Starfish are known to regenerate their lost or damaged body parts. I chose the starfish because in life, we sometimes feel like we lose a part of ourselves when life throws challenges at us or experience failure. However, as we go on, with the help of past experiences and learned lessons, we regenerate the parts we lost, get back on track, and grow just like a
At New Melones Reservoir, despite the continuing snow melt, the water level dropped another foot last week. The water clarity is good and the temperature is slowly coming up, now averaging 76 to 81-degrees. Trout are showing signs of schooling over deep water and feeding on shad minnows. Trollers have been finding trout at 40 to 60 feet with Speedy Shiners, Needlefish, and ExCel lures. Night fishermen have been doing well by anchoring over fairly deep water and lowering their light to about 20 feet. This attracts plankton, which in turn, attracts shad, which will attract larger fish. Live minnows and nightcrawlers are choice baits. The kokanee numbers may be down, but the quality is good with some going 15 to 18 inches. Bladed lures may work well in deeper water as they create vibration which will attract fish. Scented corn on each hook is important. Big trout winner at Glory Hole Sports was, again, Bob James, of Murphys, with a 2-pound rainbow caught at 55 feet in the main lake. Big catfish winner was John Tennant, of Twain Harte, with an 11-pound, 15-ounce fish caught with sardine bait in the main lake. Bass fishing is good for those who specialize in that type of fishing. Hayden Lee, of Angels Camp, recently caught a 10 pound Largemouth Bass on a topwater lure and he had no net in the boat. He and a friend were able to boat the fish for photos before release.
Many organisms easily lose limbs and can grow them back again. Scientists have studied various organisms that are able to repair damaged body parts, such as lizards, spiders, sponges, and sharks. These are a few organisms that undergo regeneration with different body parts such as tails, legs, body divisions, and teeth. The process of regeneration describes the replacement, renewal, and restoration of lost body parts.
Devilfish. This purple, seven-armed octopoid monstrosity is the size of a horse, with hook-lined tentacles and cold, blue eyes. Devilfish CR 4. XP 1,200.
Today's media has sparked a huge interest in online dating. With the new way to find your next partner,
It’s a beautiful day at the beach, the sun is shining down on you as you float and drift on top of the waves. As you lay there without a care in the world, you are suddenly interrupted by a massive swarm of jellyfish; also known as a bloom. Not only does this send you into sudden terror, it also causes a much bigger threat to the ecosystem below you. The excessive growth of jellyfish swarm drastically lowers the population of fish eggs in the ecosystem. Because of this, fishermen lose millions of dollars. People in local communities are figuring out ways to solve this mass production.
Most people would not appreciate a stranger walking into their home unannounced, taking their food, and making themselves at home. That is exactly what lionfish are doing along the Florida coastline. Lionfish are an invasive species that need to be contained. The reefs that they consistently invade off of the coast of the Florida are not the lionfish's natural habitat. This invasive species takes shelter and resources out of the reef that other species need to survive, and they destroy the environment around them. Humans have complicated the balance of the ecosystem by introducing lionfish, and now they need to help rectify the situation.
An entire new world, different from our own exists beneath the surface of our oceans. This life is full of color, shapes, sizes, wonder, and even darkness. Much of this life has yet to be explored but we still know that beneath the waves exist the most beautiful creatures and the most bizarre. Magical areas such as the coral reef and mysterious areas such as the depths of the ocean are homes to over 700,000 species that live in the ocean. This includes the eighty percent of the ocean that has yet to be explored. Even though there may be separate oceans on this planet, they are still interconnected by a body of salt water. No area of the ocean is the same, which brings us to the wonderful fact that so many different species are able to flourish
One of the most mystifying creatures of the deep blue sea, the cuttlefish is not a fish it is some squid-like mollusks. The cuttlefish has a large out stretched body with its mouth being surrounded by tentacles, giving it the nickname head-footed. Cuttlefish around the world varies from sizes of 15cm to 60cm and weigh from the range of 6lb to 23lb. This creature is found throughout the warm tropical shallows of the ocean to the cold depths of the deep order for the cuttlefish to survive they are able to change their body color and they body texture to blend in with different marine environments, while being prey upon dolphin, sharks, seals, cuttlefish, and other big fish. The cuttlefish uses its ability of changing colors to hide itself
Clownfish have interesting mating behaviors. For instance, they are hermaphrodites meaning they have both female and male genitalia. There is strict dominance hierarchy in a group of clownfish. Two clownfish, with the female being the biggest, reproduce through external fertilization. However, if the female was to die, the male would become the high female and the next largest male would become the highest male and reproduce with the clownfish who became female. Throughout this monogamous relationship, they can mate all year long. A female clownfish can lay 600-1600 eggs. While breeding, the male cleans debris and creates a nesting area with his mouth.
A recent study by Facebook states that “Facebook estimates that between 5.5% and 11.2% of accounts are fake. ”(TNW), and this is just facebook. Out of all social media sites and other account based websites people are masking their identities every day. Having the option to change a person's identity, is the scariest thing in the world to me, and it's even more scary because the internet is a vast abyss that can be manipulated into anything anybody wants it to be. Physically, identities are fixed, but digitally they aren't but the users creation, whether that be factual identities or not.
A venomous marine fish, known as the Lionfish, is native to tropical regions in the Indo-Pacific Ocean. In 1992 Hurricane Andrew tore through South Florida and was labeled the most destructive hurricane in the history of the United States. The category five storm is thought to have caused the accidental introduction of the species into FLorida. An aquarium was devastated by the winds, and released several Lionfish into Biscayne Bay. That, along with owners who became dissatisfied with the animals after realizing they’d eat other fish, and ignorantly set them free in the Atlantic, allowed the organisms to populate the waters very quickly.
It was interesting to read that the hypothesis provided by the scientists turned out to be opposite of what happened to Valley Creek. The macroinvertebrates were already living in a low quality creek full of pollution, so I would have also expected their population to decrease after introducing a predator to their environment. The crayfish reminded me of the keystone species sea stars, that I learned about through a lecture on communities and ecosystems. The study conducted on crayfish was similar to a study conducted on sea stars, except they were removed from coastlines instead of being added to see the effect they had. The sea stars were believed to have a negative effect on the coastlines since they preyed on mussels, but it turned out
Albert Fish was born and raised in Washington, D.C. on May 19th, 1870, to his parents Randall, and Ellen. Fish’s father was American, and his mother was Irish American. His father was forty-three years older than his mother, and was seventy-five at the time of fishes’ birth. Albert was the youngest child of three siblings: Annie, Walter, and Edwin. He wanted to be named after a dead sibling to escape from the given nickname “Ham & Eggs” which was given to him at St. John Orphanage where, he spent most of his childhood.” “The family had a history of mental illness.” His mother suffered from visual hallucinations, his brother was in a mental hospital, his sister was diagnosed with mental illness, and uncle suffered from mania. Fish's father was a boat captain and a fertilizer manufacturer. “He soon died of a heart attack in 1875 at the Sixth Street Station of the Pennsylvania Railroad in Washington, D.C.” ( Blanco, 2017)
The first time I felt the recoil of a shotgun coincide with the simultaneous drop and flop of a turkey I knew I was hooked. This was all the way back in the fall of 2005 when I shot my very first turkey alongside my father. That day started an addiction that has since intensified and spread to not only turkeys but almost all of Missouri's highly sought after species. Hunting, conservation, and the great outdoors have always been embedded in the hearts of my family. I am no different and plan to dedicate my life to Missouri’s wildlife the same way they have.
My species is the Ocellaris Clownfish! This is the one that looks like Nemo on Finding Nemo. Its body is an oval shape and has three vertical white stripes outlined with a fine black line. They are saltwater fish and live in an anemone. They live in a core habitat. They have symbiotic relationship with the sea anemone. The anemone gets pesits it doesn't want living on it off of it, and the clown fish gets protection from the tentacles of the anemone. Young clownfish have difficulty finding an anemone to live in. The young clownfish begins at the bottom of the social ladder when it enters an anemone. It is often the victim of aggression by other clownfish. Clownfish are a very social group. They like to live in colonies.There are two types of