
Research Paper On Nuclear Fusion

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Nuclear fusion is a nuclear reaction where the atomic nuclei of low atomic number have been fused together to create a heavier nucleus with the release of energy. Fusion powers the sun which is already being conducted in laboratories throughout the world by scientists. Byproducts of the fusion process are a fast neutron and helium. These carry the heat to turn it into steam. Throughout the country there are 47 out of 50 states that support the fusion industry. For nuclear fusion to occur, there must be temperatures over a million degrees. On the sun and stars, nuclear fusion occurs. Hydrogen nuclei fuse to form helium nuclei in the sun. Only one percent of mass from an atom is converted into energy. It produces less radioactive weight …show more content…

There is no chance of a runaway reaction that could lead to a meltdown. Nuclear fussion forms two hydrogen atoms together called dueterium and tritium. Some sientist have made exponential progress in fusion power. Nuclear fusion is made into fusion energy and fusion energy is used to make nuclear bombs throught the world. These nuclear bombs are then used in wars. Or in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.These were the first cities to ever see the power of nuclear weapons. Today if you go here you can still see what they call shadow people, which are shadows of where people were siting, standing, walking, working, and more. Basically when the bombs where dropped the people disintegrated but whatever they were doing at that time was left with that image in the ground or wall or even on streets or the outsides of buildings. Before our US Troops dropped the bombs on Hiroshima they dropped pamphlets warning Hiroshima about the bombing. In 1945, a man named Tsutomu Yamaguchi survived not only one but two bombs that had exploded near his location. He had been a little hurt from the blast because he had drug himself around after the first explosion and he drug himself all the way to his work and he did make it on time might I add in, and when he had made it to work that is when the second bomb had exploded and yet he still survived and ended up living from this unlike many people around

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