
Research Paper On Teenage Wasteland

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When raising a child parents should consider what type of parent they are going to be to their children. They should decide on which approaches they are going to make in regards to how their child is going to act. There is no guarantee to know how a child is going to behave as they grow older; it is important that parents take the steps necessary to ensure that they can help and try to avoid losing their relationship with their children. A parent's role in raising their children is appreciation, encouragement, guidance, trust, and acceptance. It is not easy to raise a child, and not all kids are going to turn out the way their parents expect them to. So, it is up to the parent to set a foundation so that their children can feel as if their parents will make efforts to understand the trials and tribulations that they face.
One of the many roles of parents is making sure that their kids know that they are accepting their child's interests. It is important for parents to show their kids that they are accepted and loved unconditionally. Parents can be hands on in their children's life by learning who their kids have become and what their interests are. In the short story Teenage Wasteland by Anne …show more content…

If a child struggles with school work, parents can take this opportunity to study with their children. Find out what it is they do not understand and attempt to help them and ensure them that the work is not impossible. Daisy often hovered over Donny when he did his homework, but when sitting down with him she never offered to help him with the subjects she knew he struggled with. She knew that she could have been more of a support system for Donny, but she still refrained from offering her services. Even if she did not understand the material, she could have made an attempt to help him. Just so she could have a genuine excuse to converse with

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