Overcoming fear is a big thing growing up now a days as a young teens according to statistics . My friend name Keta Moore , she is a wonderful person at heart ,a caring person,also. Keta only had problems about how she thought people felt about her. She was overweight according to a doctor point of view,and when it came to cruel kids/teens they always gave her problems,too. Ketas`self esteem was low, but as her friend I had to stay strong for her. I know it's not easy to deal with jokes when it's truth behind it,so i felt her pain. Me and Keta often hung out almost everyday of the week ;we rarely left the house. We both like going to the movies every now ,and then depending on what new releases was out. Neither one of us was into boys, so when they ask us to join them at a kickback ,and party with them we always declined their offer. Me and Keta were pretty good young girls I felt …show more content…
I thought it would be nice for me and her to do. Everyone I know feels good when their fresh and made over. After the make overs Keta looked like she felt good about herself . Keta was overcoming her fear more and more every week. She wasn't afraid anymore of what people thought of her;it seemed like she walked with her head up now with confidence. I'm proud of my friend , it feels good to see her happy. All Keta needed was support to overcome her fear of being herself in front of people. I'm glad I was that friend to help her, I'm glad all of our girl to girl talks payed off. It takes dedication ,support and faith in god to overcome most barriers in life. I've helped my siblings and their friends with issues and I also give good advice to the best of my ability. I was thinking about being a motivational speaker for recreation centers. Giving back to the community was always apart of my to do list. I know that the community will respect my mission one day because I will make a change. My goal is to help kids ,stand up, speak out and keep
During the Salem witch trials, many lives that were taken due to a few people’s self defence. In the book, The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, a group of girls caused a whole town to go array. This group of girls were caught naked, dancing and conjuring spirits. These girls were going to accept the blame and receive the whipping for what they did, but one of the girls, Abigail, was not about to go down. Abigail had the whole group of girls convinced that it would be best to lie and to not accept the beating. By doing this, they were put into the court and used to tell the judges whether or not the people whom were accused were truly witches. Though the girls had no way of telling if the accused were truly witches, they
Fear is a feeling induced by experience, perceived danger, or watching a frightening traumatic accident. The fear responses arise from the perception of danger and ultimately a change in behaviour, such as fleeing, or hiding or from perceived traumatic events. Every person has fears and different fears may be different adaptations that have been useful in our evolutionary past. I have fears too, and sometime, I feel embarrassed to intersperse my fear with others.
Let’s say you just finished a huge test. Do you hope for a good mark or fearing failure? Your personality changes if you hope or fear. But it is crucial to know hope is stronger than fear because it has the ability to heal, it is changing lives, and hope can improve the mindset of one.
Fear is a compelling emotion that drives our everyday lives, paralyzing individuals on their path to complete even the most mundane of tasks. As an infant, this emotion is intact, as even before we are introduced to new individuals, we all experience the fear of separation from our parents. This fear continues to grow, as one gets older, such as when an individual develops the ability to walk. Before we took our first step, we all had the innate fear of falling over. This happens to everyone on the first try but we keep trying again until finally we can walk and then eventually run. Often I find myself asking what if I didn’t take this first step because of fear? This seems unimaginable but the more I think about it a lot of us are hesitant
Native Son by Richard Wright is a piece of literature that is meant to demonstrate how fear in the white community drives society to label blacks as dangerous, immoral, and subhuman. The main character, Bigger Thomas, embodies all of the preconceptions and secret fears that people associate with black Americans. He lies, he steals, he is violent, and by the end of the story he is a rapist and a murderer. The first time he is given an opportunity to improve his family’s life, he tries to adapt, but because of a turn of fate he has to throw his chances away. Bigger wants to evade all of the stereotypes of “people like him.” Eventually he realizes that he has become what everybody fears most: a nigger. His
Fear is an emotion that is often used so that society can go along with the beliefs of powerful figures. An example would be in WWII with the Japanese internment camps. Roosevelt used the fear from the bombing of Pearl Harbor to justify the relocation of Japanese-American people. Due to the fear of the unknown, people were punished for crimes that they didn't commit and were treated unjustly and brutally. People in power use this to manipulate everyone and obey because from the beginning we are taught to do just that.
A dark cloud covers the land of one thousand hills, a cloud of fear and hate.
I’ve always had fear of some adults and i’m afraid of when people are going to slap or harm you in anyway. Some kids flinch or are afraid when they think your going to harm them. You wonder why me? what did i do? What did i do to ever deserve this? Why the harmful threats? Why the marks? Where ever you go you feel unprotected waiting for someone to strike again! You’re scared to even go anywhere remembering what they did or what they said to you. When someone brings up a topic and reminds you what almost happened and what did happen. Tears form your eyes and you become speechless wanting to never live. You become more hurt everyday and your emotions change. You remember every threat they said to you! You get upset not wanting to talk to anyone
You might feel your stomach clamming up, sweaty palms, slight trembling and more when you're scared. According to dictionary.com fear is a “distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc.,whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid”.
How do you expect to live your dream life when you're too scared to open the door and chase after it
I believe it will, unless you aren’t connected to certain things. As me, hunger was connected to me, when we had too much food we eat too much and when who have less, we eat less. What is the meaning of fear? Fear is the feeling induced to be afraid of someone or something. Fear isn’t like race or gender that you can quickly identify. I might be or might not be. It depend on what situation you were and I was. As I see now, most of children have cell phone at the age of 8 or 9, not in my case. It might not be in your case. I feel afraid of using cell phone that I might miss use. For, your case, if you don’t have cell phone it would be boring to sit down in a place for hours and hours. I don’t feel afraid of stranger, I believe not in your
Death is a idea that no one ever really wants to talk about, but it happens to everyone. Death is the end of life for some, and only the beginning for others. At some point in every persons life, they come face to face with death. It could happen to any one person at any set time, only God knows when it is our time. Some people might be old, or it could be that they have been in a tragic accident at a young age. For some people, death might be scary to think about or it might even give some people stress and anxiety. The thought of death often throws people into complete stress mode, and it should not because no one should ever be afraid of anything. Fear of death will only make you stress about things in life and cause you to miss out on many opportunities during life itself. But what is is that we are all scared of? Are we scared of where we go when we die, the pain of dying, or the thought of not knowing when we are going to die?
Known as a mental disorder a phobia is a persistent fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to compelling desire to avoid it. Phobias tend to affect the way people live their lives, for example, their working and social environments, considering that they last for a very long time and are capable to cause intense psychological physical stress. It is considered today the most common mental and anxiety disorder in the United States (Matig Mavissakalian & David H. Barlow 1981 pp 2). There are many phobias such as: the fear of aging, fear of changing, fear of clowns, fear of getting fat, fear of being in closed spaces, etc.
Of course I was joyous for her accomplishment, but that meant that I hadn’t won. After the hours of work that went into my entry, the fact that I lost my first contest was a massive dissatisfaction. I felt that I had no talent and that maybe my friends were becoming better and I was leveling off with my talent; I felt that I should give up on art. This few days of disappointment were far from easy, but after my grief came a spark of light. I realized that one contest shouldn’t determine the sum of talent I have, and that just sitting around wouldn’t get me anywhere. It became time for me to stop sulking and start making art again, but this time with motivation and persistence. After this moment, I became happy with my art and built up the courage to enter another contest. This time I had unexpectedly won, and my lucky streak has continued. With commitment came my best work, and it was all because I faced and defeated my worst fear, losing the talent that I most loved. From a time we are brought into hopeless darkness, we can learn to brighten up and shine our way out with our best
There is an important event that happens in every person’s life. That important event may be a number of things. Such as someone winning the lottery or even having a tragic loss in the family. My important event in life was the day I conquered my fear of heights. Everyone has some type of fear or phobia that absolutely petrifies them. Whether it’s a fear of snakes, swimming, or even germs, it can be conquered as I discovered.