Juan Gamez
SOC 590 Latino Health
Professor Dr. Muñoz
Research Design Project
Smoking tobacco cigarettes has been recognized as the leading cause of lung cancer and other health related illnesses in the developed world. But there is a new emergence of electronic cigarettes, which can deliver nicotine without the vast range of carcinogens and toxins found in a regular tobacco cigarette. Of course, this is a very controversial topic in which creates a dilemma, some people approve the use of electronic cigarettes as an alternative to tobacco cigarettes. In the other hand there is people with negative views on the use of an e-cigarette as an alternative to a regular tobacco cigarette. My research will target a specific population, college students and their point of view on the use of electronic cigarettes. I am interested to find what are college students at CSUSB perceptions of the health impacts of electronic cigarettes? Are college students more susceptible to use electronic cigarettes as an alternative to tobacco cigarettes?
In my research, I want to find out if perception plays a role in decision making. In this case I want to know if college student perceptions of electronic cigarettes at CSUSB impacts their decision making. For example, a student who believes e-cigarettes are less harmful than tobacco cigarettes is more likely to use electronic cigarettes. In the other hand, a student who believes e-cigarettes are more harmful
Scenario: Matthew Joseph is a Freshman in college and he smokes two packs of cigarettes a week. Matthew’s great-grandfather, who was a solider in WW2 died from lung cancer and his farther as well as his uncle smoke habitually and have trouble breathing from time to time. Matthew says that he is aware of the deadly effects of cigarettes but he cannot stop because it keeps him from smoking marijuana. Matthew works at the local Bucee’s gas station to help pay for is car and phone bills. Matthew’s job does monthly drug testing for marijuana, cocaine, and other types of paraphernalia. Matthew states that “If smoking cigarettes allows me to keep my job and pay my bills then I want stop no matter how dangerous they are.”
As stated by Eleanor Roosevelt, “One 's philosophy is not best expressed in words; it is expressed in the choices one makes... and the choices we make are ultimately our responsibility.” Everybody has a myriad choices in life. Some choices are better than others, and some are the worst choices one could have possibly chosen. The choices of one may work in one’s favor, or one’s choices may work in contrariety of one’s goals altogether. Electronic cigarettes, also called e-cigarettes or e-cigs, are an alternative choice to smoking actual cigarettes. Whether e-cigarettes should be regulated is a controversial topic among the people of the world today. A few people withhold the beliefs that electronic cigarettes should not be regulated as regular cigarettes are. It is possible that they believe that the regulation will lead to the prohibition or cease of smoking wholly. However, speaking as a candor person, one may say that these people are blind to the potential harms that the lack of regulation could create and that the lack of regulation may actually be causing electronic cigarettes to work in opposition of the purpose they are mostly used for. E-cigarettes are proven to not to have the same detrimental effects as regular cigarettes, however they are potently harmful, with different and serious consequences. The regulations would not be banning electronic cigarettes; the regulations are working to protect the health and well-being of everyone.
Another danger pose by unregulated use of e- cigarettes is that nicotine found in e-cigarettes changes the structure of the brain and lungs which affects the function and responses of the reflexes, increasing ones risk to hypoxia ( Hafstrom O.et.al 2005). Furthermore, in a society that Nursing resources are been stretched and one that depends on the youth for a vibrant tomorrow, it is pertinent that the use and marketing of e-cigarettes should be regulated because young ones are being attracted to smoke e-cigarettes which could further create more medical problems for them. No wonder, health agencies are worried that "nicotine may have a negative impact on adolescent brain development and increase the risk for nicotine addiction that could lead to use of tobacco product" (Schranfnagel
The severity of the health problems that come from smoking e-cigarettes are that we are still unaware of what exactly do these electronic devices contain. At it is stated in the article “Drug Facts: Electronic Cigarettes” that they contain different amounts of nicotine, flavoring, and other unknown chemicals. With these unknown chemicals, we are unaware of what can be the consequences or risks are with long-term consumption of using e-cigs. There are over “400,000 deaths each year in the United States” at a cause from smoking and inhaling nicotine; yet the worst risks are the development of cancer and heart diseases (Drug
Steven Reinberg is a senior staff reporter for HealthDay. He also has won awards for his health journals and has written for both consumer and professional audiences. Reiberg wrote this piece for HealthDay and then it was published on WebMD. WebMD is online source where anyone can go to get health information. All the information comes from over 100 doctors and physicians that WebMD works with so that they can provide accurate information. This article provides information on the the benefits of electronic cigarettes outweigh the harm they might cause. Using the liquid for electronic cigarettes cuts out all the extra chemicals that are found in traditional cigarettes.
In the words of Christiaan Huygens “I believe that we do not know anything for certain, but everything probably”(Christiaan Huygens > Quotes). Christiaan huygens made many interesting discoveries that change the way we view space and light around us. Christiaan Huygens was widely recognised as one of the leading important scientist of his time. To really understand how he became so influenced we will start by looking at his early life, education, and work our way to his science impact.
The e-cigarette format, however, does not eliminate concerns regarding public and individual health risks. The World Health Organization has called for e-cigarette usage to be monitored in the same way as more conventional tobacco products,(23) the US FDA is advocating for more research,(24) and there has been a dramatic increase in analyses of the chemical, physiological, psychological and socio-cultural aspects of e-cigarettes.(2-7,9-12,14-21,24-52)
Inter-Faith Food Shuttle (IFFS) is a $14.5 million nonprofit that uses a holistic approach to address and end hunger in the Research Triangle Region of North Carolina. IFFS believes that hunger is an issue that can be solved by, “creating sources of healthy food in every low-income neighborhood and grow opportunities for people to provide for themselves by learning job skills or growing their own food.” The pillars of this approach are feeding, teaching, and growing. (IFFS, 2016)
Everyone always wants to be with the latest trend, and as many celebrities and magazine ads have pictures of vaping, electronic cigarettes have become a "trend”. People are largely unaware of the emergency risks of vaping. According to a study by Mitch Zeller he states, “I can say definitely, that nicotine is harmful to a developing teenage brain. And no teenager, no young person. should be using any tobacco or nicotine-containing products”. Unlike true cigarettes, electronic cigarettes do not have
A major issues we face today is how un-informed people are on the vaping world also known as e-cigarettes. For that I have chosen an article called America’s vaping revolution: How suspicious should we really be of the e-cigarette craze by Noah Charney posted on Sunday, Dec 7th, 2014. This article is about what e-cigarettes are, where they came from and their uses and effects that they can cause. I’m choosing this article because vaping (smoking E-cigarettes) is something that not a lot of people understand. Some people believe it is bad for you and that it won’t help stop smoking and that it can still cause health issues. Other things include the cost; some say it cost less than cigarettes and should e-cigs not be allowed in certain places. Most people are not informed about vaping on if it’s truly harmful or not they just assume it’s the same as smoking a cigarettes and that’s all it is but over the years it has changed a lot.
In conclusion, more Americans need to be aware of the dangers of e-cigs including their addictive levels of nicotine, and harmful chemicals such as formaldehyde. Thedailybeast addressed the dangerous of e-cigs to not only the user, but other in this statement ,”Outside the risk of exposure to cancer-causing agents, e-cigarettes have been shown to prove dangerous to kids.” This shows that the dangers caused by e-cigs can indirectly harm others, and is posing as a threat to the user's health and can act as a bad influence toward the youth. This is why americans need to relook at how safe e-cigarettes
An increasing number of physicians and scientists agree that e-cigarettes are a healthier alternative, and they say these products could end a major health problem. The Royal College of Physicians say, "Electronic cigarettes and other nicotine-containing devices offer massive potential to improve public health, by providing smokers with a much safer alternative to tobacco" (Jen Christensen, sec. 4).
The 2016 presidential election made history when Donald Trump won against Hillary Clinton in a campaign like no other. Mr. Trump, who has never served in a political office, was able to steal the presidency from Mrs. Clinton, although she won the popular vote by a landslide. Along with the new president, there will be new policies and regulations put in place as well as modifications to existing ones. What does this mean for America’s and the world’s economies though?
E-cigarette is believed to greatly reduce on the health effects associated with tobacco smoking. However, e-cigarette has been criticized as a leading cause of smoking among the youth due to its flavor as well as its novel appearance and campaigns. It is also believed to pose some health risks. Despite such drawbacks, e-cigarette has recently gained a lot of popularity and subsequent growth.
Nicotine use is a leading preventable cause of death in the world, directly and indirectly responsible for 440,000 deaths per year. The health problems that result in tobacco use tally an annual of $75 billion in direct medical costs (Slovic 36). That money spent on medical problems for smokers should be used to pay for more important things in our society such as schools, libraries, childcare, etc.