Maria Castro
May 30, 2010
Research Paper
Cyber Bullying Within Teenagers
Bullying has changed in many different ways over time. Just how everything around us becomes more technical and easier to use, in some way so has bullying. Technology has changed bullying because it has only made it easier and more available to cyber bullies. Cyber bullying is a new trend that has evolved in the United States over the past few years. Cyber bullying is wrong and dangerous, it has caused various deaths and all types of negativity inside people’s lives. No one should practice bullying in the first place but thanks to the internet it occurs every second and it can happen to anyone. Cyber bullying has become very popular especially to
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Megan couldn’t take it anymore and decided to take her life away (Parents: Cyber Bullying Led to Teen’s Suicide). Teenagers are not aware and don’t come to full reorganization of what they’re doing on the internet. They take advantage of the technology we have and use it in their advantage. They are not realizing that their words even if they’re through the internet, they hurt other people and take them to depression. Not only does cyber bullying take victims to depression but it takes away lives. Cyber bullying also causes it’s victims to have a low self esteem. Having a low self esteem causes teenagers to act poorly in school and they become less and less excited about life. Everyone is different and everyone deals with situations differently. At the end of the day Cyber bullying is a form of abuse. It shouldn’t be practiced no matter what the reason behind it is. Cyber bullying is just as wrong as physical bullying. In some situations cyber bullying may seem like there is no physical threat or even contact but in reality it hurts the victims more than actual physical bullying. When teenagers practice cyber bullying not only are they hurting their victims but they are hurting themselves. Cyber bullies can end up in jail because there are now many laws that go against cyber bullying.
“One day after the anti bullying legislation became a law in Massachusetts; New York lawmakers are trying to do
In modern society today, freedom of speech has been a main concern to delinquents as to what they say on the web. Although, cyberbullying has turned into a major issue online that has gotten the schools’ attention and turn towards the security of their students. To accomplish nurturing their students’ safety, they have punished pupils for what they say on the Internet that is harmful in account of others. Alternatively, the Constitution believes this goes against the First Amendment and violates the students’ rights. Schools should be authorized to limit students’ online speech to decrease the matter of cyberbullying which has affected us in many ways.
Inspirational speaker, writer, and community leader Anna Maria Chávez once said “Cyber Bullies can hide behind a mask of anonymity online, and do not need direct physical access to their victims to do unimaginable harm.” Cyberbullying is negatively taking over technology and adults aren’t aware of the potential dangers it has on their children.
Cyber bullying has been around since the creation of advanced communication technology. In the last few years, however, this issue has become more common, more related to sex and most of all more dangerous. It has gotten so dangerous that children have killed each other and/or committed suicide after having been involved in a cyber bullying incident. Little attention and support from school authorities, more access to computers, and the latest cool thing (social networks) are all factors that have contributed to the rising of cyber-bullying practices.
A survey made by Massachusetts Advocates indicates that 88 percent of autistic children have been either verbally or physically abused. Julia Landau, the senior autism center director at Massachusetts Advocates for Children, says, “Children with autism spectrum disorder are especially vulnerable targets because of the nature of their disability.” Also, more than 90 percent of parents that has a child with Asperger Syndrome told the ABA that their child has been bullied in the last twelve months. All states have laws that address bullying, some specifically to help children with disabilities. Some parents believe that schools aren’t doing enough to address bullying. An anonymous writer says that in two out of three cases, the bullying lasted months, without much help from the school. Experts believe that now is an appropriate time to help victims of
"The saying, if sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me was ever true, it sure isn 't true today" (Alexander, 2011). The survey of 9 years olds in 35 countries found that New Zealand is the one most second highest rate of school bullying. (nzherald, 2012). Especially in this case parents really need to take a stand against bullying to help prevent it and to stop it. We as parents need to be a part of the solution, not the problem. Cyberbullying is harmful to society because it encourages poor behaviour many harshly affect the victim and makes the internet an unsafe environment for children.
Cyberbullying is defined as deliberately attempting to upset someone; cyberbullying can happen via a number numerous ways. With all different forms of social media, whether it be Twitter, Facebook, or even, Instagram, cyberbullying can occur. Bullying effects our communities. Kids that are bullied appear likely to experience anxiety, depression, loneliness, unhappiness, and sleep deprivation. Yet, while the victim might appear passive, it stands imperative that the parent may not. When a parent takes part in his or her child’s social media, it makes it harder for his or her child to be made fun of because their parents watch over them. A parent can stand as the ultimate counselor a child needs when getting bullied.
Bullying has been around forever, no matter what the situation or where it takes place in the American Society. This has also been a issue among the years and has been fought but never defeated. Even though it is mostly seen in America or there is no escaping from Bullying and how it affects people. There is also a quite broad history of Bullying and how it has developed or seen throughout the years. Also, there has also been a loophole through al of bulling laws and that’s cyber bullying. Overall bullying can really take a toll on someone and how they feel, that’s why there's Bullying Laws made.
Technology is and will be constantly changing, because of this cyber bullying is becoming more of a problem. Some advances in technology like being able to have x-rays, MRI’s have had a positive affect, while others like the cell phone, and social media have not. In about the last 25 years bullying has evolved from being picked on at school to being harassed through things like text messaging, social media, and email.
Cyber bullying refers to something when one uses their cell phone, computers or an electronic device to access internet and technology for the purpose of harassment and providing harms to others. Sending inappropriate messages, uploading disturbing images, threatening and posting something without someone’s’ approval are the forms of cyber bullying. The main aim of this research study is to look after the cyber bullying and the possible reasons of occurrence in teenagers. With the reasons we will be also identifying the solutions to the problems. This study will be limited to teenagers with the age group of 13-19. The importance of this research is that it will help to find out the risk-related findings, so that one can know how and why teenagers are involved and participated in the cyber bullying (Elisabeth Staksrud, 2007). With the reasons and occurrence behind the cyber bullying, this will be also focusing on the preventive measures as well as influencing factors which might be their parents, friends or the educators in the education academy. Some of the results of the cyber bullying leads the victim to the anxiety, depression and even suicide.
Bullying has always been a prevalent issue among society, especially within adolescence. However, cyberbullying in specific, is becoming more intense and harmful as the use technology increases. Unfortunately, bullies target those who are different among society, such as individuals who are different in race, religion, language, and sexual orientation. Bullying is no longer stemmed from school and left there, kids are bringing these unnecessary things home with them through the use of social media. These behaviors from bullies are preventing the victims to exceed their full potential in school, extra-circular activities, and being who they are in general. Now that most individuals use social media, they are able to see who is being
She sits in a dark room every day, thinking about all the stuff she reads on social media. Every day goes by with her thinking “you’re ugly,” “you’re fat,” and a lot of others. One day, she had enough and suicide was her answer. Cyberbullying affects a lot of teens even more since social media became popular, with all things that social media can do that is why all these teens and other people get cyberbullied. Now it is not just bullying going on at school, it also comes home with people on the internet and you can read even more stuff than what you just hear at school. In recent years cyberbullying has increased by a lot. Cyberbullying is a social issue in the Unites States because it targets a lot of teens, it leads to teen depression, and it has increased a lot in city schools.
As time goes on and technological advances are made, cyberbullying has become a common and very heavily discussed topic. Not only is this a prevalent issue in our society, but also a personal one as I have faced many difficult situations in dealing with being cyberbullied. A primary reason for discussing the importance of educating parents on cyberbullying is the effect it can have on the entire family system. Cyberbullying differs from general bullying because it is through technological means and does not stop when the child goes home. The negative effects of cyberbullying are abundant; thus, it would be beneficial for parents to receive proper education on creating awareness, advocating, and preventing cyberbullying in their adolescent’s life.
Cyber bullying is no stranger; it is so common nowadays that certain people have no remorse towards it or what so ever. Cyber Bullying targets all type of people no matter the age, race or gender. Mainly among youngsters, especially with the invention of Internet and its mass commercial use, some did not envisage the importance and how deleterious it can be. There are two types of Cyber Bullying it depends on the age of the person; adults for instance, it is more commonly referred to as stalking or harassment, simply because adults know how to deal with ‘bullies’ unlike teenagers, making them an easy prey.
Bullying has been around since the beginning of time. Parents may remember when they were kids and the bully would pick on them or their friends by stealing lunch money or just getting beat up, and that was the end of it. The victims remember the hurt, frustration, and sadness it caused. However, these days, bullying is not just happening on the playground or at the bus stop, it is happening on the Internet and on cell phones, making it possible to bully a child 24 hours a day with multiple bullies and thousands of kids watching. Cyberbullying follows children nonstop and into the safety of their house. Sometimes kids are afraid to inform their parents about the cyberbullying that they will think its there fault. Or that their parents will call the bullies parents or other parents, making the bullying worse. However, the effect and pain that comes from cyberbullying is real. People underestimate cyberbullying, just because it is happening online and not in person. Cyberbullying can lead to many different factors like drinking, and drugs, poor grades, depression, eating disorders. Many students have even taken their own lives because of another student saying something to them online. Cyberbullying has been taking place a lot more in middle and high schools because of the increased usage of social media networks and technology. Cyberbullying is worse and more harmful than traditional bullying.
Bullying is a bad thing but the worst of all the types of bullying is cyber bulling, it is a terrible weapon that can destroy someone's life and reputation. Cyber bullying is a part of bullying in which a person torments or harasses other people in a deliberate, repeated, and hostile manner, with technology. It has had a much greater effect on the world more than the traditional way of bullying.