple of years, the gel manicure has grown in popularity: Two-thirds of salons now offer the service, which is supposed to provide the long wear of an acrylic without the accompanying nail damage.
Still, mixed in with all the hype are complaints that gel nails do still chip, the polish can only be taken off by visiting a salon and drowning one's fingers in acetone, and horror of horrors, the color selection is lacking. Worse yet, they may cause serious nerve damage and infections. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is (a gel manicure).
The Cost of Resilient
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Furthermore, nail salons are not required to list ingredients on labels unless the product is available for purchase. Salon-goers should be concerned if nail technicians can't answer questions about gel ingredients and if the liquids smell …show more content…
The ultra-violet light used in tanning beds has been associated with increased skin cancer risk, but is there a risk with gel manicures?
"Most cancers on the hands are found in people with extensive sun exposure," says Zoe Draelos, a dermatologist in High Point, North Carolina, "It's the cumulative lifetime exposure to UV light that is the risk."
A case study by Austin-based University of Texas researchers in the "Archives of Dermatology" in April 2009 reported that two women developed non-melanoma skin cancer - cancer that occurs in the outer layer of the skin - on the tops of their hands from exposure to nail lamps. Both women were middle-aged, otherwise healthy, and had no cancer history. This does not prove that UV nail lamps definitely cause skin cancer; larger clinical studies will be necessary to determine a
These brown coloured cancerous growths develop when unrepaired DNA has committed damage to the body’s skin cells. It is known that it is the most commonly triggered by vigorous amounts of sunshine, over excessive use of tanning bed and UV lights which result in making mutations in the skin that produces the skin cells to over multiply at a quick rate which can eventually form nasty tumours.
When you go to a salon, is the first thing that you do is stress about getting a parasite from getting your nails done? Of course not, when you go to a salon, you check in and wait until it is time for your appointment, maybe read a magazine or go on your phone to pass time. Most of the time, people go to a salon not thinking about the germs and parasites that could just be laying around. If you’re not careful though, you can contract anything, something being like scabies.
The World Health Organization has declared indoor tanning devices to be cancer-causing agents that are in the same category as tobacco. Studies have found a 59% increase in the risk of melanoma in those who have been exposed to UV radiation from indoor tanning. More than 35 states restrict
As many as ninety percent of melanomas are estimated to be caused ultra violet (UV) exposure. This includes UV exposure from artificial sources, such as tanning beds. “Strong evidence now links tanning beds to melanoma, a deadly form of skin cancer that afflicts nearly 69,000 Americans a year.”—USA Today. The more one tans and the younger one is your risk for melanoma increases. However, melanoma is increasing faster in women 15-29 years old, than in men the same age. Furthermore, 10,000 people die from melanoma. This is mainly caused because of tanning beds. As a matter of fact, a person dies every fifty minutes from melanoma, the second most common cancer. Tanning beds triple the risk of one getting melanoma. In fact, every time one goes and tans, the risk gets higher and higher. Following this further, more people get melanoma because of tanning beds than developing lung cancer because of
In fact, “People who have ever used a tanning bed have a sixty-seven percent increased risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma and a twenty-nine percent increased risk of developing basal cell carcinoma. People who first use a tanning bed before age thirty-five increase their risk of melanoma by seventy-five percent” (Silecchia). In the past, melanoma mostly affected people in their fifties or older, but today, dermatologists see patients in their twenties and even late teens with this type of cancer. Experts believe this is caused by an increase in radiation from the use of tanning beds. A sunburn or intense sun exposure may also increase a person's chances of developing this deadly cancer. Being in the sun is inevitable, but people can still protect their skin from many forms of skin cancer by doing the simplest things such as applying sunscreen.
Basal Cell Carcinoma – Most common type of skin cancer it accounts for 80% of non-melanoma cancers. If left untreated it can affect skin, bone tissue, and cause death.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration also known as the FDA wants individuals to know that UV radiation in indoor tanning beds has a variety of serious health risks. A report by International Agency for Research on cancer or IARC, stated that tanning beds are a lot more dangerous than previously thought. Exposure to any UV radiation, whether that be from the sun or tanning device, can cause skin cancer, skin burns, eye damage, which can be either short term or long term and premature aging. Some of things that can be considered premature aging are: wrinkling of the skin, lax skin and brown spot on the skin. Of course
Have you ever felt the “false sense of security that [you] may not feel under direct sunlight” from a tanning bed (Jeffrey)? Your body relaxes, you feel serene, and you get a golden glow. Some teens strive for this feeling...and the tan. Tanning is the skin's response to injury, according to Arielle Kauvar, M. D. The exposure of UV rays over time can cause skin cancer. Skin cancer is the growth of abnormal growth of skin cells that forms in the tissue of the skin (Skin Cancer). Melanoma, the most dangerous type of skin cancer, can come from UV rays. From 1998- 2008, the number of cases of Melanoma has increased by about
lifetime to ultraviolet light can cause Squamous Cell Carcinoma. It can occur in different areas of
Hi JJ this is Kim from Queen Nails. I am sorry to hear about your last visit at Queen Nails. However, I believed that there was a couple of misunderstanding. First of all, we only charge you $32 for a DELUXE PEDICURE. It would have been $42 if you had gotten GEL POLISH on your toes. Secondly, when Helen finished polishing your toes nails you told her that you wanted gel and she kindly offered to remove the REGULAR nail polish and apply gel on. I remembered you tell her that it was fine and you were ok with it. In addition, you told us that you knew GEL was EXTRA. By the way, the pedicure you received was not "half a**". There is no point in using profanity to make a statement. I understand that you wanted GEL polish but you received regular
This article is relevant to the topic of tanning beds linking to cancer. Cancer has been increasing rapidly within recent years. It is one of the most leading causes of death among people in the
If the nail dryers at my nail salon use UV light, could they give me skin
Tanning salons turn their attention toward cancer prevention and turn their backs on causing skin cancer. Lavine wrote, "The JNCI review noted that indoor tanning can increase a fair-skinned individual's risk of developing melanoma by 55%. And it can take a mere 10 indoor-tanning sessions to cause precancerous DNA damage, reports a recent review study by a Kings College London researcher (Lavine)." Melanoma is not the only form of skin cancer. Tanning beds play a role in the formation of other skin cancers as
The scariest fact found when researching the effects of exposure to the sun’s harmful rays is that ninety present of skin cancer is caused by it. Doesn’t knowing the facts make you want to shield yourself and your children by never going outside again? Unfortunately, that is just imposable but educating our youth is the first step to prevention since most sun exposure is achieved before the age of eighteen. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, one out of every five American’s will develop skin cancer. The three main types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and malignant melanoma. Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common
C. Melanoma Skin Cancer is the most dangerous form of skin cancer, it kills one person per hour, these cancerous growths are most often caused by ultraviolet radiation from sunshine or tanning beds. These tumors originate in the pigment-producing melanocytes in the basal layer of the epidermis. Melanoma is caused mainly by intense, occasional UV exposure (frequently leading to sunburn), especially in those who are genetically predisposed to the disease. Often the first sign of melanoma is a change in the size, shape, color or feel of a mole.