There are many rules and situations that tale place all around us. From simple and easy rules to rules and situations we hate, we always should abide by them so we stay safe. One rule or situation that I believe should change are the school lunch programs. Once Barack Obama was sworn in as president, his wife Michelle wanted to change the way school lunch programs run. She wanted to make them for healthy and efficient than the lunches that were given before she started this movement. The new lunch plan started out to be such a marvelous thing, but then it went downhill. It had its fair share of criticism. Michelle placed many restrictions on school lunches. She cut calories, fat, sugar, sodium, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables and as soon
Students are taking it to social media to demonstrate against the meal rules lobbied by First lady Michelle Obama. Lunches include tiny portions, mushy and unrecognizable menu items, a lettuce-and-cheese sandwich and chicken nuggets void of any chicken. School nutrition directors say the rules have proven to be costly and restrictive. House Republicans are making a final push this month to give schools a temporary break from the meal standards. School lunches have never been known for being appetizing — but these ones are particularly disgusting. Students across America are taking it to social media to demonstrate against the school meal rules championed by First Lady Michelle Obama.They're using the sarcastic hashtag 'Thanks, Michelle Obama'
Childhood and teenage obesity has been an issue in America for more than twenty years now. The percentage of obese children has nearly doubled in this time, according to the article “Is Your Kid Failing Lunch?”. Today’s generation of kids is recorded as the fattest generation in history. One of the main causes of this is believed to be fast food kids are exposed to every day in school lunches. Schools are now starting to serve fast food in their lunches as more kids demand it, causing an increase in the schools profit. Outside of that, Americans are currently spending more than $100 billion a year on fast food. Each day one in four Americans will eat at a fast food chain (Beaver). This is easy to believe as the global fast food industry spent
Everyone loves the idea of a government that truly cares about him or her. Especially a government that would go so far as to layout a healthy diet plan to insure the health of your children and to battle childhood obesity. It is great that the government is concerned about adolescent obesity and the nutrition students receive at school. However, the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) Food and Nutrition Guidelines provide more problems for schools and they need to be eradicated, as well as repealing the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act.
Did you know that school lunches have a great way for kids to eat healthy and get the nutrition, protein and vitamins that kids need to be healthy and proactive and use the energy that kids have built up inside their bodies to accomplish their goals that they have set for themselves?School lunches are a great way for kids to eat their vegetables and enjoy foods that are healthy but delicious at the same time.this is important because students/kids should make sure that their body have enough fat and protein to keep them both insulated and healthy.
The lunch bell sounds and students run to get an nutritious meal but, it's really not nutritious.
School lunch is horrible! There is hardly any food to eat, it costs way too much, there are almost no choices for food, and there isn't any time to eat it. The one school rule that needs to be changed is the lunches and everything about them because in order to be able to focus in school, you need the right amount of nutrition.
The National School Lunch Program is a great resource for schools to use, to help provide children whom may not be able to afford their own lunches. The problem with the program though is that the recent changes to the requirements schools must follow make it difficult to provide lunches that are appealing and fulfilling to students. Schools also find that it is costing them more to try and follow these requirements and there is a lot more waste because students are not happy. The NSLP needs to change some of its requirements so schools can have some freedom in how lunches are prepared so students will be more likely to eat them. They also need to take in consideration that not every student should follow the same calorie count and how not have enough can affect a student, and too much creates waste. With certain changes the NSLP can be successful once again.
National school lunch programs in California are poor in quality when it comes to the nourishment of our bodies,leaving behind the vitamins and nutrients children and adolescents need in a meal.The investment in school lunches is crudely frail,instead of feeding our children healthier choices we resemble a fast food portion of food. It is comparatively as if one was eating any type of food served in a fast food place, equivalencing the same amount of calories.This happens in most public schools in California not primarily just in Granite Hills High school, although private schools seem to have healthier and a variety meal choices rather than public schools.For this purpose,we should strive to improve better lunch programs quality and not quantity.We
The National School Lunch Program is a federally funded meal program operating in over 100,000 public. It provides nutritionally balanced, low‐cost or free lunches to more than 31 million children each school day in 2012 based on the child's household income (USDA). The program is managed by the Food and Nutrition Service at the Federal level and by a State education agency at the state level. We will be looking at the statistics of the National Lunch Program for five local schools, and compare the number of students enrolled in the districts and the percentage that are receiving free or discounted meals at school. Additionally, the requirements to be eligible to participate in the program, as well as the reimbursement the school
Calories, obesity, epidemic―these words flash through daily conversion like wildfire. The American public today is severely concerned with the nation’s growing health problem, as they should be. Recently, the nation’s school lunches have had major renovations due to the alarming increase in childhood obesity. The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) has set out to fix the problems concerning nutrition in school lunches. Because the National School Lunch Program is required to follow the most current version of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA), school lunches are undergoing massive reform at the cost of students.
The health of students should be considered one of the most important issues in education. However, as of 2012, the Center for Disease Control calculated that over one third of children and adolescents were either overweight or obese. Not only does obesity cause physical health problems, but can also affect the academic performance of students. Over the past few years, Americans have been working together to find solutions for this problem.
The National School Lunch Program (NSLP), originally initiated in 1946 under the name the National School Lunch Act, has served in excess of 224 billion school lunches to children throughout the United States since its inception (National School Lunch Program). The goals of the program include serving a school lunch that meets certain nutritional requirements and is available at low or no cost to eligible students (National School Lunch Program). While the program has undergone many changes over the decades, the core tenants of the program have remained intact. Changes should be made to the way the National School Lunch Program operates to ensure that all students have access to a lunch that is nutritious and affordable for all income levels, while accommodating the palate of each child.
School cafeterias have been notoriously known for having unhealthy, unappealing food. Students at schools are being forced to eat these foods, when parents cannot provide regular lunches for their children. These lunches usually include the following: pizza, soda, cheeseburgers, chicken sandwiches, and others, all filled with artificial ingredients and preservatives. To address this problem, there should be a switch between the foods and drinks being served, and I have just the ideas that will be delicious and healthy. Authors Alice Waters, Katrina Heron, and Mark Bittman all agree that some initiative needs to be taken to fix this unhealthy food problem, and so do I. Together, the student body and parents will address the school board with healthier food options that are better tasting and better for the body.
School lunches, curriculum focus, and daily activities have changed in elementary schools over the years. The nutritional value in school lunches often meet a bare minimum. Curriculum is focused strongly on idealistic future careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics; but often forget teaching basic healthy habits needed for lifelong health. Physical education is no longer required every single day. Obesity has become an epidemic and not just for adults, it is increasingly affecting children as well. Children spend a generous amount of time in the classroom. They spend more time in school than at home or anywhere else. Therefore, schools have a responsibility in preventing obesity in adolescents by teaching them healthy habits, serving them nutritious food, and providing them with adequate physical activity.
How are students supposed to be content and satisfied with school lunches? (Rhetorical Question) Michelle Obama’s Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act is one of the main causes why students are not happy with lunches. This act was supposed to make kids healthier while keeping them full but instead it did the exact opposite. In protest to school lunches, and Michelle Obama’s Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act students, administrators, and school officials need to get involved to help change school lunches. School administration needs to start paying attention and change school lunches because the lines are too long and students do not have enough time to eat, school lunches are too expensive and the kids can barely afford their lunch, and the lunches are