
Research Trial Is Unethical

Decent Essays

There are many ways in which a research trial can be unethical. Restating the obvious and what is already know for a research trial is unethical. You already have the knowledge and facts already, why do you need to have more research? A lack of clinical equipoise, which means a state of genuine uncertainty as to the advantages or disadvantages of each therapeutic arm in a clinical trial. If the question for the research is incapable of being answered then why is the research being conducted? If there is no outcome or end, why go on? Having bias during the research trial can make it unethical. Actions and procedures can be directed differently because of bias. Over-including a vulnerable population, such as, poor black men. Including people in a research trial whose ultimate benefits are unlikely to benefit them at all, they are just being used as the means to improve the well-being of others is unethical. …show more content…

Sometimes placebos are needed in some cases and in other they are not needed. I think if the conditions of the clinical trial are right, then a placebo arm should be used. However, if there is no particular need for the placebo, why give it? For example, in the Prenatal AZT Clinical Trials and Haiti Research, women were either going to get the AZT drug which would help prevent the spread of HIV to their unborn child or they were going to get the placebo arm which did nothing. In this trial the need for the placebo was unnecessary. The research had already been conducted on the drug. The research should have maybe been more focused with different levels of AZT instead of getting either all or none. An example of when a placebo is necessary is when a new drug needs to be tested. You need a control group so you can compare them with the others to find out what the drug can do and what side-effects and symptoms

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