Tantalum is a toxic heavy metal, this is due to the oxide skin on the surface of the metal. This skin also makes this highly conductive metal resistant to corrosion. However it’s highly valuable and a great substitute for platinum in lab equipment. With melting temperatures three times higher than copper it’s able to have larger amounts of electricity passed through it making regular copper wire technology obsolete in comparison to tantalum wire. A capacitor is an electrical device that is able to store mass amounts of electricity, much like a battery. However unlike a battery a capacitor can only store this electricity temporarily in an electric field. The size of this field is determined by the surface area between the conductors (metal
Due to titanium being rather expensive it is rarely used for cycles. It is expensive not only because of the material costs, but also because of the care and time that must be put into the welding process.
Taylor Welch Current Event 1 GEOG 102 MWF 12:30 Current Event 1: Building a Mini-State with Avocados and Guns A small town in Tancítaro succeeded self-rule in a part of Mexico. The town is free of drug cartels unlike anywhere else in Mexico. It is also free of Mexican Police and Politicians who are known as the biggest problem to the people in Tancítaro. The town is safe to walk around day or night. Tancítaro was a global center for Avocado Production and exporting about $1 million worth every single day. They used the money they made from Avocado Production to pay for the militias that guarded their town. People thought there was something going on, like something didn’t feel right. Some people began trying to figure out what was up. The town was very
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, also known as TANF, is a federally-funded program that is run by states providing limited cash assistance to parent and their children who have a very low income. This program is only limited to certain people and it provides some assistances to parents who only receives a small income or no income at all and very few assets for a long period of time (familyequality.org).
Copper (Chemical symbol Cu, Atomic number 29), is one of the best electrical conductors in all metals, has influenced the use of telecommunications throughout the world. We rely on copper for a lot of things - power, heating, lighting, transport, communication, and even coinage. The wide application of copper in our daily lives has made our homes, schools and businesses pleasant, decorative and efficient but also has created negative impacts in our environment.
Titanium is important because it is used for a lot of stuff like airplanes,trains,tanks,helicopters,cars,and other stuff. It is also used in everyday objects.
In this experiment we are going to set up two different circuits (Configuration) that have two capacitors, and we will be determining, which configuration of two capacitors, series or parallel, stores the most energy when connected to a battery by measuring the duration a light bulb remains lit after completing the circuit. Then we will compute the energy E for each configuration explicitly, by assuming that we have two capacitors that differ in capacitance and are supplied a voltage V from a battery.
Resposible for the enhancing the process of protein synthesis inside your muscles which boost up your athletic performance. As other chemical compound Dianabol, Androle also causes the nitrogen retention in your muscles that fulfuils the oxygen demand in your muscles, thereby elevate your stamina to a perfect extent. Anadrole is an important chemical compound in the ultimate stack steroids though which your body will adapt the changes it will get after using all the other chemical ingredients mentioned above. Anadrole has been added in the ultimate stack because of numerous reasons. Other benefits of Anadrole includes the production of red blood cells through the tissue carries oxygen to every muscle of your body, hence competing the
At least 50,000 kids attending the many residential Quranic faculties, or daaras, in Senegal are subjected to conditions similar to slavery and made to endure oftentimes extreme kinds of abuse, neglect, and exploitation by the teachers, or marabouts, who constitute as their factual guardians (“Off the Backs of the Children” 2010). By no means do all Quranic faculties run such regimes, however several marabouts force the talibés, to beg on the streets for long hours—a system that meets the International Labor Organization’s definition of a worst form of child labor—and subject them to generally brutal physical and psychological abuse. The marabouts are grossly negligent in fulfilling the children’s basic essentials, such as food, shelter, and health care, despite adequate resources in most urban daaras, brought in primarily by the children themselves.
Coltan is a tantalum-bearing ore that is very rare, valuable and highly sought all over the world (Hayes & Burge 2003: 11). Tantalum has double the density of steel and is extremely resistant to heat and corrosion (Hayes & Burge 2003: 11). In the majority of high-tech electronics such as computers, mobile phones, and game consoles, it is used as capacitors or super-alloys to conduct electric charges in these electronic equipments (Bleischwitz et al. 2012: 20).
We use about 5.8 billion pounds of copper each year. We use copper for our money here in the United States. The copper is used in our pennies. Just in pennies we make about 13 billion pennies a year. All of that is copper. A penny weighs about 0.088 ounces. Another thing that we use copper for is electricity. Copper is a great conductor of electricity. Copper is able to take heat very well when running electricity because the conduct electrons. Copper is malleable and ductile. Since it is very ductile it allows us make wiring out of it. It is very well good at conducting heat so you will see it a lot in motor vehicle radiators and home heater systems. It is also used in air-conditioning. Copper is not really corrosive so that is why people will see it in pipes, water pipes. The only problem with the pipes made out of copper is that copper will bend and break really easy. Some copper is used in gun designs. They were also used for making swords and shields. Very few were made out of helmets but it was still used for that way back when. Also copper was well known for killing bacteria. So in the past they used it to treat wounds for patients because it could kill the bacteria. It was also used on the sides of ships to protect it from algae and other bacteria that may have harmed the boat. Copper has been used for a long time. It dates back to about ten thousand years
Tanzy, addiction is a progressive disease of the brain. The misuse of controlled substances and prescription pain killers if taken in excess eventually will take its toll on a person’s health. Controlled substances have health risk because drug use and misuse continue to create health challenges. Mental disorder and violence is associated with people who are not healthy in their thought process. They are known to have a chemical imbalance in their brain as paranoia and schizophrenia which is a severe mental disorder where people interpret reality abnormally and they maybe delusional which hinder their ability to function and they struggle to make the right decisions. However most individuals with mental disorders are not violent, substance
“Do not train a child to learn by force or harshness; but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each.” Throughout the history of time there have been many great and powerful nations. Religion has always had a powerful effect on nations, even more so than the military or the political system in which the civilization confides in. In ancient Greek society, their higher deities were constantly being thought of and implicated in their society. Although they had many gods, the titans are a classification that they had believed to create the universe and all its correspondings. (Plato)
White petrolatum is associated with fewer instances of hypersensitivity reactions and is the preferred petrolatum for use in cosmetics and topical pharmaceuticals. White petrolatum has been tentatively implicated in lipoid pneumonia following excessive use in the perinasal area. Other adverse reactions to petrolatum include granulomas (paraffinomas) following injection into soft tissue (86). Also, when taken orally, petrolatum acts as a mild laxative and may inhibit the absorption of lipids and lipid-soluble nutrients.
In the nucleus of an atom there are protons and neutrons the number of protons and neutrons depends on the element and ,if it is an isotope of that element. E.g. carbon 12, carbon 12 has six neutrons six protons and 6 electrons . Electrons are located around the nucleus of the atom. Electrons are in shells, the shell closest to the nucleus is 1 , the one after 2 and so on. Each shell can only hold up to a certain number of electrons . the first can hold up to 2 , the second 8 (2+6) the third up to 18 (2+6+10). The general formula for finding out how many electrons a shell can hold is 2n^2. Electrons have a negative charge , while protons have a positive and neutrons have no charge. A atom has the same number of protons and electrons. An ion is formed when an atom loses or gains a electrons .
A radioactive element does not have any stable isotopes, which means it may spontaneously degenerate, emitting alpha particles, beta particles and occasionally gamma rays. Some examples of radioactive elements are uranium, promethium and curium. Radioactive elements could be used either negative or positive.