When raising a child parents should consider what type of parent they are going to be to their children. They should decide on which approaches they are going to make in regards to how their child is going to act. There is no guarantee to know how a child is going to behave as they grow older; it is important that parents take the steps necessary to ensure that they can help and try to avoid losing their relationship with their children. A parent's role in raising their children is appreciation, encouragement, guidance, trust, and acceptance. It is not easy to raise a child, and not all kids are going to turn out the way their parents expect them to. So, it is up to the parent to set a foundation so that their children can feel as if their parents will make efforts to understand the trials and tribulations that they face.
One of the many roles of parents is making sure that their kids know that they are accepting their child's interests. It is important for parents to show their kids that they are accepted and loved unconditionally. Parents can be hands on in their children's life by learning who their kids have become and what their interests are. In the short story Teenage Wasteland by Anne
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If a child struggles with school work, parents can take this opportunity to study with their children. Find out what it is they do not understand and attempt to help them and ensure them that the work is not impossible. Daisy often hovered over Donny when he did his homework, but when sitting down with him she never offered to help him with the subjects she knew he struggled with. She knew that she could have been more of a support system for Donny, but she still refrained from offering her services. Even if she did not understand the material, she could have made an attempt to help him. Just so she could have a genuine excuse to converse with
When parents understand how their child responds to certain situations, they can anticipate issues that might be problematic for their child. They can prepare the child for the situation or in some cases they may avoid a potentially difficult situation altogether. Parents who know how to adapt their parenting approach to the particular temperament of their child can best provide guidance and ensure the successful development of their child's personality.
While children are influenced by many things, there are no stronger influences than that of their parents. Parents are usually their children’s first playmates, and while there world expands with each passing year, parental influence is still one of the greatest factors in determining the ways in which the child will grow and develop.
A parent’s parenting styles are as diverse as the world we live in today. Nowadays, parents only want what is best for their children and their parenting styles plays a crucial role in the development of children which will in the long run, not only effect the child’s childhood years, but later prolong into their adult life as well.
In getting to know their child the parent learns what task and skills the child attack very easily and the ones that present with some trouble. Ultimately, parents learn if they have shy, outgoing, productive or destructive children that they are dealing with and they know best about how the child learns. Children are unique and must be treated in a manner that is befitting of them individually. The same parenting technique may not work for each child, so parents get to see first off, who works best alone or who works best as a team. For instance, information and interest that are important to one child may not be important to the other. The parents have to decipher what method of instruction the child responds and adapts to and how he/she internalizes the information provided. Whether it is pinpointing disciplinary measures that work for their children or getting children to follow house rules and guiding them on acceptable behavior for schoolwork and homework. For example, if they take the Nintendo game away this might send one child in orbit and the other child is perfectly fine without having access to the game and will find something else to do until the time has passed. This says a lot about the character of a child and how they will deal with problems in the
The role of a parent in a child’s life is crucial to promote and support the physical, emotional, social, financial, and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood. Does this mean that after a child reaches adulthood the job of a parent is over? Unfortunately for parents the job is never over. When raising a child parents must teach child the basics such as talking, walking and eating. They must also teach children certain characteristics of attitude and behavior such as what is right and what is wrong. As the child develops in to an adult, the responsibilities of a parent change as well. Their responsibility is not teaching, but is now maintaining the characteristics that they want their
In Anne Tyler’s “Teenage Wasteland,” the reader is given insight into the difficulty of parenting through Daisy’s desperate attempt to stop her son from his seemingly uncontrollable downward spiral. The paranoia of her “perfect” parenting techniques leads to the tainting of Donny’s innocence over time and eventually his mysterious disappearance at the end of the story. Through symbols of innocence and corruption, Tyler demonstrates the importance of keeping one’s head clear and focused while parenting, and that using common sense and logic is far more effective than relying on idealism and hope.
Adolescence is a difficult time for both parents and the teenagers. And the pressure can be overwhelming. Due to poor teen-parent relationship teenagers faces failure in life. This issue is very common in our society. Anne Tyler and Joyce carol have written short stories in which similar scenario is depicted. Anne Tyler’s focus in this story is the gradual disintegration of the relationship between a teenage boy and his parents.
Growing up in the recent generations is very challenging. Children at such young ages, even younger than teens have been faced with such perilous decisions. It is especially hard for teenagers to find acceptance at this point in their lives. Here is an instance that is so common in this day and age, yet this particular case is only fiction. A teenage boy named Donny has been going through a few changes in his appearance. His parents, Matt and Daisy, are somewhat disturbed yet they don’t say much to him. Then one day Daisy gets a call from Donny’s school administrator and tells her that his grades are attitude are dropping scale. He eventually gets kicked out of private school and does poorly in
Throughout the story teenage wasteland there are many structures of education's. There is the school,the teachers, Cal's house ,and donny house. In gerneral the story itself is not about education but says a little about it. We know in the feelings and details of the main character daisy in the story ,however we do Donny's. Thought Donny's actions with schooling and being educated there is there is a way to show the nature of education that is being portrayed.
There are many different types of parents with diverse parenting styles in the world. Some are efficient in their ways, while others struggle to wonder why their child did not turn out to be everything they hoped. The controversial topic of whether the parent knows what is best for their child hangs over the reader’s head in Amy Chua’s article.
By the time children are two the relationship starts to change as parents start to educate children, guide them in the right direction and also start to discipline them. Parents think about their capability of setting limits for their children and start to implement rules, while providing enough freedom for their children to grow and develop.
Anne Tyler’s “Teenage Wasteland” is a story about a modern day family of four and the relationship issues they experienced with each other. The story is presented in third person limited; however, the reader is shown much about how the mother of the family feels and the troubles she experiences in her relationships with her husband and children, primarily her son Donny. Daisy is portrayed as a mother who worries that she had failed Donny because of his continual disobedience toward the authority figures in his life. Donny is a teen who constantly misbehaves in school and in the story is described as “noisy, lazy, and disruptive; always fooling around with his friends, and would not respond in class.” (188). These behaviors lead Donny to
Children are the future of the world and need to be nurtured and educated in the best conditions. Thus, parenting is one of the most challenging and admirable responsibilities that people can experience. Parenting plays important roles in the development of children’s characteristics. Some people nurture children depending on their own ways. Others get advice from friends or books. Parenting can be divided into three groups: authoritative, permissive, and democratic parenting.
Why is it important that parents make wise decisions? It is important because these choices not only affect themselves but also affect their children. Parents and caregivers are vital to the development and growth of children. Parents play a crucial role in every stage of childhood and can play a positive role in helping them get the best out of life. The most simplest decisions in a parents life could damage the life of a child. That's why the way parents raise their children play an important role and have different effects on their child's life.
When it comes to raising a kid every parent wants to be the best parent. Many of them wonder if they are giving the right environment for the physical and behavioral growth of their kids. The reality is; most parents do not remain the best parents or at least good parents.