
Research Paper On Overcoming Fear

Satisfactory Essays

Overcoming fear is a big thing growing up now a days as a young teens according to statistics . My friend name Keta Moore , she is a wonderful person at heart ,a caring person,also. Keta only had problems about how she thought people felt about her. She was overweight according to a doctor point of view,and when it came to cruel kids/teens they always gave her problems,too. Ketas`self esteem was low, but as her friend I had to stay strong for her. I know it's not easy to deal with jokes when it's truth behind it,so i felt her pain. Me and Keta often hung out almost everyday of the week ;we rarely left the house. We both like going to the movies every now ,and then depending on what new releases was out. Neither one of us was into boys, so when they ask us to join them at a kickback ,and party with them we always declined their offer. Me and Keta were pretty good young girls I felt …show more content…

I thought it would be nice for me and her to do. Everyone I know feels good when their fresh and made over. After the make overs Keta looked like she felt good about herself . Keta was overcoming her fear more and more every week. She wasn't afraid anymore of what people thought of her;it seemed like she walked with her head up now with confidence. I'm proud of my friend , it feels good to see her happy. All Keta needed was support to overcome her fear of being herself in front of people. I'm glad I was that friend to help her, I'm glad all of our girl to girl talks payed off. It takes dedication ,support and faith in god to overcome most barriers in life. I've helped my siblings and their friends with issues and I also give good advice to the best of my ability. I was thinking about being a motivational speaker for recreation centers. Giving back to the community was always apart of my to do list. I know that the community will respect my mission one day because I will make a change. My goal is to help kids ,stand up, speak out and keep

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