My idea was to make a video of some sort, some kind of an educational video. I decided that my area of interaction would be Environment. I narrowed it down to two topics which were : Palm Oil Destruction and China Pollution. I already knew quite a lot about both of the topics, but I decided to go with a topic that affects us and the world. Therefore, I chose Palm Oil Destruction which affects us in many ways. I will make a video about an environmental issue and post it on Youtube, to gain awareness and to learn more about this topic, those are my goals. “Palm is one of the largest on going environmental disasters currently.”(Care2) A massive force that is pushing orangutans, a mankind's closest relative, to extinction. A force that is …show more content…
I planned to reach my goal by keeping in mind the specifications I had set out to achieve. I focused on one topic the whole time which was Environmental harm that Palm Oil was causing. I also have to meet all my due dates and not procrastinate. First step was to get all the research done. I had some great sources that combined really well to form the whole outline of my video as well as the body of the video. I then started making my video which took me some time as I was working with a new program. I also ran into some problems but I was still able to meet my due date. Since I am not a tech person my video didn’t turn out amazing or anything but it had all the important information so I think the viewer understood the message. My other goal was to cover every aspect of palm oil such as; how it affects the environment, and how it affects people. My main specifications are: to meet all my due dates I set out for myself, find well rounded information on Palm oil and create a video that has all the information I that covers everything.
Selection of Sources: I used 8 different sources that each focused on a different aspect of Palm Oil. Source A was by far my favorite source it had all the information and it was organized very well. I used that as my outline for my video, I just added more information from other sources. Some sources had lots of
From your observations of the video, record your information in the design brief on the following page or in your engineering notebook.
make my students feel, and I hope that I never do. That was how the video impacted me and
Refer to scenes in the video clip(s) where you provided a safe, respectful, and organized learning environment.
The project that I created can be thought of as an informative music video. I recreated the song “Hollaback Girl” by Gwen Stefani and transformed it into “Geometry Girl.” The beat and rhythm of the original stayed the same while the lyrics changed so that they could summarize every topic we have learned this past year. I used a popular song as the template, so that it would be catchy and stuck in people’s minds. Who does not love “Hollaback Girl?” It is my personal jam! Even though my song might get annoying after the fifth time of hearing it, I had a great time making it.
I also learnt when working in a group you cannot rely on other people, and it is best if you all have a copy of the footage so if someone is away you can still carry on and work. In addition, i found that communication with in your group and with the client is essential, as we lacked a lot of this and it did affect us. I also learnt a lot of editing skills along the was such a adjusting the contrast and brightness which were new to me. I also learnt about synchronizing all the audio up, which was quite difficult at some points, as we did not always have the lips to synchronize it up to. The video turned out good in the end it was slightly different as planned but our clients were pleased with the outcome and were happy to work with us. We also worked well with our clients, which was defiantly our strong
When I watched my own video I realized a lot of things that I did well. One of thing,that
My content, I would agree with you that in parts of my speech I did not explain into enough detail for my audience to understand me clearly. I did not have my laptop charger, which brought my visual aid down for the audience to understand me better. I should have been more prepared for my speech, by bringing my laptop charger. With the pictures and documents on my power point, I think my speech would have been understood more clearly. I think the focus of my speech was blurry to my audience at some points, but strong at other points. My thesis statement was very clear and understood by my audience. I conveyed a sense of my topic by saying my topic in the beginning of my speech, and then using an example on how it would affect us as a human
Environmental scanning can be viewed as a way of acquiring information about outside events that can aid organizations in first identifying potential trends, then interpreting them
When I review the video I created with Julia, Sophie, and Sarah, I find that there were things we did not perfectly portray and things that we portrayed well. It was difficult to create certain things with our specific model choice and things that we just didn’t completely understand at the time we created our model.
The one piece of constructive cristism that I wuld like to improve to the video that I created is that I should have just at least insert some of my videos singing and audios of my voice that telling about my story. Too bad that I’m too innocent that I don’t know how to put that in my video.So I just typed my script to the captions and the HQ of some of the
This presentation to the faculty and staff was videoed. The video was then shared with my group members in LIBS 6991. Using the video, I critiqued myself and other classmate’s videos. The members of the group collaborated and provided specific feedback to all group members. I
Music has a great impact on the human mind and I think by just having that factor it is already better. Commercials and videos are so much more impactful than just some piece of paper. Some of my friends used different transitions that I liked so I would like to give those a try. I would like to improve just on learning how to use iMovie better. I have used it before, but I just really want to be able to do bigger and better things with it. My main goal of this entire project is just to make something that says the truth and lets everyone know how much of an outbreak homelessness is. Every process of this dein cycle has been rough, not only the work load, but just the information I have had to look up and read. It is so saddening to know the terrible living conditions some people have to face. I approached the process by just simply learning and taking in all the information I read and just trying to comprehend how much this topic means to me and many
I think that despite the fact, that Olena had a great idea for students to make creative task, she would better ask students to make their own examples with new idioms or make up a dialogue, using them. Thats the reason I think that minutes from 20 up to 23 of the video were the least successful, and this was the only flaw, which I noticed during her lesson.
This semester has been filled with informative information when speaking about our own social skill, but also other people’s social psychology as well, thus is why it will be very useful in future. Throughout the semester we studied everything from the introduction of social psychology, social influences, aggression in psychology, and interpersonal attraction and close relationships. A lot of the knowledge that I gained was not only from the “Social Psychology” textbook, but also in the videos and the reactions that we needed to come up with on a weekly basis. I like the idea of being able to watch the video to see if the experiment was successful or unsuccessful and commenting on it by giving my opinion if I agreed or not. For me,
Environmental problems are something which belongs to nature or known as “Mother Earth” [13]. Nature was created to help people survive from gathering foods until build a house. This phenomenon happens continuously without thinking how much damage that nature has because human’s fault. Nature gradually becomes worse and animal’s life in danger. People who are aware of the importance of nature react. Those people do several ways to save the environment. Although these efforts can return back the environment, these efforts only can be hold temporarily. This problem happens because those people who are aware of the environment only slightly; for remaining, there are people either do not know or do not care about the nature. People’s efforts