It is no secret Snoop Dogg likes to smoke marijuana. But apparently more than that, he likes to invest in marijuana. Snoop has his paws on a number of marijuana business lines and he continues to expand.
To date Snoop Dogg has added his name to marijuana hardware (Grenco G-Pen vaporizers), marijuana delivery (Eaze), marijuana flowers, edibles, and concentrates (Leafs), marijuana-centric web presence (, to name a few. This list is by no means exhaustive.
These projects are not a heavy lift for Snoop, who has made a rap career extolling the virtues of cannabis. But now he is putting his money where his mouth is. By investing in these projects and adding his name to them, Snoop gives them instant brand recognition in the marketplace.
The real name of Lil Boosie is Torrence Hatch and he is known by another name professionally Boosie Badazz. He is born on 14th November 1982. He is an American rapper and right now his net worth is around $4 million.
The main characters in this article include Scotts Miracle-Gro Co. who is venturing into the medical marijuana field with Miracle-Gro products. Centennial Seed Co. and General Cannabis Inc. are also mentioned as companies that support the medical marijuana field. These new niche marketing strategies are supported with data
Tupac Amaru Shakur was a very influential person who overcame many difficulties. Tupac was a rapper of truth that spoke about the things that go on in the “Hood” and the unjust police. He was treated differently because he was black and was even arrested for jaywalking. After he was arrested he was beaten by the cops who wanted him to “learn his place”(Joseph 29). This shows how bad Tupac had it because he was African American. Tupac died an early death at 25 because of a brewing rivalry between the East and West Coast rappers. Shakur was a person who would stand up for what he believed in no matter the cost and died fighting for that. He never let anyone win a battle that he was determined to win and always knew what he was fighting for. His mother was the same, as a loyal member of the Black Panther Party, a group that protected all African Americans from police brutality. Tupac was literally born to be a fighter and carried on his mother's legacy. Despite his rough life, Tupac Shakur became one of the most influential rappers of all time.
“And even when I was close to defeat, I rose to my feet, my life is like a soundtrack, I wrote to the beat.” Meaning when I was about to fail, I kept fighting and made what was going to happen. And because of that now today Dr.Dre has won many awards and had movie made about his life. Why? Because Dr.Dre is a great rapper.
Unlike a person who uses marijuana for medicine or entertainment, some people use marijuana as a means for income. Honestly marijuana sales is a very profitable business but the problem is that there is still a numerous amount of people who sell marijuana illegally. Usually with illegal sales of marijuana also comes other illegal activity. According to the DEA, “marijuana smuggling into the United States has occurred at
Marijuana has been around for centuries. It comes from the species of plant Cannabis Sativa, and is used for things other that its renowned drug form, such as rope, clothing, medicines, and oils. Other common names for it include
Also revealed at the expo were Snoop Dogg’s Leafs brand products and Tommy Chong’s Smoke Swipes. Snoop’s Leaf brand probably garnered the most attention not only because of great product design but because Snoops appears to be making a multi-pronged push into the marijuana industry.
People might think smoking marijuana is cool. They might try it without knowing what it is or what affects is has on you. Once someone smokes it for the first time, they might keep doing it again and again and they could get hooked on it for life. People who use marijuana usually never use any other type of illegal drugs, but more than seven thousand five hundred people get arrested for using marijuana every year. There is a wide variety of marijuana, but they are all based off of two marijuana plants, Indica and Sativa. Marijuana is very popular in America, and all over the world. Marijuana affects the body, it can be used as medicine, and marijuana can be addictive.
Marshall Mathers, widely known as Eminem, is an American rapper, record producer, and actor, who is recognized as one of the most controversial and best-selling artists of the early 21st century (“Eminem”). Marshall writes most of his lyrics through his personal life experiences while adding a comical “I don’t give a S***” vibe to them. He struggled through a rough and lonely childhood, had relationship issues, became a father at a young age, and worked hard with dedication and persistence to get where he is today.
Marijuana is used for other things than getting someone stoned. Many advocates say “Marijuana is used for hemp making for fabrics and necklaces.”(William J.) Many advocates say, “If marijuana is so bad then why do doctors prescribe it to patients to help cure cancer, AIDS, headaches, migraines, glaucoma, and many other diseases.”(Sandra) Marijuana is used to calm people down and relieve stress.
Marshal Bruce Mathers III who is also know as Eminem was born with great talent and determination. He faced many challenges in his life but his determination and commitment lead him to success. Eminem's life as a child wasn't easy since his father abandoned him when he was six months old. He lived with an abusive mother who never supported him and considered him as a worthless human being. According to Han Eysencks. Eminem would be categorized as extroverted because he was very active and energized. He loved to talk with people and express his feelings. He had great talent and wanted to show the world that he can rise to the top. Eminem became to be the king of rap and also a great actor. Eminem faced some difficulties throughout his life
Marijuana is usually smoked as a joint (rolled with paper) or in a pipe. Marijuana can also be consumed, but
The acceptance marijuana use within skateboarding could also be explained through how some of the acknowledged skateboarding brands are using references to marijuana culture on the gear they are selling. There is of course a reciprocity between the costumers and the producers, in which it is decided what is going to be produced and what is going to be bought. Due to the rebellious nature of some parts of the skateboarding culture, there is a market for gear that represent rebellion. Brands do so in different ways, and in the case of marijuana affiliation they do so with the likes of simple graphics of marijuana on the gear, or the red, white and green colors of the Rastafarian movement. One example
Are you sick of hearing your girlfriend nagging you about letting go of your pot pasttime? Have you been hearing a lot of negative things about the use of marijuana lately? Would you like to know what the real deal is behind the use of this infamous drug? Then read on because you're in for a surprise.
Most people hear the word marijuana and think of some super bad drug, but really the PLANT people call a drug has many uses. Marijuana has been really big in history. It's been really big in the medical world lately. doctors have taken the THC oils from the plant and used it to stop seizures. I know for my family