Valeria Oceguera General Psychology 201 Critical thinking assignment 2 Professor Kraus November 13th, 2017 Nature vs. nurture debate Nature and nurture is a debate where both sides are convincing and where people have argued to find out which one is possible correct. The meaning of nature is that our behaviors are linked to our genes that were passed on from our parents. The meaning of nurture is that our behaviors are influenced and our intelligence and personality is determined by our environment. Nature and nurture has been studied by scientists because we want to know which side would be correct but today we still are not quite sure if there is only one correct side, maybe both sides are right. In defense of nature, behavior geneticists have conducted studies and have proven our behavior is linked to our genes. Our genes influence our dislikes, likes, personality, how smart we can be and mental illnesses that may occur. There are three different types of factors such as the physical adaptation, behavioral adaptation and psychological traits that take place in nature.The physical adaptation is how humans have gotten use to their environment which has to fitness, the probability of passing on genes to the next generation. …show more content…
For example, humans according to Charles Darwin had a flight or fight response when humans feared and saw danger their response was to either fight or leave. The third would be psychological adaptations which is that our feelings such as anxiety, disgust, happiness are ready to react to external situations. In support of the nature debate is the concept of the human brain evolution. The human brain evolution theory states that our cortex has evolved over time which has led our behaviors to be complex and to respond differently to
The Pine Knoll Shores Aquarium Restoration project, it is one restoration project of many in the state of North Carolina that make up the North Carolina coastal restoration project responsible for the restoration of the 301 miles that make up the North Carolina coastlines. I have chosen this particular project because it is close to me; I worked an internship for my high school senior research project at the Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores and worked closely with the rehabilitation of the endangered Loggerhead sea turtle.This ecosystem needed to be restored because of the effects of the Hurricane Irene in 2011, and the Longshore current. This current is responsible for eroding the coastline, moving north to south in a quick process that migrates inlets
Nurture vs. nature has always been a very controversial topic among people. Nurture refers to the upbringing of a child, and how parenting affects and plays a role in the development of a child, shaping their later life. Nature refers to the biological factors of a baby, and how right from wrong is already programmed into a baby's head, shaping who they already are, and are going to be in the future. Nurture has a much larger impact and role in the development of a baby or child. A person's environment affects the way they react under pressure in certain circumstances.
The biological approach suggests that behaviour is affected by the DNA we inherit and is a beneficial adaptive function. We inherit 23 pairs of chromosomes which can affect our behaviour. Biological factors such as chromosomes, hormones and the brain all have a significant influence on human behaviour, e.g., OCD. Another factor in the Biological approach is the role of biochemicals.
The characteristics of nature vs. nurture are quite different. Nature is those qualities about a person that are deemed genetic. Such genetics heritability includes a person’s color and gender. Nature is a person’s biological determinism. Characteristics of nurture include environmental variation and external influences. These characteristics are dependent on such factors as social status and education and the influence these factors have on a person’s character. In my opinion, both nature and nurture uniformly determine of person’s personality and intelligence. This opinion is widely debated but not debunked.
Nature alludes to the majority of the qualities and inherited elements that impact who we are from our physical appearance to our identity attributes. Nurture alludes to all the natural variables that effect who we are, including our initial adolescence encounters, how we were raised, our social connections, and our encompassing society. There are still arguments as to which in fact influences us. While we are being affected by both we are more impacted by nurture. Nature and nurture are big parts of our lives, we cannot have one with the other they shape who we are, however nurture is a bigger influence.
In the world of psychology, there has been a long occurring debate over Nature v. Nurture, and the influence it has in people. One of the debates in nature v. nurture is if criminality is caused by genes (nature) or if it’s by the person’s environment (nurture). In an attempt to receive information, psychologist have observed twins and adopted children to try and see if shared genes or environmental changes show an explanation to this phenomenon.
Nature vs Nurture debate is the representation that society is an organism, but the question is do we inherently possess the knowledge to function as an organism, or are we taught this skill. The debate over Nature vs Nurture is more of a struggle about which theory is the correct theory in my opinion. Social behaviors can be the product of both genetics as well as an influence by our environment.
Whether people were born with a certain trait or them naturally having the ability to adapt to a certain condition , due to the environment they are living in. In these two articles the authors wrote the article with different points of view , often debating whether someone’s environment has to do with their own success and the way they end up in the future . If they are successful or if they end up in “bad” places due to the choices they make. In the article “The Science of Success” , in paragraph 3 its states “ With a bad environment and poor parenting , orchid children can end up depressed , drug addicted, or in jail - but with the right environment and good parenting they can grow up to be society's most creative, successful, and happy people “.
According to the article, What is Nature vs. Nurture?, nature is referred as “to all of the genes and hereditary factors that influence who we are—from our physical appearance to our personality characteristics” (Cherry, paragraph 1). For the nature side of the argument, mental disorders can be passed from generations. According to the article, Is Mental Illness Genetic? The Mental Disorders You’re Most Likely To Inherit, 40% of all sufferers, seems to identify at least one close family member with the same type of disorder. For example, my grandmother who was born in 1918, suffered over 40 years of severe depression to the point she had to take clonazepam pills to help with her sleeping and her depression. I was born in 1997, and I suffer
The difference between Nature and Nurture is that Nature refers to all of the genes and hereditary factors that influence who we are, from our physical appearance to our personality characteristics. Whereas nurture refers to all the environmental variables that impact who we are, including our early childhood experiences, how we were raised, our social relationships and our surrounding culture. Nature is innate, it is things we are born with and things we have inherited such as, genes and traits like hair and eye colour. Nurture is the idea that the environment influences us, and goes towards the build-up of our personality’s. The nature vs. Nurture debate is ongoing, it centres around the effect genes have on human personalities as opposed
The nature vs Nurture debate allows us to see if behavioral tendencies, personality attributes and mental abilities are already a part of us before we are already born. Nature is influenced by genetic inheritance and biological factors. Nurture is the influence of external factors after conception, with experience and learning
One of the oldest debates in psychology is nature versus nurture. Nature is the inborn, innate character of an organism. (Spencer A. Rathus pg. 56) Nurture is the sum total of the environmental factors that affect an organism from conception onward. (Spencer A. Rathus pg. 56) Basically nature is what you have from heredity and nurture is you environmental influences.
There are a plethora of ideas and theories regarding the developmental psychology behind why people metamorphosize into different personalities and habits later in life. Developmental psychologists have developed several ways to try and determine where the determining factors are in peoples’ lives that cause the differences. Several of the theories tend to have overlaps in parts of the ideas such as the ideas of “nature vs nurture” and that of “social context.” These theories share the overlapping ideas that there are outside influences on the way a person turns out in life. While “nature vs nurture” states that there are outside influences, there is also a counterargument that the genetic make-up of a person is the determining factor for how that person develops later. Even still, there are some who also believe that both arguments of “nature vs nurture” have even attributes on the lives of people.
The theory of Nature vs Nurture is the controversial notion that people are born a certain way, as opposed to the concept that people are a result of the environments they have been molded by. I am wholeheartedly a result of the environment I was raised up in, however, I am also proudly a deviation of the ambiance of the Western Bronx. As I step out of my building, the obnoxious slam of Domino pieces hitting tables and Bachata music blasting from cars infiltrates the aura of Marble Hill. This was a typical day in 228th Street’s tightknit community. As a Dominican, we are constantly making the best out of the difficult cards we are dealt. We, Dominicans, come here for a better life, yet our success stops at minimum-wage jobs. You are faced with a dilemma when you come from a place like I do:
When it comes to the debate of whether counselors and born or made, I think that my stance falls more in the center of both extremes. I don't think that it is impossible to be a good counselor if you were not praised for your abilities to be easy to talk to at an early age, but I do think that there are some personalities that may be better suited for different types of counseling. I believe that counselors should approach the field and developed both, from scientific and intuition or feeling based skills. I think that over time even if you did not begin with a natural therapeutic way of being you can develop into a good counselor, if that it what you really want and strive for. I also don't that counseling should only be based off learning from experiences but should also partly rely on the scientific foundations and theories in which counseling was based upon.