The word tannin is very old and reflects a traditional technology. Tanning was the word used in the scientific literature to describe the process of transforming raw animal hides or skins into durable, nonputrescible leathers by using plant extracts from different plant parts [10]. Tannin is an astringent, bitter plant polyphenolic compound that either binds or precipitates proteins and various other organic compounds including amino acids and alkaloids [4]. The term tannin refers to the use of tannins in tanning animal hides into leather; however, the term is widely applied to any large polyphenolic compound containing sufficient hydroxyls and other suitable groups to form strong complexes with proteins and other macromolecules. Tannins have
Legislation passed a bill regulating minor’s use of tanning beds; however, no limit has been set to regulate the amount of tanning a minor can consume. Due to the high amount of debate on whether there should be regulations on artificial tanning, Donna W. Driscoll, professor at Molloy College, and Jennifer Darcy, clinical instructor, evaluated all fifty states in an online questionnaire regarding restrictions on tanning. The questionnaire included questions regarding the access of tanning beds by minors and legal enforcement issues. The questionnaire scaled the answers of the states on a range of four levels of restriction: zero having no restrictions, less than ten having minimal restrictions, ten to twenty having moderate restrictions, and
Tanning equipment that could be used at home was introduces in the 1920s. The first indoor tanning salon opened in North America in the late 1970s.
Sharon Miller is the author of this article and is part of FDA. In this article she discusses how each type of uv rays damage the skin and which uv ray is used in tanning beds. This is relevant to my topic because it demonstrates the risk of skin cancer. Many people think tanning gives them a ¨healthy¨ glow, but in reality a tan is a sign on skin damage. UV-B rays burn the top layer of skin resulting in a sunburn in most cases. UV-A rays burn into a deeper layer of the skin causing a rash to appear. Tanning beds emit UV-B rays and UV-A rays, which is why you tend to get a sunburn before turning dark. The UV-B rays cause your body to emit more melanin, which is a pigment that darkens the skin. This is why we get tan in the summer whether it
The four studies that I feel would be beneficial are the consumer segmentation studies, the channel performance, and coverage study, the plant/warehouse location study, and the studies of premiums, coupons, and deals. The consumer segmentation studies are used to identify profiles of different consumers the tanning salon could target (Page 170). This is beneficial for marketing techniques in that there are different demographics on a college campus. Using this study will better show how to market and what their future customers want in their products and services, just like the KithchenAid brand discovered on Page 170-171 in our Marketing Essentials textbook.
Tanning beds are devices that give off ultraviolet radiation to make a cosmetic tan. They were first invented in 1978 by Friedrich Wolff. They are typically horizontal making it easier for people lay down in them. People are usually in there for about 8 to 15 minutes. They can be
“Those who tanned the most—for ten years or more had more than twice the risk of melanoma compared with people who never used tanning beds.”—Martin Weinstock of Brown University of Medicine. Tanning beds are very menacing machines. They give out ultra violet rays that lead to melanoma, the most dangerous type of skin cancer. Tanning beds are causing many problems to millions of people.
Before one can discuss harmful effects of tanning equipment and increased sun exposure, one must be familiar with the components of ultraviolet light and how affects the skin. Sunlight contains two types of ultraviolet (UV) light: UVA and UVB. UVA rays consist of longer wavelengths that penetrate deep into the dermal layer of skin. Limited exposure to UVA rays causes skin to tan; however, most experts agree that overexposure to UVA can lead to other long-term skin damage. UVB rays’ wavelengths are much shorter, affecting the outermost layers of skin. UVB rays are known as the "burning rays" and are considered more dangerous. Tanning beds and sun lamps generally emit 93% to 99% UVA
Throughout college I have worked at a tanning salon and during my employment I have learned how to increase my sales by using persuasion. Is it important to have effective persuasive skills because I receive bonuses for tanning membership and tanning lotion sales. For example, today a new customer entered the salon and was interested in tanning. As they enter I always make sure to make sure to welcome the customers with a friendly attitude and try to make them feel as comfortable as I can. Then I begin to ask them questions about why they are tanning; if it for a specific event or just for summer. The customer I was helping informed me that it was for a wedding in about two weeks so I showed her the price of the month packages. Then I explained
Tall, fit, and tan... Sounds attractive? It is not to rare to encounter young teenage girls who’s aims are to achieve this “perfect” image. These looks are popularized through stars, models, and individuals that the younger population look up to. Enforcing insecurity amongst teens, advertisements portray these ultimate, beautiful, “natural” looks. However, what they do not portray is the time, effort, and health risks involved. Unfortunately these teens do not take into consideration the harsh circumstances that these procedures consist of. In other words, they are not aware of the after affects that will alter their health along with their image. A large part of the population of the United States including men and women, teenage or adult, are insecure about their body image. They’re not lying when they say, “Beauty is Pain.” Many of these treatments and procedures people undergo drastically change the look of their image. Given all these considerations the use of indoor tanning salons has been a controversial topic to many people. The essential question is, should a federal ban against the use of tanning salons by minors be enacted? Absolutely yes, minors should not be able to use the amenities of tanning salons due to the long term affects that will disturb their well being. The negative effects of using tanning salons do not overcompensate the temporary look enhancement.
According to Mays and Tercyak (2015), “An estimated 9,000 deaths occur each year as a result of melanoma, and the costs of skin cancer treatment results in $8 billion annually (p. e70). The major concern for preventing skin cancer from resulting is due to indoor tanning salons (Mays & Tercyak, 2015). Most skin cancer cases are associated with indoor tanning salons (Mays & Tercyak, 2015). Young adults seem to know the risk of indoor tanning, but still do not protect themselves from the dangerous behavior (Hemrich et al., 2014). Even when young adults have family diagnosed with skin cancer, they still continue to tan and do not participate in safe skin-care prevention (Hemrich et al., 2014).
While it is very imperative to begin by protecting small children from the suns damage, efforts to prevent skin cancer must continue on into the teenage years. One of the most popular ways to catch a tan as a teen is by indoor tanning. The Division of Cancer Prevention and Control (DCPC) reported that “nearly 1 out of every 3 white high school girl used an indoor tanning device such as a tanning bed, tanning booth, or sun lamp” (“Reducing Indoor Tanning”, n.d.). This significantly increases the risk of skin cancer. This publication, by the DCPC, offers facts on the potential consequences of indoor tanning for minors and ways to lower the use of tanning indoors for minors in the community.
Tanning has become increasingly popular over years. The question is it beneficial or a bad business deal to start. The truth is tanning is convenient method utilized by many individuals to gain skin tone and color, builds self- esteem and promote relaxation. It can be beneficial in many aspects of our lives as well as an alternative to more harmful exposure but there are always risks at everything you do. Dermatologists today are against it for the simple fact that they believe it causes skin cancer. According to NCI (National Cancer Institute) exposure to UV radiation—whether from the sun or from artificial sources such as sunlamps utilized in tanning beds—increases of developing skin cancer. IRAC (International Agency for Research on
Imagine going to a tanning salon and asking information on the safety of indoor tanning. The employees tell you that it is safe, in fact, they encourage the use, saying it is good for you. Imagine six months later going to your doctor for a checkup and having your doctor tell you he is concerned about something you thought was a beauty mark. You come to find that you have malignant melanoma, a deadly form of skin cancer at the age of 27. After doing some research it was obvious that going to this tanning salon was the cause. You have just taken a glimpse into the life of Lisa Whitehead who shared her story to prevent something like this from happening to others. This essay will analyze issues related to Indoor Tanning. It will employ the
My dear parents: I know we have many different political beliefs. Somewhere in the gap between the 2012 election and this one, I turned into what you may call “a raging liberal.” Now whether it is due to my homeschool econ classes, or just what I’ve deemed acceptable I do still tend to lean conservative on economic issues, but social issues? That’s where you and I go two very different directions. Hot topic evangelical “social issues” aside, one area I hope we may eventually find common ground on is Marijuana legalization or even just decriminalization.
Hatch and Schultz’s (2001) method depitcs a process that is focused on the cohesion and