
Research Proposal: First Service Learning Meeting

Decent Essays

When I think of Bangladesh, poverty, overpopulation, developing country, bad political system, small, poor farmers, pollution, and floods are all words and phrases that come to mind. Basically, the upgrade to a tribal village in Africa (another “one story” place). The only good phrases I could muster up were “beautiful architecture” and “beautiful landscapes”. The images I see when someone says Bangladesh are of hundreds of people pilled in and hanging off trains, trash and human shit everywhere, people with dirt all over them, standing water everywhere, and shacks as homes. I could not find any articles in previous research that put Bangladesh into positive light even while articles on its own news site made the country seem depressing besides …show more content…

My metal image of what I think Bangladesh is makes me sick inside because through my short research is really what Bangladesh look like and I will be taking it to the first Service Learning Meeting. I hope through my partners conversations and meetings that it will shed some light on why Bangladesh is in the condition it is in and maybe find some good things about the country. This video is about how polluted parts of Dhaka (the capital of Bangladesh) are by tanneries and other sources and how workers and other people living there interact with the pollution. The chemicals that are used in the tanning of leather are being soaked into the ground and dumped into Bangladesh’s main river polluting the river the river that already is polluted by cow shit, human shit, animal bones, and trash. Ultimately people have to endure the chemicals even if they are not tanners because they have to either fish for food or buy fish that was living inside the polluted river or they breath it in by being close to the tanneries shortening their lifespans to around 50 years

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